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A plan for the new square near the soon-to-be opened US Embassy in Jerusalem which the capital's mayor will name in honor of US President Donald Trump, May 8,2018. [Erez Shani)

Mayor says location near new embassy will be named to show love and respect for the president and the American people

Jerusalem traffic circle to be named for US and Trump

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat announced Tuesday that a traffic circle adjacent to the capital’s soon-to-open US embassy will name “US Square — in honor of President Donald Trump.”

The municipality plans to formally unveil the square in the presence of US officials after the opening on Monday of the embassy, which is currently a US consular building.

Trump announced on December 6 that the US would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate its embassy there from Tel Aviv.

The US Consulate in Jerusalem’s Arnona neighborhood, February 24, 2018. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)


“President Trump has decided to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish people, to stand on the side of the truth, and to do the right thing,” the mayor said in a statement.

“Naming this square in honor of the president is our way of showing our love and respect for the president and the American people, who always stand by the side of Israel.”

On Monday, workers put up street signs pointing the way to the new embassy.

Small in size, the embassy will initially occupy part of the consular workspace pending planning and construction of a purpose-built embassy — a long-term project, according to the US State Department.

Trump’s unilateral decision delighted the Israelis and enraged the Palestinians, who want to make the city the capital of their future state, and who say Trump’s decision ignores their demands.

Jerusalem municipality workers hang a road sign directing to the US Embassy near the US Consulate in Jerusalem, on May 7, 2018. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The question of Jerusalem is one of the thorniest of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israel considers the Trump declaration as recognition, albeit long delayed, of a historical fact.

To the Palestinians, it is indicative of what they say is the White House’s pro-Israel bias.

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Abbas urges Latin America not to follow US example on embassy:

After Guatemala and Paraguay announce plans to move their missions to Jerusalem, PA leader thanks Venezuela for its support

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro greets Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, during a meeting at the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas on May 7, 2018. [AFP PHOTO / JUAN BARRETO)

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas urged Latin American countries Monday night not to emulate the controversial US decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem.

The United States is pushing ahead with plans to relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv on May 14, a move welcomed by Israel that has sparked major protests by Palestinians, who seek East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state.

“We hope that some countries across Latin America won’t go moving their embassies to Jerusalem because that is against international law,” Abbas said during a meeting with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas.

The Palestinian leader thanked ally Maduro for rejecting Washington’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate its embassy, reversing decades of US policy in the region.

Full story to counter U.S. decision on Jerusalem


US Congress passes Jerusalem Embassy Act

Back in 1995, the US Congress passed the so-called Jerusalem Embassy Act, declaring that Jerusalem "should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel." The act, however, also allowed the sitting president to delay the move by signing a waiver every six months. Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama all reissued the waiver throughout their presidencies, citing security concerns.



Jerusalem have been hanging in the balance far too long before Isreal and Palestine can even reach a peace agreement. East Jerusalem have been annexed by Isreal that gives them the upper hand of claiming all of Jerusalem.

I am disappointed with Mahmoud Abbas for not taking a tougher approach to keep Isreal from grabbing all of Jerusalem.

Abbas took secret money from America to take a softer approach on the recent claim on Jerusalem.

He met with Maduro who supports him and hoping to encourage Central American nations not to follow America and move their embassies. 

Maduro words done have weight anymore, and Abbas knew all along that this day will come.





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