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Officals: Israelis in secret trip to inspect Saudi bases. Could be used as staging ground for strikes against Iran


By Aaron Klein

TEL AVIV — Israeli personnel in recent days were in Saudi Arabia to inspect bases that could be used as a staging ground to launch attacks against Iran, according to informed Egyptian intelligence officials.

The officials said Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and other Arab and Persian Gulf countries have been discussing the next steps toward possible strikes on Iran’s nuclear sites.

The officials said the U.S. passed strong messages to Israel and the Saudis that the Americans control radar capabilities over the skies of Iran and that no strike should be launched without permission from the Obama administration.

It was unclear whether the purported visit to Saudi Arabia by Israeli military and intelligence officials signals any real preparation for a strike or if the trip was meant to signal the West that Israel retains the right to defend itself.

The trip came prior to the announcement of a deal today the aims to halt key parts of Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.

At a cabinet meeting in Jerusalem today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed what he called a “bad” and “dangerous” deal, while affirming that Israel will not allow Iran to go nuclear.

“”Israel is not obligated by this agreement,” Netanyahu said.  “I want to make clear we will not allow Iran to obtain military nuclear capability.”

“Today the world became a much more dangerous place because the most dangerous regime in the world made a significant step in obtaining the most dangerous weapons in the world,” he said.

The deal reportedly halts the installation of new centrifuges, but allows Iran to keep current centrifuges used to enrich uranium.

The agreement caps the amount and type of enriched uranium Iran can produce and opens many nuclear sites up to daily inspections.  However, Israel is warning that even the low-grade uranium allowed in the agreement can be used to eventually assemble a nuclear weapons capability.

As part of the deal, Iran agreed to halt work on key components of its Arak heavy-water reactor that could be used to produce plutonium, but the country doesn’t have to dismantle the reactor.

In response, Iran gets sanctions relief, including the freeing of $7 billion or more in frozen assets.

Hours after deal was signed, President Hassan Rouhani said the agreement recognizes Tehran’s “rights” to maintain an atomic program.


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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sometimes I don't know if to laugh or cry when I hear Saudi Arabia working with Israel against Iran. No wonder the Muslim World is what it is!!!!

We should leave those people alone... let them kill each other instead of taking sides or fighting for them. They are very pathetic, they feel no embarrassment when they ask the US or Israel to fight their tribal wars for them. 


Oil prices fall after Iran agrees nuclear deal

Negotiators in Geneva [24/11/13)

Oil prices have fallen after Iran agreed a deal to curb some of its nuclear activities in return for an easing of international sanctions.



Reasons why the Saudis hate the Iranians

1. Iran has a different interpretation of Islam

2. Iran is one of the largest producers of oil, a competitor

3. Iran is much more advanced technologically, has its own space technology, more advanced political system, more advanced social structure. Iranian version of Islam is the future.


Reasons why all this sanctions fail:

1. The main purpose was to make oil expensive for US rival powers

2. China went to Russia to buy cheaper oil.

2. Japan also went to Russia to buy cheaper oil.

3. Germany went to Russia to buy cheaper oil.

4. They made oil more expensive which in turn only benefited Russia the most technologically advanced oil producer. Stronger Russia meant a more confident Russia that could speak tough and oppose the US.





Originally Posted by Lucas:

Reasons why the Saudis hate the Iranians

1. Iran has a different interpretation of Islam

2. Iran is one of the largest producers of oil, a competitor

3. Iran is much more advanced technologically, has its own space technology, more advanced political system, more advanced social structure. Iranian version of Islam is the future.


Reasons why all this sanctions fail:

1. The main purpose was to make oil expensive for US rival powers

2. China went to Russia to buy cheaper oil.

2. Japan also went to Russia to buy cheaper oil.

3. Germany went to Russia to buy cheaper oil.

4. They made oil more expensive which in turn only benefited Russia the most technologically advanced oil producer. Stronger Russia meant a more confident Russia that could speak tough and oppose the US.

har de har har har har har harrr . . .!!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Reasons why the Saudis hate the Iranians

1. Iran has a different interpretation of Islam

2. Iran is one of the largest producers of oil, a competitor

3. Iran is much more advanced technologically, has its own space technology, more advanced political system, more advanced social structure. Iranian version of Islam is the future.


Reasons why all this sanctions fail:

1. The main purpose was to make oil expensive for US rival powers

2. China went to Russia to buy cheaper oil.

2. Japan also went to Russia to buy cheaper oil.

3. Germany went to Russia to buy cheaper oil.

4. They made oil more expensive which in turn only benefited Russia the most technologically advanced oil producer. Stronger Russia meant a more confident Russia that could speak tough and oppose the US.

har de har har har har har harrr . . .!!

Israel got caught in the Middle of this geopolitical struggle and became the main loser...


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