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Former Member


Jaipaul Sharma, the Minister within the Ministry of Finance, says he is willing to give up his post to Irfaan Ali, an Opposition spokesperson on the economy, as he believes it is not too late for inclusionary governance.

Sharma, the lone representative of the Justice For All (JFA) Party in the APNU+AFC Government, is also urging other Parties of the Coalition which have more representation, to give up a few portfolios to the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C).

“Just imagine you had a member of the PPP/C and I am proposing Irfaan [Ali] because he is the PPP/C economic czar, so [him] sitting here, looking at the numbers, he could testify to the financial position of the Government,” Minister Sharma told News Room during an interview at his Main Street Office on Tuesday.

Contending that the benefits of inclusionary governance are many, the politician called on his partners in Government to embrace a similar posture, especially since they can afford to give up a few positions.

“My political party only have one seat in the National Assembly and it has one ministerial post. So my position of giving up my position as Minister, I am giving up 100%,” Minister Sharma explained.

He noted that Parties like the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) can share some portfolios with the Opposition since they have many positions within the Government.

Sharma made it clear that he is not betraying the coalition but he is of the view that inclusionary governance will do well for democracy if the PPP, which has a large support base across the country, is represented in the Government.


“I don’t see it as anyway attacking the Government or being in bed with the Opposition,” he said, noting that only last week, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo called for him to be jailed for being “stupid”.

According to Sharma, an inclusionary governance structure will give the governing party leverage as the Opposition will have firsthand exposure to challenges.

Referring to the Teachers’ demands for increased salaries, Sharma explained if there were Opposition members in Government, they could easily testify to the difficulties that exist in meeting those demands.

He further noted that having the PPP and the APNU+AFC coalition in a shared governance structure will contribute significantly to a united country.

“I believe in having such things. You can look in the eyes of the people of this country and you can speak with one voice and the people need to know that the politicians and the government are genuine,” Sharma said.

A proposal for inclusionary governance which was made to the PPP shortly after the coalition won the 2015 elections.

But Sharma, who is not a member of the Cabinet, expressed if someone truly wants something, they will, to their “last day”, ensure it is accomplished.

“You either want it or you don’t want it. So if you want it, you shall try your best to ensure it is something that you will always strive,” Sharma noted.


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Paging Mitwah. 

You doubted Bibi when she first mentioned this prior to the article. 

Mits, it is time that you eat humble pie and apologize to Bibi.

There are many, many things that you and the AFC are in the dark about. Some wealthy folks meet with mighty officials in the PNC and you are in the dark about those meetings.

Kindly enjoy your humble pie.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Paging Mitwah. 

You doubted Bibi when she first mentioned this prior to the article. 

Mits, it is time that you eat humble pie and apologize to Bibi.

There are many, many things that you and the AFC are in the dark about. Some wealthy folks meet with mighty officials in the PNC and you are in the dark about those meetings.

Kindly enjoy your humble pie.

Jaipaul Sharma is as dumb as and probably a bigger dingbat than his dumbo, child-rapist father !  


Jaipaul is a junior finance minister. Jaipaul is not a cabinet member. Irfaan was a senior minister and a cabinet member. Irfaan not stupid to take Jaipaul's position where he would be left out of decision making. Jagdeo right; Sharma stupid.

Ray posted:

arrite can't make accusations wildly (about the man's father)

( I stand corrected if this is fact)

PLease source your accusation or else it will be removed

I am not making any accusations; the children themselves tearfully and individually related what Mitta Sharma did to them. Based on what they said, I believe them. What I believe is that Sharma got away with it because he sang the appropriate political song !

Last edited by Keffer
yuji22 posted:

Paging Mitwah. 

You doubted Bibi when she first mentioned this prior to the article. 

Mits, it is time that you eat humble pie and apologize to Bibi.

There are many, many things that you and the AFC are in the dark about. Some wealthy folks meet with mighty officials in the PNC and you are in the dark about those meetings.

Kindly enjoy your humble pie.

Mitwah's job here on GNI is to spread PNC propaganda and denigrate women.  While I have zero respect for both him and Sharma, at least Sharma is honest enough to say that the PNC cannot manage the finances of the economy.  Teachers in Guyana are on strike on the first day of school and PNC Finance Minister is dancing through the streets of Brooklyn, New York while the education of Guyana's children is at stake.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Ray posted:

arrite can't make accusations wildly (about the man's father)

( I stand corrected if this is fact)

PLease source your accusation or else it will be removed

How come you don't make the same threat toward the PNC posters?  This accusation is public information.  You must be living under a rock if you have never heard of the rape accusations.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

Paging Mitwah. 

You doubted Bibi when she first mentioned this prior to the article. 

Mits, it is time that you eat humble pie and apologize to Bibi.

There are many, many things that you and the AFC are in the dark about. Some wealthy folks meet with mighty officials in the PNC and you are in the dark about those meetings.

Kindly enjoy your humble pie.

Mitwah's job here on GNI is to spread PNC propaganda and denigrate women.  While I have zero respect for both him and Sharma, at least Sharma is honest enough to say that the PNC cannot manage the finances of the economy.  Teachers in Guyana are on strike on the first day of school and PNC Finance Minister is dancing through the streets of Brooklyn, New York while the education of Guyana's children is at stake.

There is no need for me to denigrate you or Yugli. You ladies are doing a great job yourselves. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

arrite can't make accusations wildly (about the man's father)

( I stand corrected if this is fact)

PLease source your accusation or else it will be removed

How come you don't make the same threat toward the PNC posters?  This accusation is public information.  You must be living under a rock if you have never heard of the rape accusations.

I really don't care who is a PNC or PPP poster (didn't know Keffer was PPP)...I did not realize this is Sharma son (sorry, don't have as much time as you for Guyana politicians)

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

 at least Sharma is honest enough to say that the PNC cannot manage the finances of the economy.

Where did Sharma said such in his missive ?

Bhai, don't question the girl as if you are Basil Williams. She merely inferred something from Sharma's statement which denotes something but can connote something else. Implying and inferring are not exact sciences. 

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

 at least Sharma is honest enough to say that the PNC cannot manage the finances of the economy.

Where did Sharma said such in his missive ?

Bhai, don't question the girl as if you are Basil Williams. She merely inferred something from Sharma's statement which denotes something but can connote something else. Implying and inferring are not exact sciences. 

claptrap and bullsh!t

she our and out lied!

Ray posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

arrite can't make accusations wildly (about the man's father)

( I stand corrected if this is fact)

PLease source your accusation or else it will be removed

How come you don't make the same threat toward the PNC posters?  This accusation is public information.  You must be living under a rock if you have never heard of the rape accusations.

I really don't care who is a PNC or PPP poster (didn't know Keffer was PPP)...I did not realize this is Sharma son (sorry, don't have as much time as you for Guyana politicians)

I do not live in Guyana and I am not a member of any political party there. I do, however, visit Guyana a few times per year to spend time with relatives there and also try to keep myself updated on political, economic, business and other events. cricket events there via friends, relatives, newspapers and the internet. Anyone, with even the most minute sense of truth and decency, who has ever listened to C.N. Sharma and/or his dumb-ass son for no more than a minute or two, will immediately conclude that they are both woefully uneducated !Their language (pronunciation, sentence-construction and choices of words) are no better than those of a 10 year old Guyanese child who has not gone past 'second standard' ! In my view, and undoubtedly in the eyes of the average man in Guyana, "Mitta Sharma" Jnr. is a minister in Granger's cabinet only to provide 'ethnic window dressing' for Granger and his blatantly racist PNC ! My 12 year old nephew can wipe the floor with both of these two morons; anytime ! Mitta Sharma is nothing but a source of amusement to most Guyanese and anyone who listens to his son, the junior minister, will immediately understand what the old saying 'the chip does not fall far from the block' means. I have no idea what a 'Junior' minister (whatever that means) does in Granger's cabinet but, without any doubt whatsoever, listening to either of them is unquestionably a painful experience ! In my view, 'Ministuh' Sharma is being used by Granger and his blatantly racist PNC purely as political window dressing ! He is as dunce as they come so it is nothing but natural that sane and rational people will express shock and dismay with Granger's choice of him as a member of his cabinet.

With respect to your threat of deleting me from posting on GNI, feel free to follow through with whatever pleases you.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

 at least Sharma is honest enough to say that the PNC cannot manage the finances of the economy.

Where did Sharma said such in his missive ?

Bhai, don't question the girl as if you are Basil Williams. She merely inferred something from Sharma's statement which denotes something but can connote something else. Implying and inferring are not exact sciences. 

That's a very nice way of saying she made it up or that she is lying.

Last edited by Mitwah

"Dave" tek he cue from de odda slanderer Yugli, ahwe holy bramin, who got off scot free without warning or sanction for he missives about Varshnie Jagdeo, while yelping for "higher standards" fuh posting. Dem bais gat carte blanche hay. Admins even wipe de place clean fuh Yugli.

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:

arrite can't make accusations wildly (about the man's father)

( I stand corrected if this is fact)

PLease source your accusation or else it will be removed

How come you don't make the same threat toward the PNC posters?  This accusation is public information.  You must be living under a rock if you have never heard of the rape accusations.

I really don't care who is a PNC or PPP poster (didn't know Keffer was PPP)...I did not realize this is Sharma son (sorry, don't have as much time as you for Guyana politicians)

An observation Raymond ....

"If one does not have much time to be generally up to date with Guyana politics, then the said individual should be cautious to make the statement in your referenced post. "

Ray posted:

arrite can't make accusations wildly (about the man's father)

( I stand corrected if this is fact)

PLease source your accusation or else it will be removed

I had exactly this same conversation with a prominent Imam few years back. He was adamantly defending CN. I listened for a bit and then asked, "what about the house on....?" at which point he got quiet.

Mitwah posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

 at least Sharma is honest enough to say that the PNC cannot manage the finances of the economy.

Where did Sharma said such in his missive ?

Bhai, don't question the girl as if you are Basil Williams. She merely inferred something from Sharma's statement which denotes something but can connote something else. Implying and inferring are not exact sciences. 

That's a very nice way of saying she made it up or that she is lying.

Remember as per Giuliani, the truth is not the truth.....

Mitwah posted:

Sharma is undoubtedly the dumbest of the dumb in Guyana !! This overgrown jackass talks about 'narmal house lat' size ! There is no such thing; nowhere in the world ! He is every bit like his equally dunce papa CN Sharma who cannot put two simple sentences together but continues to spew stupidity every time he opens his mouth. This is a classic example of 'like father, like son' !!  


From the news clip, it appears Jaipal Sharma was asked the question. His reply was addressing a Guyanese audience through the medium of television. He spoke to a ppl who probably have less education than him and also those who are more educated than him. And I think he communicated the comments in an excellent fashion. Plain and simple in Guyanese.

Ofcouse, he ain no Howard trained orator. But any Guyanese could understand him.

These days, ppl seldom try to speak like the WASP. Even when a Foreigners speaks English it is subtitled.

This is the age of Trumpism-no need to expand vocabularies. Most of the world going illiterate even though they are highly educated. Reliance on too many damn technologies.

seignet posted:

From the news clip, it appears Jaipal Sharma was asked the question. His reply was addressing a Guyanese audience through the medium of television. He spoke to a ppl who probably have less education than him and also those who are more educated than him. And I think he communicated the comments in an excellent fashion. Plain and simple in Guyanese.

Ofcouse, he ain no Howard trained orator. But any Guyanese could understand him.

These days, ppl seldom try to speak like the WASP. Even when a Foreigners speaks English it is subtitled.

This is the age of Trumpism-no need to expand vocabularies. Most of the world going illiterate even though they are highly educated. Reliance on too many damn technologies.

Total BS ! This is not in any way whatsoever about oratory. If anyone listens to his speech (choice of words and pronunciation) in everyday dialogue or discussions you will quickly come to the conclusion that he is nothing but a full-fledged dingbat; exactly like his child-rapist father ! There are several video clips that are readily accessible on YouTube; all you need to do is listen; unless of course, there is something terribly wrong with your ears. I am positive that 90 out 100 people will swiftly conclude that he and his child-rapist father are nothing but two idiots. 

Dave posted:

 Jaipaul Sharma willing to give up finance post to PPP

Sharma made it clear that he is not betraying the coalition but he is of the view that inclusionary governance will do well for democracy if the PPP, which has a large support base across the country, is represented in the Government.

“I don’t see it as anyway attacking the Government or being in bed with the Opposition,” he said, noting that only last week, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo called for him to be jailed for being “stupid”.

A start, perhaps. 


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