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As more details continue to unravel in the Camp Street prison break probe, Police investigators today questioned a woman who claims that four men, believed to be the prison escapees, forced her and her children out of her friend's car on Sunday afternoon and took the friend hostage. The 22-year-old man, Matthew Shivtahal, has not been seen or heard from since, but the burgundy Toyota 212 car that he was driving, has since been found abandoned.

Image may contain: 1 person, car and outdoor
Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

As more details continue to unravel in the Camp Street prison break probe, Police investigators today questioned a woman who claims that four men, believed to be the prison escapees, forced her and her children out of her friend's car on Sunday afternoon and took the friend hostage. The 22-year-old man, Matthew Shivtahal, has not been seen or heard from since, but the burgundy Toyota 212 car that he was driving, has since been found abandoned.

Image may contain: 1 person, car and outdoor

This is some sickening stuff going on in the motherland, those sobs have to be blown away ...but as druggie said...after some serious interrogation with no holds barred.

Last edited by cain

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