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Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Having fought in a Counter-Insurgency Operations myself, I can assure you that COIN operations  don't involve arrests, trials, and prison.


They involve brutally murdering insurgents until there's no more insurgency cause everyone's dead.


Look how well COIN doctrine worked against Buxton. The proof of the pudding was in the effectiveness of the actions taken.


Look how peaceful abbe PNC is today since the Phantom murdered them right back. I don't think the PNC has ever been so peaceful in its history.


The Leader of the PNC is now content to shoot pictures with Coolies. He ain't shootin no Coolies no more.

you "fought" in Counter-Insurgency operations in Afghanistan?


correct me if i am wrong soldier . . . i am not aware you even fired a weapon during your deployment


and btw, David Granger, the leader you claim[ed] to admire and respect mere weeks ago has now metamorphosed into a "PNC" best known for "shootin [] Coolies" . . . huh?



What redux is aware of and not aware of is not my concern. The word "fought" is used for its literal and usual meaning. Google is not the comprehensive and exhaustive source for my biography you may imagine.


The term "Leader of PNC" was used for a reason. To reference the office and all of its occupants. Were you not so stupid, you might have noticed the carefully chosen words.


But you are redux so that is forgiven. You're you.

i guess your fallback is the Bill O'Reilly defense . . . har har har harrr!


good to see that those long hours u spend watching FOX are being put to some use


and really, you're now claiming that "Leader of the PNC" was used to reference "the office and all of its occupants," huh?


so who is "he" who "ain't shooting coolies anymore"? . . . Corbin?


seriously, you dissemble with absolutely no guile whatsoever


this is pitiful shit


No need for guile chappy. The unvarnished simple truth will suffice. The key to dealin wid the PNC is a good dose of phantomizin. Not the vote.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Having fought in a Counter-Insurgency Operations myself, I can assure you that COIN operations  don't involve arrests, trials, and prison.


They involve brutally murdering insurgents until there's no more insurgency cause everyone's dead.


Look how well COIN doctrine worked against Buxton. The proof of the pudding was in the effectiveness of the actions taken.


Look how peaceful abbe PNC is today since the Phantom murdered them right back. I don't think the PNC has ever been so peaceful in its history.


The Leader of the PNC is now content to shoot pictures with Coolies. He ain't shootin no Coolies no more.

you "fought" in Counter-Insurgency operations in Afghanistan?


correct me if i am wrong soldier . . . i am not aware you even fired a weapon during your deployment


and btw, David Granger, the leader you claim[ed] to admire and respect mere weeks ago has now metamorphosed into a "PNC" best known for "shootin [] Coolies" . . . huh?



What redux is aware of and not aware of is not my concern. The word "fought" is used for its literal and usual meaning. Google is not the comprehensive and exhaustive source for my biography you may imagine.


The term "Leader of PNC" was used for a reason. To reference the office and all of its occupants. Were you not so stupid, you might have noticed the carefully chosen words.


But you are redux so that is forgiven. You're you.

i guess your fallback is the Bill O'Reilly defense . . . har har har harrr!


good to see that those long hours u spend watching FOX are being put to some use


and really, you're now claiming that "Leader of the PNC" was used to reference "the office and all of its occupants," huh?


so who is "he" who "ain't shooting coolies anymore"? . . . Corbin?


seriously, you dissemble with absolutely no guile whatsoever


this is pitiful shit

No need for guile chappy. The unvarnished simple truth will suffice. The key to dealin wid the PNC is a good dose of phantomizin. Not the vote.

i see you sucking air . . . b_gurd style



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Having fought in a Counter-Insurgency Operations myself, I can assure you that COIN operations  don't involve arrests, trials, and prison.


They involve brutally murdering insurgents until there's no more insurgency cause everyone's dead.


Look how well COIN doctrine worked against Buxton. The proof of the pudding was in the effectiveness of the actions taken.


Look how peaceful abbe PNC is today since the Phantom murdered them right back. I don't think the PNC has ever been so peaceful in its history.


The Leader of the PNC is now content to shoot pictures with Coolies. He ain't shootin no Coolies no more.

you "fought" in Counter-Insurgency operations in Afghanistan?


correct me if i am wrong soldier . . . i am not aware you even fired a weapon during your deployment


and btw, David Granger, the leader you claim[ed] to admire and respect mere weeks ago has now metamorphosed into a "PNC" best known for "shootin [] Coolies" . . . huh?



What redux is aware of and not aware of is not my concern. The word "fought" is used for its literal and usual meaning. Google is not the comprehensive and exhaustive source for my biography you may imagine.


The term "Leader of PNC" was used for a reason. To reference the office and all of its occupants. Were you not so stupid, you might have noticed the carefully chosen words.


But you are redux so that is forgiven. You're you.

i guess your fallback is the Bill O'Reilly defense . . . har har har harrr!


good to see that those long hours u spend watching FOX are being put to some use


and really, you're now claiming that "Leader of the PNC" was used to reference "the office and all of its occupants," huh?


so who is "he" who "ain't shooting coolies anymore"? . . . Corbin?


seriously, you dissemble with absolutely no guile whatsoever


this is pitiful shit

No need for guile chappy. The unvarnished simple truth will suffice. The key to dealin wid the PNC is a good dose of phantomizin. Not the vote.

sir . . .you have been served!


I believe you will find that these stubborn facts will keep your Coalition of terrorists and coolie stooges on the Opposition benches.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Having fought in a Counter-Insurgency Operations myself, I can assure you that COIN operations  don't involve arrests, trials, and prison.


They involve brutally murdering insurgents until there's no more insurgency cause everyone's dead.


Look how well COIN doctrine worked against Buxton. The proof of the pudding was in the effectiveness of the actions taken.


Look how peaceful abbe PNC is today since the Phantom murdered them right back. I don't think the PNC has ever been so peaceful in its history.


The Leader of the PNC is now content to shoot pictures with Coolies. He ain't shootin no Coolies no more.

you "fought" in Counter-Insurgency operations in Afghanistan?


correct me if i am wrong soldier . . . i am not aware you even fired a weapon during your deployment


and btw, David Granger, the leader you claim[ed] to admire and respect mere weeks ago has now metamorphosed into a "PNC" best known for "shootin [] Coolies" . . . huh?



What redux is aware of and not aware of is not my concern. The word "fought" is used for its literal and usual meaning. Google is not the comprehensive and exhaustive source for my biography you may imagine.


The term "Leader of PNC" was used for a reason. To reference the office and all of its occupants. Were you not so stupid, you might have noticed the carefully chosen words.


But you are redux so that is forgiven. You're you.

i guess your fallback is the Bill O'Reilly defense . . . har har har harrr!


good to see that those long hours u spend watching FOX are being put to some use


and really, you're now claiming that "Leader of the PNC" was used to reference "the office and all of its occupants," huh?


so who is "he" who "ain't shooting coolies anymore"? . . . Corbin?


seriously, you dissemble with absolutely no guile whatsoever


this is pitiful shit

No need for guile chappy. The unvarnished simple truth will suffice. The key to dealin wid the PNC is a good dose of phantomizin. Not the vote.

i see you sucking air . . . b_gurd style



 I believe you will find that these stubborn facts will keep your Coalition of terrorists and coolie stooges on the Opposition benches.

keep sucking air . . . your lungs will fill up soon and your brain will come on line

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

When you figure out an appropriate response to this here series of PNC acts of ethnic violence against coolie people, lemme know....I'm open to hearin you out.


Until then, good luck on gettin your useful idiot coolies to con 8.1% of the coolie electorate for ya.

not interested in any waste-of-time "appropriate response" to ill-disguised, tribal drum beating


my modest task here is to lift up the skirts of small-timers like u so everybady can see

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

When you figure out an appropriate response to this here series of PNC acts of ethnic violence against coolie people, lemme know....I'm open to hearin you out.


Until then, good luck on gettin your useful idiot coolies to con 8.1% of the coolie electorate for ya.

not interested in any waste-of-time "appropriate response" to ill-disguised, tribal drum beating


my modest task here is to lift up the skirts of small-timers like u so everybady can see


You must be quite the legend in redux's mind

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

When you figure out an appropriate response to this here series of PNC acts of ethnic violence against coolie people, lemme know....I'm open to hearin you out.


Until then, good luck on gettin your useful idiot coolies to con 8.1% of the coolie electorate for ya.

not interested in any waste-of-time "appropriate response" to ill-disguised, tribal drum beating


my modest task here is to lift up the skirts of small-timers like u so everybady can see

You must be quite the legend in redux's mind

not really . . . i do my bit


the people are not deceived

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

BTW Shaiitan


What is the source for this info? Please show us the source, I will hate to have to delete this informational topic


It is a report of GIFT delivered at the Pegasus at a Conference. Since when are we censoring academic papers on GNI?

GNI has always asked for sources since it's inception...posters have to cite sources for their information

A few posts prior GIFT was mentioned as the source.

Originally Posted by Mars:

There is a justice system in Guyana to address criminals in case you are not aware. If you suspect that someone is a criminal, you arrest him and let justice prevail. That applies in every civilized nation around the world. Do you see civilized governments hiring drug barons to murder their citizens if they suspect them of crimes?

Mars, I believe that it was written extensively that the black-on-black violence was directed by Indo drug lords pulling the strings. Their job was made easier with the participation of the armed forces and law enforcement including the judicial system.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mars:

There is a justice system in Guyana to address criminals in case you are not aware. If you suspect that someone is a criminal, you arrest him and let justice prevail. That applies in every civilized nation around the world. Do you see civilized governments hiring drug barons to murder their citizens if they suspect them of crimes?

Mars, I believe that it was written extensively that the black-on-black violence was directed by Indo drug lords pulling the strings. Their job was made easier with the participation of the armed forces and law enforcement including the judicial system.

They were also facilitated by the PPP government. There is undeniable direct evidence of support being given by Dr. Death Ramsammy and former Home Affairs Minister Gajraj. If they were involved directing the Phantoms, there must have been others from the PPP involved. 


Charges against Roger Khan for weapons possession were mysteriously dropped and he was subsequently rewarded with land to build a housing scheme and to set up his "sawmill." Sawh of course objected to the sawmill land and paid with his life at the hands of Khan.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

BTW Shaiitan


What is the source for this info? Please show us the source, I will hate to have to delete this informational topic


It is a report of GIFT delivered at the Pegasus at a Conference. Since when are we censoring academic papers on GNI?

I see the Indo KKK chapter.  Couldn't you have found a better source?


And what of the MAJORITY of blacks who didn't participate, and significant numbers, INCLUDING TROTMAN, who condemned these attacks?


What of the fact that it is likely that some who organized these acts might well be with the PPP today?  Even if they aren't, surely you shouldn't suggest that those who attacked Indians in an earlier era, under the auspices of the House of Israel, who are now embedded with the PPP, should make Indians sleep safely if the PPP continues its reign?


Just as Burnham unleashed his tools of oppression, aimed at Indians during the 1973 elections, against blacks when they began to protest after 1978, why don't you think that these thugs will not be unleashed against Indians who don't toe the PPP line?  A victorious PPP will be an extremely arrogant and intolerant PPP, and rice farmers/cane cutters can well end up the victims.

Originally Posted by TK:

The GIFT report mentioned how blacks stepped in to protect East Indians on Jan 12. BTW...give it a rest...Jan 12 is joke compared to Rwanda or Sri Lanka...yet they find a way to move forward. 

GIFT was merely interested in launching a Rwanda and attempted to demonize the entire Afro Guyanese community.


They even told lies like citing an incident where and Indian female was being raped in the middle of the day on Regent Street with hordes of Africans cheering.  When asked to furnish evidence, they couldn't.


This makes me recall the nonsense about Indo females being raped at lunch time by PNC supporters to the point where they made it a part of their day, feeling too powerless to deal with it.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


That Indians document anti-Indian violence is somehow "racist"?



And yet when Africans, and a few Indians like Freddie Kissoon, document rampant racism against Africans they are accused of actively participating in genocidal attacks against Indians.


Yes there was violence in 1998. And yes many Africans RISKED THEIR LIVES to intervene and save Indians who were being attacked.  There were IMMEDIATE response by many Africans to condemn this.



What makes GIFT KKK is that they reveal only one side of all of this, as part of a plan to justify a totalitarian Indian form of governance.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

When the PPP is inciting mobs of marauding Indians to beat, assault, rape, and/or murder innocent Black folk (especially on the streets of the capital) I will be right there with you to fight back.

The PPP tries to box food out of black people's mouths on a daily basis.


Where are you commenting about this when there is rampant discussion of the attempts to economically marginalize Africans?  And not just by the PPP, but by the Indo elites in general.  You try to deny it, or to suggest that is minimal.


So either let us discuss all forms of racism rampant in Guyana, or just avoid the topic.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I believe you will find that these stubborn facts will keep your Coalition of terrorists and coolie stooges on the Opposition benches.

You do realize that when you add these two (you damn every AFC/APNU supporter as a terrorist) and "collie stooges" (meaning Indian who understands that apan jhat is a bad strategy in a country where they are 40% and DECLINING) you know that is more than 50% of the voters.


If all the PPP does is scream racial panic they LOSE.  Some Indians see it as it is, and so aren't impressed.  I mean where is the PPP when (African AND INDIAN) bandits are killing Indian business people?

Originally Posted by Kari:

Indian KKK ?

Indian KKK refers to that narrow body of Indians who fail to understand that it is in the interests of EVERY ethnic group if Guyana moves to becoming a multi ethnic, multi cultural, and multi religious society, where the concerns of all are acknowledged and where the goal is to ensure that all perceive fair treatment in all aspects of Guyanese life.


Victimizing an ENTIRE race, as GIFT did, and justifying attempts by some to exclude them doesn't bode well for Guyana.


Also given that the killings were extrajudicial and not investigated, we have no way of knowing that only blacks involved in the drug trade were killed.  There is a famous incident where a black UG student was killed when he was returning home from classes. He wasn't the only one.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

You sound like ah PPP campaign manager in action...scare the coolies against the big bad PNC

Shaits, is disclosing the facts, you cannot rewrite history. Obama ,is marching today in Selma just to remind all of what the blacks endured. The APNU/AFC would like us to forget the riot days of PNC. You can forgive, but never to forget.


Them new found coolie fans of the PNC seem to think Indian people getting beaten, assaulted, robbed, and murdered as part of the PNC's political strategy is somehow going to be glossed over because the PPP is guilty of theft and corruption are dreaming.


I hope they wake up from this dreamy delusion before Nomination Day.


Shaitaan Bhai


I commend you for sticking with the truth.



Wonders never cease.

yuji22 and Shaitaan are jahaji bhai on the sailing ship RACE-BAIT?

BTW, was Vishnu Bisram involved in that GIFT "inquiry"?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

BTW Shaiitan


What is the source for this info? Please show us the source, I will hate to have to delete this informational topic


It is a report of GIFT delivered at the Pegasus at a Conference. Since when are we censoring academic papers on GNI?

I see the Indo KKK chapter.  Couldn't you have found a better source?


And what of the MAJORITY of blacks who didn't participate, and significant numbers, INCLUDING TROTMAN, who condemned these attacks?


What of the fact that it is likely that some who organized these acts might well be with the PPP today?  Even if they aren't, surely you shouldn't suggest that those who attacked Indians in an earlier era, under the auspices of the House of Israel, who are now embedded with the PPP, should make Indians sleep safely if the PPP continues its reign?


Just as Burnham unleashed his tools of oppression, aimed at Indians during the 1973 elections, against blacks when they began to protest after 1978, why don't you think that these thugs will not be unleashed against Indians who don't toe the PPP line?  A victorious PPP will be an extremely arrogant and intolerant PPP, and rice farmers/cane cutters can well end up the victims.

What of the fact that it is likely that some who organized these acts might well be with the PPP today?  Even if they aren't, surely you shouldn't suggest that those who attacked Indians in an earlier era, under the auspices of the House of Israel, who are now embedded with the PPP, should make Indians sleep safely if the PPP continues its reign?


Could it be that these same individuals are now doing the bidding for a different master and thus their previous transgressions against the Indo psyche would be forgiven? Cynicism reigns...........

Originally Posted by Kari:

Could it be that these same individuals are now doing the bidding for a different master and thus their previous transgressions against the Indo psyche would be forgiven? Cynicism reigns...........

They also did the bidding for their paymaster when they attacked blacks attending WPA meetings.


Suppose they start attacking Indian cane cutters and rice farmers protesting their conditions.


Look at it this way.  The PPP gets a twofer, getting "recalcitrant" Indians back on the plantation, where they do as they are told, and deepening their fear of blacks.


History has a way of repeating itself, and I suspect that if the PPP wins they will resemble the PNC after 1978.  BOTH blacks and Indians faced whips and lashes after then.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Indian KKK would seem to suggest that Indians were pro-actively instigating violence. I believe that the GIFT document and web site addressed attacks AGAINST Indians and not the other way around. Is that what KKK means?


The more these idiots throw around that "Indo KKK" term to give the false impression that Coolies are oppressing, lynching and being generally pro-actively violent towards Blacks because they just hate Blacks that much convinces me more that this Coalition must lose.


The PNC and their apologists seem to want to have their cake and eat it too. Indos are to vote for the PNC while still getting cussed for the privilege.


Nothing has changed on the PNC benches. Hate to say this...same old wine new bottle.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

You sound like ah PPP campaign manager in action...scare the coolies against the big bad PNC

Shaits, is disclosing the facts, you cannot rewrite history. Obama ,is marching today in Selma just to remind all of what the blacks endured. The APNU/AFC would like us to forget the riot days of PNC. You can forgive, but never to forget.


Them new found coolie fans of the PNC seem to think Indian people getting beaten, assaulted, robbed, and murdered as part of the PNC's political strategy is somehow going to be glossed over because the PPP is guilty of theft and corruption are dreaming.


I hope they wake up from this dreamy delusion before Nomination Day.


Shaitaan Bhai


I commend you for sticking with the truth.



Wonders never cease.

yuji22 and Shaitaan are jahaji bhai on the sailing ship RACE-BAIT?

BTW, was Vishnu Bisram involved in that GIFT "inquiry"?


That we are uncomfortably "jahaji bhai" until May 12th 2015 is squarely the result of some idiot Jaganites and entered Coalition with a terrorist organization with an illustrious history of beating/killing nuff coolies.


The credit is all yours. Don't be shy or modest now.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

When the PPP is inciting mobs of marauding Indians to beat, assault, rape, and/or murder innocent Black folk (especially on the streets of the capital) I will be right there with you to fight back.

The PPP tries to box food out of black people's mouths on a daily basis.


Where are you commenting about this when there is rampant discussion of the attempts to economically marginalize Africans?  And not just by the PPP, but by the Indo elites in general.  You try to deny it, or to suggest that is minimal.


So either let us discuss all forms of racism rampant in Guyana, or just avoid the topic.


Who in the PPP is literally "boxing" Black people?


Clever attempt to equate anti-Indian violence with the State's neglect of all poor people.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


That Indians document anti-Indian violence is somehow "racist"?



And yet when Africans, and a few Indians like Freddie Kissoon, document rampant racism against Africans they are accused of actively participating in genocidal attacks against Indians.


Yes there was violence in 1998. And yes many Africans RISKED THEIR LIVES to intervene and save Indians who were being attacked.  There were IMMEDIATE response by many Africans to condemn this.



What makes GIFT KKK is that they reveal only one side of all of this, as part of a plan to justify a totalitarian Indian form of governance.


The fact that some Blacks risked their persons to save some Indians being attacked does not absolve the PNC, the organized political entity who instigated the violence. That infuriates me more. Indos always need savin in Guyana from being beaten, robbed, raped, and murdered for voting the wrong way.


That is what we're talking about. The PNC as a terrorist organization. This ain't about Black people. This is about the PNC. I know it may be hard for you to imagine that there is a difference between the two in my mind but there is. That some do not make the differentiation is not my problem. It's theirs.


The era of anti-Indian violence in Guyana must be over. I noticed it ended when some of the instigators got killed. Lesson learned.


It wasn't diplomacy or mediation or debate that ended it. It was guns. And people who are willing and able to use said guns. Until some better solution comes by and is implemented, this is what we got. Some protection by Indo criminals with a PPP Government willing to look the other way.


It wasn't GIFT that set up the PNC to go and instigate anti-Indian violence. Without said violence there would be no GIFT (literally). We wouldn't even be having this discussion.


Stop dancing around the issue and wrap your mind around the fact that the PNC has poisoned the well for itself electorally.


I notice how Blacks voting PNC are gettin a free pass. I didn't know that somehow Blacks voting apaan jaat was somehow different than Indos voting apaan jaat.


Then again a Black KKK seems to be perfectly acceptable. But Heaven forbid the Indos defend themselves or cheer their defenders. That's "Indo KKK."


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