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Jean ChrÉtien leads celebrity tributes to Hazel McCallion at retirement gala

By John Stewart, SUN, SEP 28, 2014 , Source - The Mississauga News

Surprise guest

Mayor Hazel McCallion was delighted when surprise visitor former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien dropped by during last night's Thank You Hazel Gala at the International Centre.


MISSISSAUGA – The last mayor's gala of the Hazel McCallion era was held Saturday night before about 1,000 people at The International Centre.

While past galas featured superstars like Aretha Franklin, the Beach Boys and Bill Cosby, Saturday night's event featured the ultimate star of the local constellation – Hazel McCallion herself.


The "Thanks, Hazel" Retirement Gala was an eclectic affair that featured a unique combination of the hyper local and the nationally celebrated.


After entering the hall riding on the back of a bright red 1968 Buick Skylark convertible, the mayor reached the stage by walking through an arch of hockey sticks held aloft by members from each of the local girls' hockey associations.


There was entertainment from seven local multicultural groups and a taped video paying tribute to the mayor from local citizens from many walks of life.


That was in contrast to a taped message of congratulations from singing star CÉline Dion and a surprise appearance by former Liberal Prime Minister Jean ChrÉtien.


After lifting McCallion right off the floor in an exuberant Gallic greeting, ChrÉtien praised her as a "lady of so many unique qualities. She's dynamic, to the point, friends with everybody, respectful of everybody and respected.


"You are the proof of how noble is the public service," he said. "You dedicated your life to that."


After spending 90 minutes in traffic coming from Toronto, ChrÉtien concluded that McCallion "should have been the mayor of the whole bloody area."

Premier Kathleen Wynne told the guest of honour, "You have transformed how so many young women see themselves and their potential. You've shown women and little girls everywhere that they can do more than they ever thought."


Hockey hero Paul Henderson, a 24-year resident of the city, commented that, "Nobody's got the energy she does." He said he hoped McCallion would slow down in retirement. "But she's already got an office. I pity her poor secretary – she'll be dead in two years of exhaustion."


Sami-Jo Small, goalie on the Canadian women's hockey team that won the 2000 world championships at the Hershey Centre, lauded McCallion for a much more practical reason. When the team won, "she was the first one in the dressing room handing out beers to all the girls."


Federal Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino, an old "fishing buddy" of McCallion's, called her "an inspiring example of a life well-lived."


Ward 2 Councillor Pat Mullin, speaking on behalf of City and Region of Peel councillors, said the mayor always puts the City first. While McCallion is often considered a tough customer, "I will miss the worth and humanity of the person inside," Mullin said.


In an unusually introspective speech, McCallion provided glimpses of the emotions rising to the surface as she nears the end of an unprecedented 36-year run as mayor.


Of her impending departure, she confessed, "I don't like to think about it because it's been so much a part of my life."


She tried valiantly, but unsuccessfully, to dig out from under the mound of praise that had been heaped on her throughout the evening. Mississauga has been a success not because of her, but because developers, staff, citizens and council have been involved in the decision-making process, she insisted. "No one does it alone; everyone does it together."


She said she was particularly moved last week when 2,000 City employees gathered on Celebration Square to thank her for her contribution to the City. "I shook every hand."


McCallion concluded her remarks by saying, "God bless you to move forward with hope and inspiration and give the best that's within you to give. If you do, the best will come back to you. Tonight, it has come back to me.


Surprise guest

Surprise guest

Mayor Hazel McCallion was delighted when surprise visitor former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien dropped by during Saturday night's Thank You Hazel Gala at the International Centre.


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