Jaipaul Sharma admits to APNU’s destructive politics – confirms Opposition uses ‘revenge’ tactic in National Assembly to sabotage Government’s development programme
HAVING rejoined the party in the face of General and Regional elections slated for this year, returning A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) member, Jaipaul Sharma yesterday at APNU’s weekly press conference admitted to his party’s “revenge” tactic used in the life of the tenth Parliament against the Government.When questioned by the media on whether he was happy with the achievement of the legislative arm in the 10th Parliament, the Justice For All Party (JFAP) executive member, which has now rejoined the Coalition, responded in the negative, stressing that “No one is happy, including myself.”
He continued that in several instances: “The odds were against the APNU in terms of that the PPP managed to have the speaker rule against the APNU, even their own party, the AFC. What we could say is that we tried our best.”
However, things took a sudden twist as Sharma commenced his plea bargain with the populace, advising that they should “not just put the APNU into office, but to give us [APNU] a majority.”
Sharma subsequently reflected on the progress made in the 10th Parliament, adding that “we don’t want a repeat; maybe the APNU in office faced with a situation of being a minority in the National Assembly, but hold the executive.”
Admitting that the Opposition had played destructive politics in the Parliament, the now APNU member continued: “And then the PPP gonna dish out the same that probably the joint Opposition gave them, the revenge thing.” He then subtly ended his statement by saying, “It will not benefit the people.”
Sharma, a former APNU Member of Parliament (MP), resigned as an MP last year April, following reports of heckling in the National Assembly which were not well received by him. Following this, he then revealed that he was not “competent” and “vibrant” enough, while adding that he didn’t know to heckle.