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Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I do not agree, you guys have to fight fire with fire.  SKIN up them for their propaganda.

Brian this chap TK carry himself around as if he is a Power House and Prize Pick in the PNC like your name sake....Vincent Teeka, or Sonny Ramphal, DR Mohamed Sahabadeen or Ranji Chandlisingh
Granger show all of us in the PNC this chap is like a half drop of water in the ocean
When ge get nanish....yes we have to box sense in he head....but TK even with all dem Jumbie no big catch. In the PNC the Great Burnham respect Vincent Teeka, now Granger a nobody compared to Burnhan just got TK stringing him along and de fool going fuh de ride.....PNC made it clear.....NO HEAT TABLE FOR YOU.
Originally Posted by baseman:

An in-check PNC and an in-check PPP that could be voted in and out at th will of the people is the best solution for Guyana.  Unfortunately, the current PNC is no different from the old PNC populated with the likes of racists Caribj and Redux, as such, no alternative but the PPP....for now.

ah deh pan yuh mind whole day nah?


nah tek worries, meh whip gat plenty lash left

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Time to also expose the weaknesses tof Granja.


People want leadership from the PNC, not holding on to their position because of the racial equation.

What the hell are you morons saying? Is the PPP in power because of their multiethnic credentials? They are an indo based party as the PNC is afrobased. If there is a racial equation then it is the sin of both.


What the People want ( as if it is not the People responsible for this racial bifurcation) is what the people got, race based parties! The idea of uncovering weaknesses is not what you ignoramuses seek.    You simply are a  bunch of confused dullards arguing the absurd.


You pretend Granger is bad but why? You dig the past not the fact that we are in a different world and they cannot do as they did in the past. You say nothing of what the PPP are doing because that is what is available to Granger also if he gets in.


What you should be doing is insisting on possible changes and so set an agenda for change. And let me say this to you morons. If the PPP are on a gluttonous feed binge what would give them an upset stomach unless the are kicked out of office?


Focusing on what Granger will do in absence of condemnation of what is being done is for morons. Granger at least would have to meet some expectations of good government given he has opposed certain positions ie NICIL secrecy, lack of local government, lack of procurement commission all opposed by the PPP.


This is not a matter of liking a philosophical viewpoint. It is about the probability of the best outcome given particular input parameters.


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I do not agree, you guys have to fight fire with fire.  SKIN up them for their propaganda.

Brian this chap TK carry himself around as if he is a Power House and Prize Pick in the PNC like your name sake....Vincent Teeka, or Sonny Ramphal, DR Mohamed Sahabadeen or Ranji Chandlisingh
Granger show all of us in the PNC this chap is like a half drop of water in the ocean
When ge get nanish....yes we have to box sense in he head....but TK even with all dem Jumbie no big catch. In the PNC the Great Burnham respect Vincent Teeka, now Granger a nobody compared to Burnhan just got TK stringing him along and de fool going fuh de ride.....PNC made it clear.....NO HEAT TABLE FOR YOU.

 TK can carry himself as he sees fit. He can also join whatever party he deem is to his liking. What you fools need to do is quit the moronic tact of nonsensical chatter and address what he says and writes. That is where you can prove your mettel if any such exists.

Originally Posted by baseman:

An in-check PNC and an in-check PPP that could be voted in and out at th will of the people is the best solution for Guyana.  Unfortunately, the current PNC is no different from the old PNC populated with the likes of racists Caribj and Redux, as such, no alternative but the PPP....for now.

the PPP are crooked with an insatiable appetite for theft. No chance to that activity is forthcoming in the presence of those kleptocrats in office. Any other but them would mean a hope and a prayer and that is better than certainty of a negative outcome.  It is simple probability calculus.


I suggest you check your credentials for unbiased views before you pretend others are racists and you are not.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Time to also expose the weaknesses tof Granja.


People want leadership from the PNC, not holding on to their position because of the racial equation.

What the hell are you morons saying? Is the PPP in power because of their multiethnic credentials? They are an indo based party as the PNC is afrobased. If there is a racial equation then it is the sin of both.


What the People want ( as if it is not the People responsible for this racial bifurcation) is what the people got, race based parties! The idea of uncovering weaknesses is not what you ignoramuses seek.    You simply are a  bunch of confused dullards arguing the absurd.


You pretend Granger is bad but why? You dig the past not the fact that we are in a different world and they cannot do as they did in the past. You say nothing of what the PPP are doing because that is what is available to Granger also if he gets in.


What you should be doing is insisting on possible changes and so set an agenda for change. And let me say this to you morons. If the PPP are on a gluttonous feed binge what would give them an upset stomach unless the are kicked out of office?


Focusing on what Granger will do in absence of condemnation of what is being done is for morons. Granger at least would have to meet some expectations of good government given he has opposed certain positions ie NICIL secrecy, lack of local government, lack of procurement commission all opposed by the PPP.


This is not a matter of liking a philosophical viewpoint. It is about the probability of the best outcome given particular input parameters.


Eh EH, Mr PNC Stormborn like he get Salivatory Diarrhea.


Another PNC joker wearing blinkers.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

An in-check PNC and an in-check PPP that could be voted in and out at th will of the people is the best solution for Guyana.  Unfortunately, the current PNC is no different from the old PNC populated with the likes of racists Caribj and Redux, as such, no alternative but the PPP....for now.

the PPP are crooked with an insatiable appetite for theft. No chance to that activity is forthcoming in the presence of those kleptocrats in office. Any other but them would mean a hope and a prayer and that is better than certainty of a negative outcome.  It is simple probability calculus.


I suggest you check your credentials for unbiased views before you pretend others are racists and you are not.

Nooo, I think you had too much piwari for Father's day.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I do not agree, you guys have to fight fire with fire.  SKIN up them for their propaganda.

Brian this chap TK carry himself around as if he is a Power House and Prize Pick in the PNC like your name sake....Vincent Teeka, or Sonny Ramphal, DR Mohamed Sahabadeen or Ranji Chandlisingh
Granger show all of us in the PNC this chap is like a half drop of water in the ocean
When ge get nanish....yes we have to box sense in he head....but TK even with all dem Jumbie no big catch. In the PNC the Great Burnham respect Vincent Teeka, now Granger a nobody compared to Burnhan just got TK stringing him along and de fool going fuh de ride.....PNC made it clear.....NO HEAT TABLE FOR YOU.

 TK can carry himself as he sees fit. He can also join whatever party he deem is to his liking. What you fools need to do is quit the moronic tact of nonsensical chatter and address what he says and writes. That is where you can prove your mettel if any such exists.

Mr Jalil and Mr Kishan/Teekah is showing old way how PPP abuse Indos to stay in line. Mr TK can make a lining for he self. Dont answer to the racial people. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

An in-check PNC and an in-check PPP that could be voted in and out at th will of the people is the best solution for Guyana.  Unfortunately, the current PNC is no different from the old PNC populated with the likes of racists Caribj and Redux, as such, no alternative but the PPP....for now.

the PPP are crooked with an insatiable appetite for theft. No chance to that activity is forthcoming in the presence of those kleptocrats in office. Any other but them would mean a hope and a prayer and that is better than certainty of a negative outcome.  It is simple probability calculus.


I suggest you check your credentials for unbiased views before you pretend others are racists and you are not.

Nooo, I think you had too much piwari for Father's day.

Sorry, you speak from your experience of what you do on auspicious days. Those are your mores not mine.


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