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Yes, Jay's notion of "treating blacks well" is non blacks offering charitable "outreach" to those "poor unfortunate negroes" who must never be allowed to be decision makers.


So he screams that the coalition "has TOO MUCH BLACK MAN", even though its leadership is 50% non African.  You see Granger should be a token like Sam Hinds.  And the leadership should be 60% AFC Indians.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Yes, Jay's notion of "treating blacks well" is non blacks offering charitable "outreach" to those "poor unfortunate negroes" who must never be allowed to be decision makers.


So he screams that the coalition "has TOO MUCH BLACK MAN", even though its leadership is 50% non African.  You see Granger should be a token like Sam Hinds.  And the leadership should be 60% AFC Indians.

Throw out all dem coolies fram de PNC govt. PNC ah only fuh dem Guinea black peeple.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Throw out all dem coolies fram de PNC govt. PNC ah only fuh dem Guinea black peeple.

why do such a thing antiman?

Gyal, So you can enjoy all the attention pulling down your panties and grabbing your ankles in front of parliament.

not following your 'response' mr nonsequiturantiman

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Gyal, So you can enjoy all the attention pulling down your panties and grabbing your ankles in front of parliament.

Actually I have discovered that MALE PPP Indo racists have a new occupation.  And that is fantasizing about being raped by PNC black men.


This endless homoerotic imagery which pours from their finger tips.


In fact cobra and Nehru are already enjoying this, and rama is apoplectic with rage that he isn't getting any PNC poles.   But then with Jagdeo as their leader, why should we not expect this.  He too gets filled with homoerotic imagery every time he squeals about the PNC (blackman).

Last edited by Former Member

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