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Why I'm voting for Trump

CNN talks to more than 150 people in 31 cities to explore what's driving the Trump phenomenon

(CNN)They are showing up in droves to see Donald Trump: Men and women, overwhelmingly white, frustrated with the country's first black president, fearful that they are being displaced by minorities and immigrants, and nostalgic for the way America used to be.

And Trump is thriving, tapping into the fears and anxieties that have erupted into the open in an extraordinary presidential campaign.

The voters pledging their allegiance to the Republican front-runner hail from all corners of the country. They work on farms, in nursing homes and run small businesses; they've voted for Mitt Romney and Barack Obama and participated in the tea party movement; they are high school students who will vote for the first time this November and retirees and veterans who came of age during World War II.

In Trump, these people see the next president of the United States.

His attitude, one voter said, is that he "seems to just not give a f---." Trump's nativist rhetoric and hardline immigration stance is a relief for those who see a segment of the population "getting away" with breaking the law. Post-San Bernardino, the candidate's promise to "bomb the sh-- out of ISIS" exudes an uncomplicated confidence rare in other politicians. His accomplishments in the business world offer reassurance that he'll "put the economy back where it belongs."


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baseman posted:

I said for a while now, this country needs be run by a businessman.  We have been run by career politicians for too long and reached a new low going for an obscure Community Organizer!  But he did deliver on Iran and Cuba, so I give him props for that!

Trump is bold and brash but he speaks the inconvenient truth, a tough reality for many to face!

This is the most realistic, honest and accurate analysis of the Trump Mania.

Nice and Honest observation on the Community Organizer also.


Poll: Trump up by 22 points in SC; Cruz in second. From two day ago he gained 6 point.

Republican primary front-runner Donald Trump leads GOP field in South Carolina by 22 points ahead of the next GOP primary, according to a new poll.

The CBS News “Battleground Tracker” poll released on Sunday morning shows Trump with 42 percent support.

He’s followed by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) with 20 percent support, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) with 15 percent support and Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), who has seen a small surge after his second-place showing in New Hampshire, with 9 percent support.



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