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I heard an Indo Guyanese the other day trying to speak to an Indian from India.  He said "dis a me granpickney.  De gyurl baad, baad, yuh know, she muddah 'af fuh beat she sometime, because she mek nuff nuff NIZE".   This in a thick Caribbean creolese accent.

This while showing the man his phone pic.  The Indian looked at him not knowing how to reply, because he had no idea what he was saying.  And I know this because his questions were completely out of context. A Nigerian would have joined in this, using a similar dialect.

A white person listening would have thought him Jamaican, especially as his hair was covered and he was very dark.  The NYPD strip and search young Indo Carib boys as often as they do Hispanics!

To the Trumpsters you are a "Muslim ni99er."

Last edited by Former Member


I heard an Indo Guyanese the other day trying to speak to an Indian from India.  He said "dis a me granpickney.  De gyurl baad, baad, yuh know, she muddah 'af fuh beat she sometime, because she mek nuff nuff NIZE".   This in a thick Caribbean creolese accent.

This while showing the man his phone pic.  The Indian looked at him not knowing how to reply, because he had no idea what he was saying.  And I know this because his questions were completely out of context. A Nigerian would have joined in this, using a similar dialect.

A white person listening would have thought him Jamaican, especially as his hair was covered and he was very dark.  The NYPD strip and search young Indo Carib boys as often as they do Hispanics!

To the Trumpsters you are a "Muslim ni99er."

It is amazing how your racist mind conjures up these fantasies for stories. I doubt you ever met an Indo Guyanese in your entire life.



I see Caribj eating his heart out!.

He is telling you the truth. Here you are designated black whether you like it or not. Check the comment pages on Drudge or Bannon news site and see what they think of you. It is not outside reason they will jack you up just for being brown.  The paranoia they have generated by their hype-relevated racism means you will rue the day you think you made the right choice by voting against your interest...and are a ne.gro...get used to it

Drugb posted:


I heard an Indo Guyanese the other day trying to speak to an Indian from India.  He said "dis a me granpickney.  De gyurl baad, baad, yuh know, she muddah 'af fuh beat she sometime, because she mek nuff nuff NIZE".   This in a thick Caribbean creolese accent.

This while showing the man his phone pic.  The Indian looked at him not knowing how to reply, because he had no idea what he was saying.  And I know this because his questions were completely out of context. A Nigerian would have joined in this, using a similar dialect.

A white person listening would have thought him Jamaican, especially as his hair was covered and he was very dark.  The NYPD strip and search young Indo Carib boys as often as they do Hispanics!

To the Trumpsters you are a "Muslim ni99er."

It is amazing how your racist mind conjures up these fantasies for stories. I doubt you ever met an Indo Guyanese in your entire life.

Druggie explain where the racism in this is. Offended that most Indo Guyanese speak a dialect of English which originated in West Africa?

caribny posted:

Druggie explain where the racism in this is. Offended that most Indo Guyanese speak a dialect of English which originated in West Africa?

You always seem to have a first hand negative story about Guyanese Indians.  It seem that during your lunch break, you go around sneaking up behind Indo Guyanese to hear their story. 



Hehe, Hillary was co-opted by Black-Lives-Matter and got a good dose of Whitelash!  All the pundits say White votes cannot swing anything anymore.  Caribj said this is no longer a White country! Wake up and smell the Starbucks you clowns.  Your ignorance is only "trumped" by your arrogance!

Your belief that this is a white country and you as an indian is a proxy white is the cause of your confusion. If you cannot see the faces and the identity of the personnel being put in charge and what they represent ( not you)  by now then you are seriously brain damaged by self hate.

And yes black lives do matter and you are represented if you like it or not since the institutional racism in many police departments will reach out and touch you if it has not already done so more than once. Every person here of color would have felt the undue attention of the cops if you are brown. That is a fact jack; however much you Trumpeters would refuse to acknowledge it out of self hate.



I heard an Indo Guyanese the other day trying to speak to an Indian from India.  He said "dis a me granpickney.  De gyurl baad, baad, yuh know, she muddah 'af fuh beat she sometime, because she mek nuff nuff NIZE".   This in a thick Caribbean creolese accent. Druggie explain where the racism in this is. Offended that most Indo Guyanese speak a dialect of English which originated in West Africa?

While I agree  that articulatory phonetics, specifically how sounds are formed in  the mouth points to west African dialects as central to our creoles. It  is not all there is in the origination of a languages as our creoles show various contributions. Socio-linguistics and comparative philology will indicate heavy contributions from Hindi and Amerindian dialects and even Spanish  via the amerindians. It is the reason we have a different accent than other WI islands.  The phonology was impacted by other languages than West African. It is ours, all of us.

There is nothing special to it. It is what humans do where ever they meet each other. There are no mute race on the planet and if you put any two people together in time they will create their own language.

The bony structure of these languages, English,  itself a creoles,  and it is very receptive to sound variation and liberal borrowings (re-lexification) of words. English based creoles, they in Hawaii or in the Sea Islands of the US or  in West Africa or the West Indies all are easily understood by the various people in these places. All of us can with little effort  understand Kerio and Gullah. We could even get most of Tok Pisn of Papua New Guinea because english is the dominant language. It is why we can also learn Sranantongo from surinam in a few weeks very easily

The point I am making is that if Indians created a creoles with english , you would understand it and if they came first it is what you would be speaking because there is no magic or mystery to it. I is just what humans do anywhere any time all the time.

Last edited by Former Member

In as much as a number of Indo-Guyanese residing in the US may prefer a Trump Presidency, linking them as wannabe whites misses the point. These people with different views have bought into the economic message by Trump. They are dubious about Obamacare and don't really have much thought on foreign affairs other than the selling of all Muslims are terrorists. What also informs their views is their experiences of the PNC rule in Guyana and a longing for an arbiter of rule like say, white people.

What we need to do is to educate their views and not brandish them as vulgar. We will remain people who talk past each other were we to do so. I know some things are like religion - faith-based belief in Trump, never mind the other stuff the ywould abhor - but we need to fight for hat mind-space with cogent arguments and that final arbiter of truth - facts.

Last edited by Kari
Kari posted:

In as much as a number of Indo-Guyanese residing in the US may prefer a Trump Presidency, linking them as wannabe whites misses the point. These people with different views have bought into the economic message by Trump. They are dubious about Obamacare and don't really have much thought on foreign affairs other than the selling of all Muslims are terrorists. What also informs their views is their experiences of the PNC rule in Guyana and a longing for an arbiter of rule like say, white people.

What we need to do is to educate their views and not brandish them as vulgar. We will remain people who talk past each other were we to do so. I know some things are like religion - faith-based belief in Trump, never mind the other stuff the ywould abhor - but we need to fight for hat mind-space with cogent arguments and that final arbiter of truth - facts.

And of course, fly-catcher Kari knows everything about everything and about everything else, even why/what people are thinking!  You should have gone and worked for Hillary so she don't miss the boat and what people were thinking!

List, no one needs to be educated on your views, think and talk for yourself and clowns like you!


Danyael the Guyanese accent isn't that different from that of folks from the Virgin Islands or St Maarten.  And in fact to most non West Indians, we all sound alike, Bajans probably excluded.  It is not that unique. 

In fact THAT is why it is harder to mimic as it doesn't have OBVIOUS unique characteristics as do Jamaicans, Bajans, and Trinis.   And even those aren't unique as any one who has heard Antiguans, Bahamians, or some Grenadians and some St Lucians, would know.

There is a comedian Majah Hype who has youtube videos. His reputation comes from his ability to float between various Caribbean accents, usually Jamaican, Haitian, Bajan, Trini, and Guyanese.  Sometimes he throws in a Nigerian and a (West Indian) Panamanian. What is key is that there are differences, but there are also loads of similarities.   Like getting into the various vernaculars which exist within the USA. Unique but built around the same theme.

The influences of Hindi and Amerindian languages is in the words used, Just as there are influences from non British colonial heritages.   And there aren't so many as to suggest that an Indian would have an advantage over a  Nigerian.  This a grafted onto the creole grammatical structure which developed from the interface between 17th C English and West African languages, both in West Africa and in the Caribbean. 

There are some deep rooted Portuguese influences as the British began to trade in regions of West Africa previously visited by the Portuguese, so the local people shifted from a Portuguese pidgin to an English pidgin.

FACT. A Nigerian can understand a group of Guyanese speaking deep creolese.  No other non West Indian English speakers can. Not Americans, and not people from India.

Do you know that when a Caribbean person asks "wheh he deh?" the "deh" is an Igbo word. BTW you can fly from Nassau to G/T and stop in every English speaking Caribbean country en route and they know what that means.  As would an Anglophone West African, though they will say it slightly differently.

Clearly there are high levels of tonality in the creoles in the Caribbean, where a differing changes the meaning of the word.  Example "he dead".  That can mean "is he dead?".  "Yes he is dead".  "He died yesterday".  That is a core West African influence.

In fact Srnan Tongo (Talkee Talkee) is a very old form of English creole. It was isolated from English when Suriname became Dutch, so it is more "African" is scope, whereas what we speak obviously bears closer resemblance to standard English.


Baseman I can say with confidence that most Guyanese Indians living in NYC voted Hillary. I cannot speak for those who live elsewhere.  VM and Kari can offer their opinions on this, but I suspect that it will not be to disagree.

You see they have as much reason to fear an encounter with NYPD as do blacks, because to a cop they are a 120lb black man. Smaller in size, so easier to abuse, but not deserving of respect.

Baseman there was a Guyanese Indian who moved into a heavily Italian American part of Queens. The people mounted daily protests trying to get him to move. When he didn't they began to vandalize his property.  He had to turn to the black political structure to help him get the cops to deal with the situation.  This given that Indo Caribbean people are politically weak, and the local Italian American politicians didn't want to antagonize their support base.

caribny posted:

Danyael the Guyanese accent isn't that different from that of folks from the Virgin Islands or St Maarten.  And in fact to most non West Indians, we all sound alike, Bajans probably excluded.  It is not that unique. 

In fact THAT is why it is harder to mimic as it doesn't have OBVIOUS unique characteristics as do Jamaicans, Bajans, and Trinis.   And even those aren't unique as any one who has heard Antiguans, Bahamians, or some Grenadians and some St Lucians, would know.

There is a comedian Majah Hype who has youtube videos. His reputation comes from his ability to float between various Caribbean accents, usually Jamaican, Haitian, Bajan, Trini, and Guyanese.  Sometimes he throws in a Nigerian and a (West Indian) Panamanian. What is key is that there are differences, but there are also loads of similarities.   Like getting into the various vernaculars which exist within the USA. Unique but built around the same theme.

The influences of Hindi and Amerindian languages is in the words used, Just as there are influences from non British colonial heritages.   And there aren't so many as to suggest that an Indian would have an advantage over a  Nigerian.  This a grafted onto the creole grammatical structure which developed from the interface between 17th C English and West African languages, both in West Africa and in the Caribbean. 

There are some deep rooted Portuguese influences as the British began to trade in regions of West Africa previously visited by the Portuguese, so the local people shifted from a Portuguese pidgin to an English pidgin.

FACT. A Nigerian can understand a group of Guyanese speaking deep creolese.  No other non West Indian English speakers can. Not Americans, and not people from India.

Do you know that when a Caribbean person asks "wheh he deh?" the "deh" is an Igbo word. BTW you can fly from Nassau to G/T and stop in every English speaking Caribbean country en route and they know what that means.  As would an Anglophone West African, though they will say it slightly differently.

Clearly there are high levels of tonality in the creoles in the Caribbean, where a differing changes the meaning of the word.  Example "he dead".  That can mean "is he dead?".  "Yes he is dead".  "He died yesterday".  That is a core West African influence.

In fact Srnan Tongo (Talkee Talkee) is a very old form of English creole. It was isolated from English when Suriname became Dutch, so it is more "African" is scope, whereas what we speak obviously bears closer resemblance to standard English.

The fact is there is no reason why creolization could not be formed with any other language bridging to english. There ie nothing unique to creolization. That is the only relevant argument

Danyael posted:


Hillary lost because she depended on the black votes and they did not turn out to vote like they did for Obama. Trump knew all along that the blacks were not coming out to vote. Remember, he said that black people have a "lazy trait" in them. PA & MI did her in.

Black people turned out in higher percentages than white folks and white women defected to Trump while white millennials stayed home or vote third party in significant numbers to cause her to lose. She lost by very narrow margins.

Duly noted, your apish ways are still resonant.

Like I said, look in your house and you will see apes around. You might even catch a glimpse of a sakiwinki parrot on one of their beds in the tree house you built.
CNN(Don Lemon) has confirmed my suspicions. Go piss in a Home Depot bucket and wash your face.



Danyael what nonsense you are saying. A creoles speaking man from Guyana can understand Gullah. Are you just daydreaming. They are two completely different languages.

Nope, similar creole and is like our creoles in syntax since they share the same linguistic identity. You could learn it in an afternoon

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:


Hillary lost because she depended on the black votes and they did not turn out to vote like they did for Obama. Trump knew all along that the blacks were not coming out to vote. Remember, he said that black people have a "lazy trait" in them. PA & MI did her in.

Black people turned out in higher percentages than white folks and white women defected to Trump while white millennials stayed home or vote third party in significant numbers to cause her to lose. She lost by very narrow margins.

Duly noted, your apish ways are still resonant.

Like I said, look in your house and you will see apes around. You might even catch a glimpse of a sakiwinki parrot on one of their beds in the tree house you built.
CNN(Don Lemon) has confirmed my suspicions. Go piss in a Home Depot bucket and wash your face.

Nothing more disgusting than an old fool except an old racist fool


Danyael the issue is that when immigrants arrive, not speaking the local language, they generally adapt the speech patterns of their neighbors.  This is why many Puerto Ricans moving to the Northeast have African American speech patterns, and why the Indian indentures into the Caribbean began to use the local creoles, depending on where they went to.

And these local creoles were those developed by the African enslaved peoples as they tried to develop speech patterns that bridged their West African grammatical systems and the language of the plantation whites.

So yes clearly Hindi influences were retained by these immigrants, and some words even moved into general creole usage, but the basis was the local creole that was in use when they arrived.

 Similar linguistic development occurred in the French Caribbean.  In the Dutch Caribbean the vernaculars have little to do with Dutch.  There isn't a creole dialect spoken in the Spanish Caribbean, though there are ample African and Amerindian influences in vocabulary, and pronunciation.

The various histories of these territories influences the vernacular. For instance there are sharp differences in the speech patterns of Bajans/Bahamians, when compared to Jamaicans/Antiguans. This even though they have similar histories of British colonization.  This because there were more whites in the former relative to the latter, so more rural English/Celtic influences in grammar, tone and accent in the former than in the latter, where more African influences were retained.

So given that the Indian indentures adopted and adapted the speech patterns of the African former slaves, even as they did add their own influences, their speech is closer to a Krio speaker of Sierra Leone than to a Bhojpuri speaker of Bihar.

ba$eman posted:

And of course, fly-catcher Kari knows everything about everything and about everything else, even why/what people are thinking!  You should have gone and worked for Hillary so she don't miss the boat and what people were thinking!

List, no one needs to be educated on your views, think and talk for yourself and clowns like you!

Baseless, your anger throughout your life is understandable. One day you will embrace the world of happiness.

I may be everything you want me to be - fly-catcher; etc. - but I have the patience and will find the keys to making your life one of less anger. 

In this day of Trump being President-elect and despite the chaos of his first post-election week your euphoria naturally descended to hubris. We have to prepare you for the soft landing when Trump's agenda harrows more closely to the Democrats, and all the campaign promises you wish for do not materialize. I speak of (i) not much change in immigration - deportation; a wall; enforcement; etc.; (ii) not much in terms of manufacturing jobs and an embrace of TPP; (iii) no Muslim ban - maybe increased Muslim surveillance (nothing to worry about as the bad ones will be caught); (iv) not much about embracing Putin and walking away from the same efforts of Obama in Iraq and Syria.

We're prepared. We'll provide counsel to you and comfort, especially when extremist bigotry start impacting your brown existence. 


Baseman doesn't seem to know that the Senate democrats have now joined the brigade to "educate" Trump, given that he is lost at sea, without a paddle, navigation devices, or even a clue has to how to sail the ship.

Trump felt that it was cool to scream that he will quickly end Obamacare.

Now that fate has it that he will actually be president, even as his foul mouthed behavior suggested that he tried hard not to be, he actually has to think things out.

1. Like many US corporations he outsources, so he knows that there are severe cost consequences for in sourcing, which cannot always be absorbed, and which consumers will push back against, should they try to raise prices.

He is old enough to remember that when US autos got expensive and Japanese cars appeared, Americans rushed to the latter.  US auto companies had to outsource in order to compete.  This included using foreign steel, as the US version was too costly. 

2.  He never developed a plan as to how to replace Obamacare, but found out that, despite their squeals, many Trump voters are on this plan.  Now how does he dump Obamacare and leave these people with no access to health insurance, and therefore to health care?   Now it turns out that a replacement will take many years to implement. Maybe even beyond the mid terms in 2018.

3.  He cannot magically create the type of real wages that industrial workers in the Midwest enjoyed up to the 70s.  When jobs are in sourced back to the USA the type of hard and soft skills that these people have is not what is needed. Robots perform the repetitive process oriented work. Humans perform jobs that require quick decision making, problem solving and good quantitative skills.  The guy who only knows how to screw on a part, as the machine brings the product down a belt, is no longer needed in the USA.  At least not at the high wages that these people want.

4.  Given the massive national debt that began to soar under Bush, because of his tax cuts, and unfunded war, and under Obama, as he had to deal with the Bush induced recession, which increased expenditures on the social safety net, while tax revenues plummeted, there will not be an appetite for more unfunded expenditures.

So his infrastructure expenditures will have to be fully funded, or he will have to seek DEMOCRATIC support, and hope that they don't grudge how the GOP blocked Obama from this.

His tax plans will have to be revenue neutral. When the American public finds out that hedge fund tycoons and trust fund kids will get tax relief, while many, currently exempt from having to pay federal income tax, will end up paying MORE!  And the Democrats will be sure to let the public know.

So what to do?   Nancy Pelosi is likely gone. Her replacement will be very noisy as the Dems try to over come their humiliation, and attempt to look less elitist.

Warren is going to light Schumer's ass on fire so that he remembers that he is the senator from NY and not from Tel Aviv, so yes not only things that suit the Zionists will be discussed.


I think that Trump is gradually discovering how hard his job is.

But then;

5. Because his campaign suggested that he draw in support from the lunatics like Giuliani, and from racists like Bannon and Sessions, he is hog tied from being able to build alliances to solve his problems.

Poor Trump. And poor Baseman and Bibi when they discovered that their invitations to the "white folks ONLY gala" were "lost in the mail!"  And this for their safety as Trump lunatics will not respond well to "Mawslims" at an "Amurrican" event!



Last edited by Former Member

Baseless may be in the early stages of postpartum as a result of Trump's election victory. It is dawning on him that campaigning was exhilarating and the night of victory euphoric; but the real world of governing doesn't look so encouraging.

We have to embrace this member of our family. It's a mental disease that we have to be cognizant of and do our best to provide support to our fellow brown working class person as Trumpsters take over and attempt to grind him.


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