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FBI announces latest Clinton emails don't require further investigation or charges

Director James Comey said there's been no change to the conclusion reached by investigators in July

The Associated Press Posted: Nov 06, 2016 4:05 PM ET, Last Updated: Nov 06, 2016 4:05 PM ET,

FBI Director James Comey announced Sunday a review of newly discovered emails sent or received by Hillary Clinton has not changed his conclusion that she should not face criminal charges.FBI Director James Comey announced Sunday a review of newly discovered emails sent or received by Hillary Clinton has not changed his conclusion that she should not face criminal charges. (Brian Snyder/Reuters)

FBI Director James Comey abruptly announced Sunday that a review of newly discovered emails sent or received by Hillary Clinton has not changed his conclusion that the Democratic candidate should not face criminal charges. His announcement came in a letter to congressional lawmakers two days before election day.

Comey said the FBI has worked "around the clock to process and review a large number of emails" obtained from a device belonging to Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former congressman and estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. He said the review has not changed the bureau's assessment from earlier this year that Clinton should not be prosecuted for her handling of classified information at the State Department.

"I am very grateful to the professionals at the FBI for doing an extraordinary amount of high-quality work in a short period of time," Comey said.

Clinton's press secretary, Brian Fallon, responded on Twitter.

"We were always confident nothing would cause the July decision to be revisited. Now Director Comey has confirmed it."

The new review has roiled the presidential campaign in its final days, shattering what had appeared to be Clinton's solid grip on the race and emboldening Republican Donald Trump. During a campaign stop earlier Sunday, Trump warned that Clinton would be under investigation as president, prompting an "unprecedented constitutional crisis."

With files from Reuters


2 more Clinton emails classified at lowest level

Emails concerned phone calls planned in 2010 with UAE's crown prince and Afghan president

The Associated Press Posted: Nov 04, 2016 7:16 PM ET, Last Updated: Nov 04, 2016 7:16 PM ET,

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign rally in Detroit on Friday, Nov. 4, 2016.Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign rally in Detroit on Friday, Nov. 4, 2016. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters)

The U.S. State Department has classified portions of two more emails sent to Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, in its last release of documents from her private server before Tuesday's presidential election.

The emails concerned phone calls Clinton had planned in November 2010 with the United Arab Emirates' crown prince and Afghan President Hamid Karzai. At the time, WikiLeaks' release of hundreds of thousands of diplomatic cables was roiling U.S. relations with governments around the world.

The emails were written by Clinton's deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin. The department designated portions of each "confidential," the lowest level of classification. State Department spokesman Mark Toner said neither document was marked classified when it was sent.

Friday's release â€” four days before Election Day â€” included 74 emails totalling 285 pages. The FBI provided the emails to the State Department after uncovering them as part of its investigation of Clinton's email practices.

Many emails are near duplicates with documents the department released after receiving 55,000 pages from Clinton in 2014.

Some reflect minor additions, such as Clinton asking an aide to print out the exchange on paper.

DEM 2016 Convention First Dude

Hillary Clinton huddles with her husband, Bill, and daughter, Chelsea, in this February 2016 file photo. (Associated Press)

But one email chain shows Clinton forwarding to her daughter material that the department classified last year.

At issue is a December 2009 email that President Barack Obama's trade adviser, Michael Froman, sent to senior White House and State Department staff members. After it made its way up to Clinton, the secretary of state sent it to "Diane Reynolds," an email pseudonym for Chelsea Clinton.

"See below," Clinton told her daughter. The entire email chain has been blacked out.

Amral posted:

Trump will still be a winner after this election  Books, movie, TV network 

This is in fact his goal. He is fully aware that he will lose. This FBI ruling is just the bombshell that Hillary needed as remaining voters cast their ballots on Tuesday.

With Trump ranting over this we will be reminded that he is unfit.


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