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Jews open temple to Muslims after mosque burns down

Humankind, USA Today Published 3:27 p.m. ET Feb. 1, 2017 | Updated 10:11 p.m. ET Feb. 1, 2017


After the Victoria Islamic Center was destroyed in a fire, the town's Jewish leaders handed their keys over to the Muslim leaders and invited them to use it for worship at any time. Humankind


VICTORIA, Texas — Early Saturday morning, members of the Victoria Islamic Center were notified that that their mosque had been destroyed by a fire overnight.

The incident occurred just hours after President Donald Trump signed his controversial executive order blocking citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. At this time, the cause of the fire is unknown and being investigated.

The small town of 62,000 immediately came together, with leaders of different faiths sharing their support.

Members of the one Jewish temple in the town, the Congregation B’Nai Israel, were the first to offer their house of worship. They handed their synagogue’s keys to one of the mosque's founders.

“We were very happy to do this,” Melvin Lack, treasurer of Congregation B’Nai Israel tells USA TODAY. “You feel what’s happening in the community and everyone reacts.”

Soon, a GoFundMe page was created to raise money for reconstruction. Within only a few days, over $1 million had been donated, far surpassing the initial goal of $850,000.

“Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the tremendous support we've received,” writes the page’s organizer, Omar Rachid. “The outpouring of love, kind words, hugs, helping hands and the financial contributions are examples of the true American Spirit and Humanity at its best.”

This is not the first time that different faith-based organizations have supported each other in time of need in Victoria.

In 2008, the Temple B’Nai Israel was vandalized when assailants painted swastikas and other anti-Semitic slurs on the building. The perpetrators were caught and the temple was cleaned. “Throughout that time period, churches and the Muslim community, everyone poured out their hearts to us and said this is horrible," says Lack.

Days after last weekend’s fire, the community continues to lend a helping hand. On Tuesday, pictures emerged showing students from a local Catholic high school holding signs of love and support.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Muslims has so much to be thankful for.

The  support from non Muslims since Mr. Trump issued his ban IS NOTED.

Let's not forget a Mosque was destroyed, another Mosque was attacked and 6 persons were murdered, and we are not getting the 24/7 coverage that other communities received when Muslims are the culprits.

GNI boys who normally go on a rampage are very quiet.

Chief posted:

Muslims has so much to be thankful for.

The  support from non Muslims since Mr. Trump issued his ban IS NOTED.

Let's not forget a Mosque was destroyed, another Mosque was attacked and 6 persons were murdered, and we are not getting the 24/7 coverage that other communities received when Muslims are the culprits.

GNI boys who normally go on a rampage are very quiet.

Why?  Did Trump ban Muslims?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:

Muslims has so much to be thankful for.

The  support from non Muslims since Mr. Trump issued his ban IS NOTED.

Let's not forget a Mosque was destroyed, another Mosque was attacked and 6 persons were murdered, and we are not getting the 24/7 coverage that other communities received when Muslims are the culprits.

GNI boys who normally go on a rampage are very quiet.

Why?  Did Trump ban Muslims?

You got to be WHITE to think that Trump likes you. The killing of 6  Muslims praying in a Mosque in Quebec  was Trump inspired, hate crimes are up.


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