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ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:

If Charandaas felt he was elbowed, that is HIS perception and HIS reality.

Come on. Drop the nonsense.  I saw spontaneous reaction of shock, no deliberate attempt at harm. 

Is "Charrandas, yuh gun dead tonight" also a spontaneous reaction of shock Base?

Lets face the reality, if pnc premeditated to have him dead he would have been killed. I think it was a lot of crapaud style huffing and puffing.  In fact the backlash from the international community for the political killing of Charrandass would have destroyed any chances of afc/pnc getting back into power. The same reason that Granger was never touched, remember the talks going around that PPP and their drug lords would assassinate him should he come to power?

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Prashad posted:

.... I say attack them and their family members outside of Guyana.

Stop talking shit.  There is an Indian saying, "A dog bites a man, but does the man bite back the dog?"

Alyuh relax, the bannas dem was shell shocked.  Charrandas just made a glowing budget presentation.  The watching Sharma, but Charrandas shock dem rass!

Sometimes Prashad gets carried away.

I think that had Charrandas said no and everyone else after him but before Nagamootoo also said no, Nagamootoo would have said yes. Nagamootoo knows that his time with the Coalition is over. He also knows even though he likes to say he isn't that he is an empty shell PM with no true port folio since PNC Harmon calls the shots.

Harmon and Felix are running the show.  They are H. Greene people.  Moses takes his orders directly from them.

yuji22 posted:

PNC just made and announcement that Granger will be their Presidential Candidate. No mention of Moses, he might have to pack his grip and ride off into the sunset. They probably have no use for him anymore. 

Moses can't be president because he is from the junior party of the Coalition. The most he can be is the PM. Unfortunately for the past 3+ years, he had a shadow to keep him in line with PNC indoctrination. 


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