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Former Member


"The defeated PPP has been stoking discord over the Cummingsburg Accord that created the APNU+AFC Coalition, mainly shedding crocodile tears that Moses Nagamootoo has been denied powers as Prime Minister and First Vice-President of Guyana.
It is flattering to know that the Stalinist Gang is crying for me, and wants me to wield greater powers when, not so long ago, some of those political pranksters had wished my demise: "who ain't dead will be badly wounded", according to the chief Turk, Clement Rohee.
Like all Coalitions in the world, ours will have hiccups, but we have set up a bi-partisan team to iron out any slippages as our expectation is that this Coalition must work for Guyana and, as I have said, I am not bothered by small irritants.
I find working with President David Granger as a unique, novel experience and I am learning from his methods, which pay attention to details and outcomes. When necessary, I share the Chairmanship of Cabinet, and pilot the key tasks to move our parliamentary agenda forward with cooperation from all Cabinet colleagues.
President Granger himself acknowledged that this is "a burdensome responsibility" which requires that I chair part of Cabinet proceedings. This practice has started.
The PPP is creating discord over the Accord as a diversion from its deep internal crisis, where the Stalinists are fighting for total control and to marginalise the new core of young and ambitious leaders.
It also wants to throw the focus away from its mismanagement of the economy, the massive theft of public funds and widespread corrupt practices involving former state officials, as well as impending forensic audits of key projects and operations.
The Coalition is not bothered by these antics, and it's Ministers are busy tackling the enormous problems of crises in the sugar and rice sectors, the breakdown of water control systems resulting in floods, securing Guyana's sovereignty against Venezuela, etc..
We are determined to put patrimony before pettiness, and partisan prattles - the new euphemism for the PPP.

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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


"The defeated PPP has been stoking discord over the Cummingsburg Accord that created the APNU+AFC Coalition, mainly shedding crocodile tears that Moses Nagamootoo has been denied powers as Prime Minister and First Vice-President of Guyana.
It is flattering to know that the Stalinist Gang is crying for me, and wants me to wield greater powers when, not so long ago, some of those political pranksters had wished my demise: "who ain't dead will be badly wounded", according to the chief Turk, Clement Rohee.
Like all Coalitions in the world, ours will have hiccups, but we have set up a bi-partisan team to iron out any slippages as our expectation is that this Coalition must work for Guyana and, as I have said, I am not bothered by small irritants.
I find working with President David Granger as a unique, novel experience and I am learning from his methods, which pay attention to details and outcomes. When necessary, I share the Chairmanship of Cabinet, and pilot the key tasks to move our parliamentary agenda forward with cooperation from all Cabinet colleagues.
President Granger himself acknowledged that this is "a burdensome responsibility" which requires that I chair part of Cabinet proceedings. This practice has started.
The PPP is creating discord over the Accord as a diversion from its deep internal crisis, where the Stalinists are fighting for total control and to marginalise the new core of young and ambitious leaders.
It also wants to throw the focus away from its mismanagement of the economy, the massive theft of public funds and widespread corrupt practices involving former state officials, as well as impending forensic audits of key projects and operations.
The Coalition is not bothered by these antics, and it's Ministers are busy tackling the enormous problems of crises in the sugar and rice sectors, the breakdown of water control systems resulting in floods, securing Guyana's sovereignty against Venezuela, etc..
We are determined to put patrimony before pettiness, and partisan prattles - the new euphemism for the PPP.


Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Not drinking the cool aid!

Trust, my friend. And patience too.


There is no such thing as trust without the power to compel in politics. Moses has surrendered his power to compel so "trust" here means "I'm at the mercy of the PNC's whims and fancies."


The fact that he has to defend himself against charges of impotence says it all there. No one views Moses as someone of consequence anymore. He is the coolie Sam Hinds. A token who seems happy to play with his inconsequential toys and leave the serious business of government to those more suitably equipped for the task. Moses is barely the boss of the Chronicle...a job no PNCite wants or even cares about in this age of social media and the independent press.


I see you have lost none of your Jaganite appetite for "trust" and "patience." Code words for Indian impotence.


P.S...Can't you people find Moses a Press Secretary? And a political advisor who can stop him from being his own Defender of the Mosaic Faith? Even God needed a Pope as his representative.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
There is no such thing as trust without the power to compel in politics. Moses has surrendered his power to compel so "trust" here means "I'm at the mercy of the PNC's whims and fancies."


The fact that he has to defend himself against charges of impotence says it all there. No one views Moses as someone of consequence anymore. He is the coolie Sam Hinds. A token who seems happy to play with his inconsequential toys and leave the serious business of government to those more suitably equipped for the task. Moses is barely the boss of the Chronicle...a job no PNCite wants or even cares about in this age of social media and the independent press.


I see you have lost none of your Jaganite appetite for "trust" and "patience." Code words for Indian impotence.


P.S...Can't you people find Moses a Press Secretary? And a political advisor who can stop him from being his own Defender of the Mosaic Faith? Even God needed a Pope as his representative.

petty subversive wannabe . . . drifting now from the sullen to the infantile


y'know . . . this appeal to (Moses's) vanity is getting kinda tired


train having long left the station and all that

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Not drinking the cool aid!

Trust, my friend. And patience too.


There is no such thing as trust without the power to compel in politics. Moses has surrendered his power to compel so "trust" here means "I'm at the mercy of the PNC's whims and fancies."


The fact that he has to defend himself against charges of impotence says it all there. No one views Moses as someone of consequence anymore. He is the coolie Sam Hinds. A token who seems happy to play with his inconsequential toys and leave the serious business of government to those more suitably equipped for the task. Moses is barely the boss of the Chronicle...a job no PNCite wants or even cares about in this age of social media and the independent press.


I see you have lost none of your Jaganite appetite for "trust" and "patience." Code words for Indian impotence.


P.S...Can't you people find Moses a Press Secretary? And a political advisor who can stop him from being his own Defender of the Mosaic Faith? Even God needed a Pope as his representative.

It is really troubling that the accord signed by Moses and the AFC is not being adhered to. It seems that they sold themselves for the mirage of powe. What power does he have? Harmon is the second most powerful person in the government, Trottman is responsible for governance and Clive is now going to be responsible for economics. I agree with Shaitaan that he does not have the power to compel. He is hanging on to what?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
There is no such thing as trust without the power to compel in politics. Moses has surrendered his power to compel so "trust" here means "I'm at the mercy of the PNC's whims and fancies."


The fact that he has to defend himself against charges of impotence says it all there. No one views Moses as someone of consequence anymore. He is the coolie Sam Hinds. A token who seems happy to play with his inconsequential toys and leave the serious business of government to those more suitably equipped for the task. Moses is barely the boss of the Chronicle...a job no PNCite wants or even cares about in this age of social media and the independent press.


I see you have lost none of your Jaganite appetite for "trust" and "patience." Code words for Indian impotence.


P.S...Can't you people find Moses a Press Secretary? And a political advisor who can stop him from being his own Defender of the Mosaic Faith? Even God needed a Pope as his representative.

petty subversive wannabe . . . drifting now from the sullen to the infantile


y'know . . . this appeal to (Moses's) vanity is getting kinda tired


train having long left the station and all that


I am not surprised in the least bit that you and your tribal partisans prefer and will and will defend to the death abbe impotent Coolie politicians.


Burnham loved Antiman Cheddi and his Akkabre College phalanx. Granger has Antiman Moses and his his Cult on their last hurrah.


It is for this reason that I have zero expectations of any major prosecutions of the PPP leadership for anything. Abbe Coolie Antiman dem are just too valuable to the PNC cause of perpetual domination of Indians.


You guys have the Indian leadership of your wildest dreams. Antiman quislings in Government and Antiman Incompetents in Opposition. Win-win situation!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
There is no such thing as trust without the power to compel in politics. Moses has surrendered his power to compel so "trust" here means "I'm at the mercy of the PNC's whims and fancies."


The fact that he has to defend himself against charges of impotence says it all there. No one views Moses as someone of consequence anymore. He is the coolie Sam Hinds. A token who seems happy to play with his inconsequential toys and leave the serious business of government to those more suitably equipped for the task. Moses is barely the boss of the Chronicle...a job no PNCite wants or even cares about in this age of social media and the independent press.


I see you have lost none of your Jaganite appetite for "trust" and "patience." Code words for Indian impotence.


P.S...Can't you people find Moses a Press Secretary? And a political advisor who can stop him from being his own Defender of the Mosaic Faith? Even God needed a Pope as his representative.

petty subversive wannabe . . . drifting now from the sullen to the infantile


y'know . . . this appeal to (Moses's) vanity is getting kinda tired


train having long left the station and all that


I am not surprised in the least bit that you and your tribal partisans prefer and will and will defend to the death abbe impotent Coolie politicians.


Burnham loved Antiman Cheddi and his Akkabre College phalanx. Granger has Antiman Moses and his his Cult on their last hurrah.


It is for this reason that I have zero expectations of any major prosecutions of the PPP leadership for anything. Abbe Coolie Antiman dem are just too valuable to the PNC cause of perpetual domination of Indians.


You guys have the Indian leadership of your wildest dreams. Antiman quislings in Government and Antiman Incompetents in Opposition. Win-win situation!

ow bai, dah is de "PPP leadership" yuh gave everthing fuh at last month's elections


collect dem Hindutva thoughts lil and try arrange dem logically before u bray, arite?


stupid doan look good pan u . . . after all, u is wan of Ravi/Anil dem brite bais

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Not drinking the cool aid!

Don't you think that Nagamootoo knows more about this than you do?  If he claims that there is a process in place to iron out issues that are being raised then why do you think that he lies?


Maybe he knows that the plan for folks like you to take over the PNC and the AFC is a joke even though you AFC Indos brought in 5% or LESS of the coalition votes.

Last edited by Former Member

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