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June 5, 2017 Source

The Jamaica Customs Agency is reporting a seizure of more than 165 pounds of cocaine in containers from Guyana and Suriname.

The Jamaica Observer reported that the Jamaica Customs Agency conducted an operation at the Kingston Freeport Terminal, Gordon Quay, Port Bustamante Wharf on Wednesday last where it made the bust.

“Reports are that about 4:00 pm, four containers shipped from Guyana and Suriname were searched and found to contain 56 parcels of cocaine…” the Jamaica Observer reported yesterday.

Based on reports, two containers were shipped from Guyana each containing two travelling bags, one with thirty-one parcels of cocaine and the other with twelve parcels of cocaine. The other two containers were shipped from Suriname. The Observer said that in the first one, two knapsacks were found to contain nine parcels of cocaine. In the second container, one knapsack was found with four parcels of cocaine.

On Friday, one of the containers from Guyana showed anomalies in the refrigeration section upon scanning. The police say that section of the container was disassembled and a further ten parcels with cocaine were seized.

No one was arrested in connection with the find.

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Young Guyanese are frequent cocaine users. My nephew who spent a month by me and went back gave me a history of the current state of Guyanese and drugs. It's bad and getting worse. My good friend in Alexander village called me once a week and give details on the political front. That too seems to gone wayward. People are not sure where they stand on anything today. 


The PNC did clean up the drug runnings, they consolidated the warring factions under one umbrella to streamline the operations and cut out the middle men. Now all revenues from the drug trade flow directly to their coffers unencumbered by taxes or any 3rd party expenses. 


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