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@Django posted:

@Former Member

I read your post at SN on this article ,question for you , how you write so well there and cussing up the guys here ? also none of these ... separating the words.

Just curious.

I'm curious, too! What article? I rarely post at SN! Besides, I was about to comment on something and found myself banned for what reason I don't know, as I've said, I rarely post there! Perhaps someone has impersonated me as I've previously said that Jagdeo now has two newspapers in his corner, the government owned Chronic and the libel-shy SN! I've told you this before and that I prefer KN at which I rarely post as well! You agreed on that, too! So, refresh my senile memory, please! Test my claimed affinity for truth! The dots, if even one, was used by the bird shit 'man' to spell the banned word n.igger! No one complained! Others used the word shit, without any dot or * replacing the I! No one complained until I started doing the same! Is shit now a cuss word or only when I use it? I've already considered DG a dissembler! Are you one, too? I use three dots for either infinity when laughing or to dramatize something!

Another thing that bothers me is some posters posting without reviewing their post first! As if "behold, it was very good" ( Genesis 1: 31)! They created like God! "I've created this post for my reading only, not others"! Even you, jango!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I'm curious, too! What article? I rarely post at SN! Besides, I was about to comment on something and found myself banned for what reason I don't know, as I've said, I rarely post there! Perhaps someone has impersonated me as I've previously said that Jagdeo now has two newspapers in his corner, the government owned Chronic and the libel-shy SN! I've told you this before and that I prefer KN at which I rarely post as well! You agreed on that, too! So, refresh my senile memory, please! Test my claimed affinity for truth! The dots, if even one, was used by the bird shit 'man' to spell the banned word n.igger! No one complained! Others used the word shit, without any dot or * replacing the I! No one complained until I started doing the same! Is shit now a cuss word or only when I use it? I've already considered DG a dissembler! Are you one, too?

Seriously some one hacked your email ? change your password. Perhaps an impersonator using your pic.

There are about eight post from you at SN on the same article we are discussing.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Seriously some one hacked your email ? change your password.

There are about eight post from you at SN on the same article we are discussing

dude, how gullible are you? HE is the one writing under his own name at SN. What he is feeding your gullible self is BULLSHIT! He has been EXPOSED here as a BIGOT, so now he's looking for cover claiming he was not the one writing on SN, that shitabatty shally is not the person on SN.

But his hatred, racism and bigotry now has a face to it! His pretense on SN is now over!

Some grand conspiracy will emerge that robots crawled out of his beetie, tied him up and posted as him on SN. Of course they were zionist robots.

Are you this fking stupid? Are you kidding me? God....

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@Former Member posted:

dude, how gullible are you? HE is the one writing under his own name at SN. What he is feeding your gullible self is BULLSHIT! He has been EXPOSED here as a BIGOT, so now he's looking for cover claiming he was not the one writing on SN, that shitabatty shally is not the person on SN.

But his hatred, racism and bigotry now has a face to it! His pretense on SN is now over!

Some grand conspiracy will emerge that robots crawled out of his beetie, tied him up and posted as him on SN. Of course they were zionist robots.

Are you this fking stupid? Are you kidding me? God....

There is no such utterances at SN  blog ,not accepted there .Rass these guys can act double roles.

Two days ago on FB conversation with villagers ,an individual in the village was called Blacks ,I wrote Blacks on FB ,the post was flagged ,never went thru.

The "censor list" not effective on the forum ,there are many offensive words listed.

@Former Member posted:

Elders? Are you freaking kidding me? Elders who post about nappy headed N.igger, obscenties and daily cuss downs? Cuz he's "elderly"?????

Dave, Baseman, if you're reading. MY APOLOGIES!!!!! You were spot on! There's more than one lunatic in this place!

Hahahaha...! Bird shit can't take what he dishes out, huh n? Hahahaha...!


Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Elders? Are you freaking kidding me? Elders who post about nappy headed N.igger, obscenties and daily cuss downs? Cuz he's "elderly"?????

Dave, Baseman, if you're reading. MY APOLOGIES!!!!! You were spot on! There's more than one lunatic in this place!

You getting overboard,the two you calling out can't cut it ,they are no different.

Give them ammunition to chew on !!! I know folks show up here to attack posters ,that's nothing new .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

There is no such utterances at SN  blog ,not accepted there .Rass these guys can act double roles.

Two days ago on FB conversation with villagers ,an individual in the village was called Blacks ,I wrote Blacks on FB ,the post was flagged ,never went thru.

The "censor list" not effective on the forum ,there are many offensive words listed.

FB prevented me for 1 month for 'hate' 'speech', criticising a fool about something on monkeys! I'd called him an ape! But inspite of their ban, they send me posts wanting me to respond to some posters! ???

So post your censor list! Maybe our n will respect it! I doubt!

@Django posted:

You getting overboard,the two you calling out can't cut it ,they are the worst haters.

Give them ammunition to chew on !!! I know folks show up here to attack posters ,that's nothing new .

Who shows up here to attack? This toxic cretin shitabatty shally a.k.a Loud Dithering is disinfectant for them. Even KP, who gravitates to gay sex, was turned off by him and left. Same with the lumpy creature from down south. I'd doubt the liberty avenue drunkie has the stomach to read some of the shit you allow to be posted here.

I'm shocked I have to explain this to you.

a. Once in a while each of us will let an eff bomb or so fly. But do you not think there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with the work KUNT written on every thread? Do I have to explain that to you? seriously?

b. Guyana has nuff tension between Indians and blacks. Here you have shitabatty shally a.k.a Loud Dithering calling people n.igger, nappy head, and other racial pejoratives, posting about how black people stink, have thick lips etc. and you are skinning teeth with him.

Do I have to explain to you that is straight from the KKK handbook and not permitted in any internet fora today? Are you freaking kidding me??????? i ask again - are you high???????

Baseman and Dave in their worst bigoted days here never did what I described above. Again, what is it that escapes you here??????????

But then again, we are to excuse him cuz he's "elderly". You know - "respect our elders". So we must tolerate open hatred and bigotry here because the person is "elderly". Banna, ARE YOU HIGH?????????

You make no sense. And what is the relevance of his not posting any bigotry on SN? Because HE CAN'T. What DON'T you get?

Don't give me shit about listing of censored words. You found ways to hunt down Nehru for far less. Diaper guy is sitting here all day with his Indiana Jones icon looking at all the shit.

As a Guyanese, I am disgusted by what you tolerate here. Maybe some raw rink black people should register and start posting pejoratives about Indians. I'll get you some older black folks so you can "respect' them, arite?


@Former Member posted:

Never mind the forum software! List please! I can drive the guano man mad anyway, anyhow! Or rather, help his self-hate work for him!

I unblocked your old ass. I'm gonna VERBALLY ***K YOU UP with every post, ok Loud Dithering? Dither, dither for 85 fking years, mounting your dogs and cross breeding ahahahhahahahahahaha......what a waste you are. But then again, you are the product of a rapist and a ho.

Last edited by Former Member
@Django posted:

Seriously some one hacked your email ? change your password. Perhaps an impersonator using your pic.

There are about eight post from you at SN on the same article we are discussing.

Funny it's not! I don't recall posting anything on this "Japanese..." subject on SN! Only here! The unscrupulous bird shit n man must have set me up by impersonation! I wouldn't put it past him! My banning was strange to me as they would declare the post had been put on hold and deleted if not acceptable! As I had experienced this in the past, I've been very careful to avoid anything libellous! This must be the work of the bird shit n 'man'! If not him, then it is the work of my cretin Hassler who is far more sophisticated in the use of software! From my experiences, they can hack ANY database, whether personal, corporate, bank or government and I have proof! I haven't watched TV since 2009! My Bose CD/radio player about 5years now! My notebook and cell phone controlled by them! He'll, I've even received 2 Income Tax refunds I wasn't entitled to! When I said loudly, knowing they see and hear me wherever, whenever, "Don't send me any more of your stolen funds because I will only spend it and still come after you" they started trying to kill me instead! Too bad they killed my dogs first instead of me! My canine children warn me in dreams whenever I visit the world of energy! If not my dogs, there are always the energies that are loved ones who left the world of matter!

Should I give a ...?

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@Django posted:

Do you think I should be here 24/7 watching every post ?? Do you think i like what goes on here when I read ,especially the RACISM.

You and Shally ,go at each other daily ,there are many ways one can put a stop, don't go along with the mudslinging. Discuss the topic cuss the Politicians ,they deserve it.

Grown men I have to watchman like lil children .

So you have basically given up and want a cesspool here. My bad, I thought otherwise. Fair enough. I'll condescend to his level. After I'm done with him here, the entire forum may be taken offline for offensive speech. I'm sure your web host will be notified.

@Former Member posted:

Funny it's not! I don't recall posting anything on this "Japanese..." subject on SN! Only here! The unscrupulous bird shit n man must have set me up by impersonation! I wouldn't put it past him! My banning was strange to me as they would declare the post had been put on hold and deleted if not acceptable! As I had experienced this in the past, I've been very careful to avoid anything libellous! This must be the work of the bird shit n 'man'! If not him, then it is the work of my cretin Hassler who is far more sophisticated in the use of software! From my experiences, they can hack ANY database, whether personal, corporate, bank or government and I have proof! I haven't watched TV since 2009! My Bose CD/radio player about 5years now! My notebook and cell phone controlled by them! He'll, I've even received 2 Income Tax refunds I wasn't entitled to! When I said loudly, knowing they see and hear me wherever, whenever, "Don't send me any more of your stolen funds because I will only spend it and still come after you" they started trying to kill me instead! Too bad they killed my dogs first instead of me! My canine children warn me in dreams whenever I visit the world of energy! If not my dogs, there are always the energies that are loved ones who left the world of matter!

ahhhhhh....there we go.....the GRAND CONSPIRACY emerges. LMFAO! You got exposed as a bigot and now back pedaling like Shaggy "it wasn't me". Yeah, sure.

Or either Jangles is so stupid that he simply THOUGHT it was you posting there and it wasn't really you. Not everyone is out to get you punk.

Tell us more about your "canine children" please. Half human, half dog? when they appear in your dreams do they go "woof woof" or "hey dad"?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

So you have basically given up and want a cesspool here. My bad, I thought otherwise. Fair enough. I'll condescend to his level. After I'm done with him here, the entire forum may be taken offline for offensive speech. I'm sure your web host will be notified.

What a hypocrite, this n! Hahahaha...!


Now tear yourself apart in frustration, n!

Your self-hate will destroy you! Not me!


Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

ahhhhhh....there we go.....the GRAND CONSPIRACY emerges. LMFAO! You got exposed as a bigot and now back pedaling like Shaggy "it wasn't me". Yeah, sure.

Or either Jangles is so stupid that he simply THOUGHT it was you posting there and it wasn't really you. Not everyone is out to get you punk.

Tell us more about your "canine children" please. Half human, half dog? when they appear in your dreams do they go "woof woof" or "hey dad"?

Animals cannot talk as humans do, whether in the world of matter or energy! They have no vocal apparatus! They communicate telepathically, you ignoramus! Something man has forgotten! How else do you think the lions, hyenas and other animals have 'tribes' or whatever you choose to call them? Now go lick your testicles! Only! Don't be distracted again by your usual hard-on when doing so and change the object of your affection!


Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

So you have basically given up and want a cesspool here. My bad, I thought otherwise. Fair enough. I'll condescend to his level. After I'm done with him here, the entire forum may be taken offline for offensive speech. I'm sure your web host will be notified.

I'll join in the..ahem..discussion about KUNT and stupid coo.lie sku.nt and so on..Leh we on tarasssss

@Former Member posted:

Animals cannot talk as humans do, whether in the world of matter or energy! They have no vocal apparatus! They communicate telepathically, you ignoramus! Something man has forgotten! How else do you think the lions, hyenas and other animals have 'tribes' or whatever you choose to call them? Now go lick your testicles! Only! Don't be distracted again by your usual hard-on when doing so and change the object of your affection!

Animals do indeed communicate telepathically.

Humans in their younger days also communicate telepathically. Some do lose most or all of this ability as they age.

However, those who have lost some or all of the ability can regain/relearn this ability over time.

@Former Member posted:

So you have basically given up and want a cesspool here. My bad, I thought otherwise. Fair enough. I'll condescend to his level. After I'm done with him here, the entire forum may be taken offline for offensive speech. I'm sure your web host will be notified.

What more proof do you need of his pathological condition, jango? Driven mad by self- hate in Phoenix, Arizona! When all he needed was a complete cream make-over!

So, there I've given you the reason to come kill me! Or rather, separate me from the world of matter! I, a spirit, never die! These incompetents are frightened bunglers! Come! Help me into the world of energy for a longer stay than in dreams! Blame it on your pathological condition when questioned on your motive! Tell the authorities I made you do it!


Self-hating n!

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@Former Member posted:

Animals do indeed communicate telepathically.

Humans in their younger days also communicate telepathically. Some do lose most or all of this ability as they age.

However, those who have lost some or all of the ability can regain/relearn this ability over time.

@cain posted:

How bout the "lickin testicles" part, come on DG you can add to that I'm sure.

Now, now, now Cain ...

That is something about which I absolutely have no knowledge.

Perhaps, you can seek other source(s) on that matter.

@cain posted:

I totally agree with iguana, you have given that skeezebag sk.unt ole a long lead to do what the FK he wanted..cuss up gay sheer shit..racial remarks..I can go on. I will join in the count tarassss..Leh we start.

Both on watch list . Iguana ,will show up puffing his chest out ,lashing out left, right and center . I man getting blows too ,when my patience run out ,switch will be flipped.

I have noticed shally ,went after you ,as a seasoned poster ,figured you can handle the situation.

Last edited by Django
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