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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact this is Ramjattan and Nagamootoo business partner. They both invested heavily in EZJet to get the AFC/PNC drug running campaign off to a robust start. They were mad that the US and PPP shut down their drug operation. 



You better shut YU mouth since EZEE COME EZEE GO Mr Sonny singing like a Parrot and he done identify who paid for the fuel as a means of washing the billions scored in kick back from the Chinese through that Baroda Bank.


Ask Baseman, he is the Indian washerman!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact this is Ramjattan and Nagamootoo business partner. They both invested heavily in EZJet to get the AFC/PNC drug running campaign off to a robust start. They were mad that the US and PPP shut down their drug operation. 

You doing a poor ass job trying to deflect. Poor excuse for a man doing a poor ass job.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

Another one who singing against BJ.  He claimed that BJ paid for the fuel from an Indian Company owned by BJ and BABBY as way to wash the proceeds from CHINESE kick backs.


Which Chinese projects give BJ a kick back?

Skeldon Sugar factory US$12 million;


Fip Matilal Road -US$1 million;


Airport expansion - US$8 million;


Clico deal - US$5 million.


Sanata deal - US$1 million.


many more to numerous to mention - gpc, bk, berbice bridge, total collection according to the information from op - US$85 million and counting.


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