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Former Member

Political analyst Henry Jeffrey has berated opposition coalition APNU for what he described as its predilection for “fictitious political posturing”.

In his column in Tuesday’s Stabroek News, Jeffrey cited a motion in Parliament for the clean-up of the city and the more recent call by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) for a social contract among all stakeholders.

Jeffrey, who had a long association with the PNC, the principal component of APNU, said there can be no doubt that public confidence in the opposition in general has sunk since the 2011 national elections. Although the drop in support was inevitable, he argued that much of it has resulted from APNU’s refusal to take concrete steps in a bid to win tangible benefits.


excerpts from Stabroeknews

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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Jeffrey was Min of Home Affairs.  A very bright Chap.

I think you are confusing Jeffrey Thomas and Henry Jeffrey.....


Jeffrey Thomas was a PNC minister of Home Affairs whereas Henry Jeffrey is a former PNC member who  held a ministry in the PPP-C cabinet in 1992.....

Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Jeffrey was Min of Home Affairs.  A very bright Chap.

I think you are confusing Jeffrey Thomas and Henry Jeffrey.....


Jeffrey Thomas was a PNC minister of Home Affairs whereas Henry Jeffrey is a former PNC member who  held a ministry in the PPP-C cabinet in 1992.....

Thank you for the correction, But I believe he was a Minister of Education. He also was a minister under papa Cheddi, right?


APNU'S knew to their gut, that the PPP/C was victim of their own success and complacency played a huge role in the outcome of the 2011 results, they are also cognizant that the PPP/C work on their mistakes and is in  a better stead to contest any regional or National elections.APNU is in survival mode at present, clinging on to their combined "one-seat majority".

Originally Posted by Conscience:

APNU'S knew to their gut, that the PPP/C was victim of their own success and complacency played a huge role in the outcome of the 2011 results, they are also cognizant that the PPP/C work on their mistakes and is in  a better stead to contest any regional or National elections.APNU is in survival mode at present, clinging on to their combined "one-seat majority".

I think you are currently in that state of mind. Obviously, the Guyanese People are the ones who are feeling the pinch. More need to be done on both sides. Big mistakes were made and it IS time to fix them and plan for the future of the Guyanese People.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

APNU'S knew to their gut, that the PPP/C was victim of their own success and complacency played a huge role in the outcome of the 2011 results, they are also cognizant that the PPP/C work on their mistakes and is in  a better stead to contest any regional or National elections.APNU is in survival mode at present, clinging on to their combined "one-seat majority".

The massive pomp and circumstance of the PPP campaign is still here on the site to see inclusive of predictions and confidence of how well the reaction was. I remember you claiming the massive crowds indicated the wide appreciation for the party. They even culminated their campaign at National park with a chutney bash. All of that and the one seat minority was the outcome.

Last edited by Former Member

Thousands of the PP/C supporters were saying to themselves in an over confidence voice, "awe win aready" without going to the polls, when the free and fair elections were declared, they were very remorseful and saying " if we bin know, awe woulda vote", COMPLACENCY, played a huge role in the outcome of the 2011 results.


Don't fight the truth "Danyael" 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

APNU'S knew to their gut, that the PPP/C was victim of their own success and complacency played a huge role in the outcome of the 2011 results, they are also cognizant that the PPP/C work on their mistakes and is in  a better stead to contest any regional or National elections.APNU is in survival mode at present, clinging on to their combined "one-seat majority".

I think you are currently in that state of mind. Obviously, the Guyanese People are the ones who are feeling the pinch. More need to be done on both sides. Big mistakes were made and it IS time to fix them and plan for the future of the Guyanese People.

this fella is in a constant Baghdad Bob state of mind...

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Thousands of the PP/C supporters were saying to themselves in an over confidence voice, "awe win aready" without going to the polls, when the free and fair elections were declared, they were very remorseful and saying " if we bin know, awe woulda vote", COMPLACENCY, played a huge role in the outcome of the 2011 results.


Don't fight the truth "Danyael" 

What truth...the one that you lost the election despite mobilizing state assets to help your campaign? Complacency is not a synonym for corruption. That is why you lost and why you will lose again.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In the event of any snap election, the PPP/C stand the best chance of securing a majority.

Then tell them to do it an be rid of what is taking them down to the sewers where they belong.


A.P.N.U probably saw the writing on the wall, and decides to finally accept the olive branch in a bid to put their shoulders to the wall and work along with govt towards a better Guyana for all.


Look conscience  haul yu rass!


‘HAUL YOUR ASS’ – Ramjattan tells Minister Ali; Minister lashes back demanding public apology

‘HAUL YOUR ASS’ – Ramjattan tells Minister Ali; Minister lashes back demanding public apology

0 comments, 27/12/2013, by , in Politicsslider Stories


[] – Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali has described Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan as disgusting, lawless and accused him of abusing his power.


Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan. [iNews' Photo]

Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan. [iNews' Photo]

Ali’s comments follow initial utterances by Ramjattan when invited to a public discourse by the Minister after he raised several concerns regarding the distribution of lands along the East Bank of Demerara in an article published in the Kaieteur News on December 25, 2013, titled: ‘Eccles to Providence hijacked by private developers’.


Ali said after reading the article he sent an email, through his secretariat to the AFC Leader inviting him to have an exchange in the presence of the media but got a response stating “tell him to haul his ass.”

The Housing Minister during the same meeting at which Ramjattan was invited to on Friday (December 27) said moments before the commencement, a call was made to the AFC Leader by the his Secretary, reminding him of the earlier invite when he became loud and abusive to the Public Servant.


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