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Originally Posted by Lucas:

Over a year ago it was their nuclear plants, today a tunnel, tomorrow the economy...

Guyana should lease some territory to the Japanese as an annex so they have a fall-back place.


The Japs are a resourceful people and will overcome and thrive while the likes of you sit on the fence and throw stones.  You will never do wrong or make mistakes, but you will never accomplish anything either.


Japan is finding itself with a very old workforce. So old that they come to work at 1 pm in the afternoon and go home at 4 pm.  It is not that the people are stupid or lazy. It is just that they are too old and they did not have many children in the 1970-1980 period.  So in Japan today it is now old people working with other old people.  That is my take on this hold Japan economic story. 


For us coolies those Japanese people are our brothers and sisters (to the end) who gave their lives and blood to try and liberate us from British Colonial rule.  You can bet it breaks my coolie heart every day when I read about their bad economy.

Last edited by Prashad

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