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Former Member

As Cain reminds us it is good PPP Loose.

Jagdeo & Ramotar were thrown out from govt by the people.

Forensic Audits are showing all the thiefing and corruption the PPP was involved in (Under Jagdeo & Ramotar).

Serious charges are coming soon....

Before the New Govt first year (May 11th) nuff Ministers & PPP Officials will facing the courts and answering charges.

Bibi, Big_Seed, Yuji, Cobra, Skeldon & Nehru can scratch all day long

but Guyana is not returning to being owned, operated & controlled by Drug Lords.

Granger & Nagamootoo cleaning up the place.

Jagdeo & Ramotar cannot use Guysuco Trucks to transport Indian people anymore in Berbice.

Berbicians are not interested in " A Flatty, A Tee Shirt & A Fry-Rice anymore"

Indians realize "Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton" are still Black Thugs although Jagdeo tell us they are "Black Hindu Brothers"

Indians realize  "McClean, Nascimento & Gouviea" are still the ones who carried out the Murder of Dr Rodney and Help Burnham rig the elections to keep out Jagan......

Jagdeo removed the Indians from the Private Sector....

No more Tolsie Persaud, Mazharally & Yesu Persaud representing the private sector.....

Jagdeo replace them with "McClean, Nascimento & Gouviea" 

De Black people realize..... Roger Luncheon & Sam Hinds have to sit quiet and swallow the Indian Racist poison being spread by Jagdeo....... PPP is a Jihaji Party.


Let us examine the Jagdeo Jihaji Party.......

(1) Drug Dealers, Crooks & Bandits

(2) Private Sector - "McClean, Nascimento & Gouviea" 

(3)  "Black Hindu Pandits" -  "Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton"



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jalil posted:

As Cain reminds us it is good PPP Loose.

Jagdeo & Ramotar were thrown out from govt by the people.

Forensic Audits are showing all the thiefing and corruption the PPP was involved in (Under Jagdeo & Ramotar).

Serious charges are coming soon....

Before the New Govt first year (May 11th) nuff Ministers & PPP Officials will facing the courts and answering charges.

Bibi, Big_Seed, Yuji, Cobra, Skeldon & Nehru can scratch all day long

but Guyana is not returning to being owned, operated & controlled by Drug Lords.

Granger & Nagamootoo cleaning up the place.

Jagdeo & Ramotar cannot use Guysuco Trucks to transport Indian people anymore in Berbice.

Berbicians are not interested in " A Flatty, A Tee Shirt & A Fry-Rice anymore"

Indians realize "Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton" are still Black Thugs although Jagdeo tell us they are "Black Hindu Brothers"

Indians realize  "McClean, Nascimento & Gouviea" are still the ones who carried out the Murder of Dr Rodney and Help Burnham rig the elections to keep out Jagan......

Jagdeo removed the Indians from the Private Sector....

No more Tolsie Persaud, Mazharally & Yesu Persaud representing the private sector.....

Jagdeo replace them with "McClean, Nascimento & Gouviea" 

De Black people realize..... Roger Luncheon & Sam Hinds have to sit quiet and swallow the Indian Racist poison being spread by Jagdeo....... PPP is a Jihaji Party.


Let us examine the Jagdeo Jihaji Party.......

(1) Drug Dealers, Crooks & Bandits

(2) Private Sector - "McClean, Nascimento & Gouviea" 

(3)  "Black Hindu Pandits" -  "Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton"



Back with your nonsense eh?? You should go back to sleep...stop flooding the board.

Django posted:

Jalil welcome back,now i can take some day off,you will take of the crew who defends wrong doings.

Suh Vish is it true wha Jalil sayin??

Let start with a few......

let Vish tell us who is

Bobby Ramroop, Eddie Boyo,

Ashni Singh, Kowlessar, Manniram, Irfan Ali,

Buddy, Badri Persaud, Brassington,

and their boss Bharat Jagdeo.....



Let us examine the Jagdeo Jihaji Party.......

(1) Drug Dealers, Crooks & Bandits

(2) Private Sector - "McClean, Nascimento & Gouviea" 

(3)  "Black Hindu Pandits" -  "Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton"

Amral posted:

Vent if you must Jalil, there is nothing wrong with that, but please lets keep the board decent. Welcome back. Hope you have your kite ready. You had enough time to build it.


I agree with you,it's about time you warn the offenders who on a daily basis called posters names,this happens most of the times when they are  cornered.Their blatant disregard is causing intelligent posters to back away from this site.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Amral posted:

Vent if you must Jalil, there is nothing wrong with that, but please lets keep the board decent. Welcome back. Hope you have your kite ready. You had enough time to build it.


I agree with you,it's about time you warn the offenders who on a daily basis called posters names,this happens most of the times when they are  cornered.Their blatant disregard is causing intelligent posters to back away from this site.

Why stop at this? Why not address posters who are using words like "dickhead" and go "Fu..k yourself"? Aren't these worse than what you are addressing? You must really like Dick Cheney.


skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Amral posted:

Vent if you must Jalil, there is nothing wrong with that, but please lets keep the board decent. Welcome back. Hope you have your kite ready. You had enough time to build it.


I agree with you,it's about time you warn the offenders who on a daily basis called posters names,this happens most of the times when they are  cornered.Their blatant disregard is causing intelligent posters to back away from this site.

Why stop at this? Why not address posters who are using words like "dickhead" and go "Fu..k yourself"? Aren't these worse than what you are addressing? You must really like Dick Cheney.


Like you didn't see me seh "warn the offenders"

You trying to be sly to stitch in an insult .. eh bhai

Django is above that he does not hit below the belt,it's one of the discipline that was taught when studying martial arts.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Amral posted:

Vent if you must Jalil, there is nothing wrong with that, but please lets keep the board decent. Welcome back. Hope you have your kite ready. You had enough time to build it.


I agree with you,it's about time you warn the offenders who on a daily basis called posters names,this happens most of the times when they are  cornered.Their blatant disregard is causing intelligent posters to back away from this site.

Why stop at this? Why not address posters who are using words like "dickhead" and go "Fu..k yourself"? Aren't these worse than what you are addressing? You must really like Dick Cheney.


Like you didn't see me seh "warn the offenders"

You trying to be sly to stitch in an insult .. eh bhai

Django is above that he does not hit below the belt,it's one of the discipline that was taught when studying martial arts.

I was trying to address the vulgarity spewed by some senior posters here. One believes that because he's been here since 1996, he can use vulgarity when ever he wants without penalty. I used the word "wasted sperm" and got suspended. I am not trying to slide in an insult. Now that it is getting warmer and the lakes are with water(not ice), I will be off to do the outdoor things I love to do. Less time taking insults and and talking crap here.


People prapa miss Jalil, he looks like Santa coming on Xmas Morning. Well Jalil I got news for you, the PPP really cut the PNC tail at the Local government election, they won the POPULAR vote by 25,000 votes, so tell me how that happen???Maybe the tides are changing. Since Granger got in power he did not jail anyone but has released quite a few criminals and killed 18 others.

kp posted:

People prapa miss Jalil, he looks like Santa coming on Xmas Morning. Well Jalil I got news for you, the PPP really cut the PNC tail at the Local government election, they won the POPULAR vote by 25,000 votes, so tell me how that happen???Maybe the tides are changing. Since Granger got in power he did not jail anyone but has released quite a few criminals and killed 18 others.

KP, with all due respect that is not a big win for the PPP,when considering the size of population in the demographics where they won,I am certainly you are aware of the two voting system of LGE and General Elections,the winner is the Coalition winning the Towns.

Django posted:

KP, with all due respect that is not a big win for the PPP,when considering the size of population in the demographics where they won,I am certainly you are aware of the two voting system of LGE and General Elections,the winner is the Coalition winning the Towns.

Bai, is Easter. Don't spoil me PPP comrades' spirit with bad news. Show some tact and discretion. Have patience till after Easter Monday. 

kp posted:

People prapa miss Jalil, he looks like Santa coming on Xmas Morning. Well Jalil I got news for you, the PPP really cut the PNC tail at the Local government election, they won the POPULAR vote by 25,000 votes, so tell me how that happen???Maybe the tides are changing. Since Granger got in power he did not jail anyone but has released quite a few criminals and killed 18 others.

Aright, I know it's easter. You're not too bright to discern between LGE & GE. The PPP won big where the population is less than 30%.


VishMahabir posted:
Jalil posted:

As Cain reminds us it is good PPP Loose.

Jagdeo & Ramotar were thrown out from govt by the people.

Forensic Audits are showing all the thiefing and corruption the PPP was involved in (Under Jagdeo & Ramotar).

Serious charges are coming soon....

Before the New Govt first year (May 11th) nuff Ministers & PPP Officials will facing the courts and answering charges.

Bibi, Big_Seed, Yuji, Cobra, Skeldon & Nehru can scratch all day long

but Guyana is not returning to being owned, operated & controlled by Drug Lords.

Granger & Nagamootoo cleaning up the place.

Jagdeo & Ramotar cannot use Guysuco Trucks to transport Indian people anymore in Berbice.

Berbicians are not interested in " A Flatty, A Tee Shirt & A Fry-Rice anymore"

Indians realize "Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton" are still Black Thugs although Jagdeo tell us they are "Black Hindu Brothers"

Indians realize  "McClean, Nascimento & Gouviea" are still the ones who carried out the Murder of Dr Rodney and Help Burnham rig the elections to keep out Jagan......

Jagdeo removed the Indians from the Private Sector....

No more Tolsie Persaud, Mazharally & Yesu Persaud representing the private sector.....

Jagdeo replace them with "McClean, Nascimento & Gouviea" 

De Black people realize..... Roger Luncheon & Sam Hinds have to sit quiet and swallow the Indian Racist poison being spread by Jagdeo....... PPP is a Jihaji Party.


Let us examine the Jagdeo Jihaji Party.......

(1) Drug Dealers, Crooks & Bandits

(2) Private Sector - "McClean, Nascimento & Gouviea" 

(3)  "Black Hindu Pandits" -  "Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton"



Back with your nonsense eh?? You should go back to sleep...stop flooding the board.

Typical messenger of alienation. Up with the Blackman and down wid the Hindus. Reminds of the seventies. By any chance is Jalil a muslim? He certainly behaving like Mohammed Khan and the muslim association with the PNC.


Jalil had all y'all in a hizzy-fit tarass even when he wasn't present here. That's the power of the man. He has deep insights to the political goings-on in Guyana and knows the leadership of all parties on an intimate basis. When he unleashes his sometimes-over-the-top scatter humor with revealing pikcthas there's a lot of truth in there. His humor employs hyperbole to get a point across. Lighten up and enjoy his insightful posts and joyous presence.

kp posted:

People prapa miss Jalil, he looks like Santa coming on Xmas Morning. Well Jalil I got news for you, the PPP really cut the PNC tail at the Local government election, they won the POPULAR vote by 25,000 votes,..

Doesn't the fact that Granger, Harmon, Nagamootoo and Ramjattan are stil entrenched not inform you that the PPP didn't win anything, aside from soe seats in some villages. 

He succeeding in losing Lethem, and will soon lose Mabaruma.  He was stomped in G/town, Linden, and Bartica.

Amral posted:

Vent if you must Jalil, there is nothing wrong with that, but please lets keep the board decent. Welcome back. Hope you have your kite ready. You had enough time to build it.

Amral we is the few remaining funny fellas on GNI who still want to push the loser and reject jagdeo to the top.....

I say it before and I repeat it again AFC -APNU are not sailing in calm waters.... it is rough out there for them.

But them Jagdeo & Ramotar thiefman and Funny Fellas are out of power and a lot of them crooks will be facing serious charges before May 11 2016.


We will see why they always scratching their private in public...

all them crab louse going to jail....

After this set of thiefman and drug dealers are jailed we will see who steps forward to try and save the PPP.

But the will be badly wounded by the Forensic everything coming out in public.


Look at Jagdeo Jihaji Party.......

(1) Drug Dealers, Crooks & Bandits

(2) Private Sector - "McClean, Nascimento & Gouviea" 

(3)  "Black Hindu Pandits" -  "Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton"

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
kp posted:

People prapa miss Jalil, he looks like Santa coming on Xmas Morning.

Well Jalil I got news for you, the PPP really cut the PNC tail at the Local government election, they won the POPULAR vote by 25,000 votes,..

Doesn't the fact that Granger, Harmon, Nagamootoo and Ramjattan are stil entrenched not inform you that the PPP didn't win anything, aside from soe seats in some villages. 

He succeeding in losing Lethem, and will soon lose Mabaruma.  He was stomped in G/town, Linden, and Bartica.

No kp...... abee prapa love de Jagdeo Jihaji thiefman


KP please explain how a Majority party (PPP) that was built by Cheddi Jagan...... become a minority Party under Jagdeo & Ramotar.


KP how long

yuh will tek fuh explain to us....


how De PPP become a minority Party

and controlled by

thiefman & Drug Dealers .........


and the Indian Supporters

reject Jagdeo and

his Black House of Israel Thugs.


Badrie’s one-man show at GuyOilâ€ĶEntity paid firm $77M for work that could have done internally

March 27, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

-$millions paid for software but never put in use
When it came to the running of the state-owned Guyana Oil Company (GuyOil), under Managing Director,

A one-man show at GuyOil: Badrie Persaud

A one-man show at GuyOil: Badrie Persaud

Badrie Persaud, almost all the rules were being systematically broken.
Not only did Persaud take unilateral decisions, without seeking permission for contracts from the then nine-year-old Board of Directors, but he oversaw the spending of monies and even loaning of fuel as if they were his personal business.
He promoted staffers who were not qualified and on vacancies that were never advertised and even played a role in back-dating a contract that was for his nephew, also a staffer of GuyOil.
According to a shocking forensic audit report by Nigel Hinds Financial Services, released last week by the government, the losses overtime for GuyOil and by extension the people of Guyana would have amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars.
The problem is that the audit only covered just over three years– the period November 1, 2011, to May 31, 2015. The audit would not be enough to determine the true extent of damage done to GuyOil.
Persaud, who was candidate of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), for the May 2015 elections, was sacked in late February by GuyOil’s new Board of Directors. The Board in a short statement said it reviewed the audit report and concluded that it no longer has confidence in Persaud.
There were several glaring cases highlighted by the auditors. One of them had to do with millions of dollars.
Outside Help
GuyOil’s Operations Assistant, Robert Lynch, was supposed to perform a number of duties including preparation of engineering cost estimates, designs, specifications and monitoring of contracts.
However, during the period being audited, it was discovered that GuyOil paid out over $77M to Marcel Gaskin and Associates to do Lynch’s job.
“The forgoing indicates that the internal capacity of GuyOil to prepare cost estimates, design and monitor contracts was invariably outsourced to Marcel Gaskin & Associates Ltd by the Operations Department led by Mr. Reggie Bhagwandin, Operations Manager.”
This, the audit report said, unnecessarily hurt GuyOil’s operations, financially.   Another transaction that would have raised eyebrows about the GuyOil Chief’s sincerity when it comes to transparency and accountability was the purchasing of special software Project Job Costing and Purchase Orders.
GuyOil procured the modules in 2013 but to date had not been utilized, resulting in a waste of financial resources.
Auditors examining the transaction, found that GuyOil was using a specific company, Powercompu. That company had no other competitor as GuyOil was single-sourcing the services, in breach of procurement processes.
“There was no breakdown in each year of licensing to determine the costs of used and unused modules. Discussions with the Marketing Department revealed that no staff was ever trained to use the Customer Relation Management (CRM) module.”
Three modules related to procurement of goods, services and construction were purchased at a cost of $10.5 Million over the period March 2013 to March 2015; these modules have never been used by GuyOil.
What made matters worse was that every year, GuyOil was paying over $3M for licence to use some of the programmes, or in this case, its non-use.

p copy





Powercompu is owned by contractor Manesh Seeram who is also GuyOil’s accounting local solutions provider for ACCPAC.
The procuring was handled by the IT Control Officer, Network Administrator, Finance Manager and Managing Director.
It was discovered that between November 1, 2011 to May 31, 2015, GuyOil paid over $90.8M to Seeram, who was chosen under questionable circumstances.
Below is a table detailing some of the purchases made from Powercompu:










Meanwhile, GuyOil and its Managing Director were also not paying much attention when it comes to dealing with fuel, which is the lifeblood of the entity.
In 2010, Persaud loaned the Bauxite Company Guyana Inc. (BCGI/RUSAL) $12.1M in fuel. That same year, almost $2.6M went to the Guyana Power and Light Inc. In 2014, SOL, a competitor, was loaned $16.7M in fuel.
There was no loan agreement for the $31M in fuel, the auditors said.

GuyOil somehow ‘loaned’ over $31M in fuel to Rusal, GPL and SOL but overlooked signing an agreement for it to be paid.

GuyOil somehow ‘loaned’ over $31M in fuel to Rusal, GPL and SOL but overlooked signing an agreement for it to be paid.

“The loaned fuel was still owed to GOCL as at May 31, 2015. In addition, the timing of the return of the fuel during a period of low fuel prices could cause significant losses to GuyOil.” There was no documented policy or loan agreement governing fuel loaned to various agencies totalling $31,434,041 for years 2010, 2012 and 2014 that were shown as a reduction in inventories and disclosed.
Contract Splitting
It is unclear from the audit report what relationship Rusal shared with GuyOil that would warrant fuel being delivered to that bauxite company without an agreement.
On Friday, Kaieteur News reported that auditors found evidence of contract splitting.
Between November 1, 2011 and May 31, 2015, GuyOil purchased fuel totaling $94.5M from one Deodat Dhanrajh.
Dhanrajh was a major shipper of fuel contracted by GuyOil. It is unclear why the Managing Director turned to Dhanrajh.
What is clear is that a week before the May 11, 2015 elections, GuyOil purchased from Rubis, one of the major sellers in Guyana, some 238,481 litres for $47.4M. The transaction was for $199 per litre.
GuyOil then turned to Dhanrajh, the transporter, two days later taking an order from him at the same price.
The auditors in flagging the transaction believed it was a clear case of staggering and splitting of a full order to facilitate Dhanrajh in the transaction.
Two days later, GuyOil changed the wholesale price to $198. It amounted to millions of dollars in losses for GuyOil.
Persaud, from the report, gave out contracts and benefits without any control to family and friends.
During the audit review period, Persaud awarded transportation contracts worth $62M to his brother, Indarjeet Persaud, and a construction contract for $860,000 to his nephew, Avinash Persaud.
The audit found that the brother continued to provide transportation services with the fuel tankers although the contract period had expired.
The report recommended that Persaud be disciplined for non-disclosure of conflicts of interest, awarding of contract to his nephew and multiple breaches of GuyOil’s procurement policies.
The report also flagged Persaud’s decision to become a candidate for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic national list for the May 11, 2015 General Elections.
GuyOil also breached its own agreement with dealers allowing them to get credit on fuel supplied without a bank guarantee or security bond— in other words, GuyOil had no protection against a customer who refused to pay.
As a matter of fact, the report said, GuyOil was not concerned about its inaction to manage the collection of monies from customers.
“There was and continues to be major irregularities in the charge system used for fuel sales to customers with charge accounts.
“A 10% sample of 758 charge customers was conducted and our findings revealed that over fifty percent were irreconcilable and improperly managed.”
In one case, a GuyOil staffer even signed a guarantee that a customer, Mohamed Bacchus, would get a $5M credit limit. The guarantee was signed by Leonard Khan, then Manager of the Castrol brand and the brother-in-law of Bacchus.
With regard to how GuyOil went about procuring services and supplies, Persaud overlooked a system where he invariably went to a single person or company.
The audit report explained that GuyOil does not have a credit card facility and in order to obtain goods from overseas; monies for purchases from GuyOil were transferred to the account of employee Azaad Hassan, the IT Network Administrator.
Government said it has launched a probe into its fuel purchases that were transacted by GuyOil and the regulatory agency, Guyana Energy Agency, amidst allegations of vast corruption that cost the country billions of dollars in the last decades.
GEA’s Head, Mahender Sharma, is facing pressure to step down after an audit of that entity raised troubling questions about his management.

Last edited by Former Member
Mr.T posted:

Jalil bai, is no use warning them to stock up on toilet rolls. They already wearing nappies. Many of dem also have a pile of old Chronicle news papers just in case.

Mr T after dem got thrown out of office last year....

dem say dem want proof of the thiefing & Corruption....


Ok....Granger & Moses ordered forensic audits

now we all see de thiefing and got de proof......


Dem crying out.....

leh abee forget about all de thiefing, crime & corruption

and do not lock up Jagdeo & His thiefmen.



Jalil posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

People prapa miss Jalil, he looks like Santa coming on Xmas Morning.

Well Jalil I got news for you, the PPP really cut the PNC tail at the Local government election, they won the POPULAR vote by 25,000 votes,..

Doesn't the fact that Granger, Harmon, Nagamootoo and Ramjattan are stil entrenched not inform you that the PPP didn't win anything, aside from soe seats in some villages. 

He succeeding in losing Lethem, and will soon lose Mabaruma.  He was stomped in G/town, Linden, and Bartica.

No kp...... abee prapa love de Jagdeo Jihaji thiefman


KP please explain how a Majority party (PPP) that was built by Cheddi Jagan...... become a minority Party under Jagdeo & Ramotar.


KP how long

yuh will tek fuh explain to us....


how De PPP become a minority Party

and controlled by

thiefman & Drug Dealers .........


and the Indian Supporters

reject Jagdeo and

his Black House of Israel Thugs.



KP we await your explanation.


Jalil and the AFC/PNC clown of an administration CANNOT prove anything.

They can only talk nonsense and talk is cheap.

Guyanese can no longer be fooled by the type of nonsense that Jalil is posting. His postings and rants are like stale bread with mould.

To the AFC/PNC clowns: Bring us the evidence or just shut up.


Last edited by Former Member

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