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in direct coordination with the Port Authority we will be meeting outside of JFK Terminal 4 Arrivals on the outer roadway.

Holocaust Remembrance Day was Friday and today Trump's racist executive actions have already resulted in people being detained at JFK (without access to their legal representation) because of their country of origin. Let's put action behind words and meet at JFK Terminal 4 Arrivals at 6PM to hold a vigil and rally against the detentions. NO BAN, NO WALL, SANCTUARY FOR ALL!

We know there are many folks that are heading straight to Terminal 4 right now. We are working with community organizations to arrange for peaceful demonstrations throughout the day culminating with a havdalah ritual lead by Rabbi Rachel Grant Meyer at 6PM. Speakers to follow.

Please use hashtags: #NoMuslimBanJFK and #Terminal4; no more than two at a time on Twitter becase more surpresses tweets!

Special Thanks to support from:
- Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer
- Councilmember Carlos Menchaca
- Councilmember Mark Levine
- Make the Road New York
- Jews for Racial and Economic Justice [JFREJ]
- Jewish Voices for Peace - New York
-New York Civil Liberties Union - NYCLU
- The New York Immigration Coalition
-MPower Change
- Community Development Project of Urban Justice Center

Replies sorted oldest to newest


and to keep the terrorists in the US to kill our children at school and blow up the city buildings one by one, said Chief. Tell your congregation that all Muslims are appeasers to their brothers regardless if they are good or bad. And, that you pray for terrorists to enter Allah's heaven after they kill innocent children in America. Speak your mind and tell Trump that Muslim run America and you want Sharia laws in America. 

Prince posted:


and to keep the terrorists in the US to kill our children at school and blow up the city buildings one by one, said Chief. Tell your congregation that all Muslims are appeasers to their brothers regardless if they are good or bad. And, that you pray for terrorists to enter Allah's heaven after they kill innocent children in America. Speak your mind and tell Trump that Muslim run America and you want Sharia laws in America. 

There Have Been No Fatal Terror Attacks In The U.S. By Immigrants From The 7 Banned Muslim Countries

More evidence that the ban makes no sense.

01/28/2017 10:00 am ET

There have been zero fatal terror attacks on U.S. soil since 1975 by immigrants from the seven Muslim-majority countries President Donald Trump targeted with immigration bans on Friday, further highlighting the needlessness and cruelty of the president’s executive order.

Between 1975 and 2015, foreign nationals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen killed exactly zero Americans on U.S. soil, according to an analysis of terror attacks by the Cato Institute.   

Moreover, a report released this week shows that Muslim Americans with family backgrounds in those seven countries have killed no Americans over the last 15 years.

Twenty-three percent of the Muslim Americans involved with violent extremist plots since Sept. 11, 2001, had family backgrounds in Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria or Yemen, according to a Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security report released this week. None of those plots resulted in American deaths.

Similarly, none of the 19 plane hijackers on 9/11 were from any of those seven countries. 

“Contrary to alarmist political rhetoric, the appeal of revolutionary violence has remained very limited among Muslim-Americans,” Charles Kurzman, a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the author of the Triangle Center report, said in a statement. “Let’s use this empirical evidence to guide our policy-making and public debates on violent extremism.” 

This is a dramatic and misdirected overreaction to a relatively small-scale problem. Charles Kurzman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill professor

On Friday afternoon, Trump issued an executive order indefinitely banning Syrian refugee admissions, temporarily banning entry of people from the seven aforementioned majority-Muslim countries and suspending visas to countries of “particular concern.”

The order, at the end of Trump’s first week as president, is an extension of a presidential campaign in which Trump routinely stirred fears and peddled misinformation about Muslims in America. It also partially fulfills Trump’s 2015 call to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. 

“This is a dramatic and misdirected overreaction to a relatively small-scale problem,” Kurzman wrote in The WorldPost Thursday in anticipation of Trump’s executive order.

The threat of Muslim American involvement in violent extremism is greatly inflated, Kurzman wrote, and violence by Muslim Americans represents an incredibly small fraction of overall violence in this country.  

Kurzman told The Huffington Post he defined “Muslim Americans” in his report as people who had lived in the U.S. at least a year before radicalization. There were 46 such Muslim Americans associated with violent extremism in 2016, according to the report, a 40 percent drop from the year before. 

Of those 46 people, Kurzman said, 26 were U.S. citizens, six were of unknown nationality and the rest were immigrants, only one of whom was undocumented. 

The extremism of nearly half of those 46 Muslim Americans entailed them traveling or attempting to travel to join militant groups in the Middle East. 

Twenty-three were involved or allegedly involved in plots against U.S. targets, resulting in 54 deaths. (Forty-nine of those deaths occurred when 29-year-old Omar Mateen opened fire in a Florida nightclub in June.)

According to the report, that brings the total number of U.S. deaths caused by Muslim American extremists since 9/11 to 123.

By way of comparison, in 2016 alone, 188 people were killed on U.S. soil in mass shootings not involving Muslim American extremists, the report says. Meanwhile, there have been 230,000 murders in the U.S. since 9/11.

Charles Kurzman

David Schanzer, director at the Triangle Center, said in a statement that “it is flatly untrue that America is deeply threatened by violent extremism by Muslim-Americans; attacks by Muslims accounted for only one third of one percent of all murders in America last year.”

Moreover, according to the State Department, of the nearly 800,000 refugees who have come to the U.S. since 9/11, fewer than 20 have been arrested on terrorism charges.

But, Schanzer added, “it is also untrue that violent extremism can be ignored as a problem within the Muslim-American community. Collaborative efforts between government agencies and Muslim-Americans to address this problem are justified and needed.”

In his WorldPost article Thursday, Kurzman wrote that “instead of inflating the threat of extremism, Trump and the rest of us ought to treat it as the small-time criminal enterprise that it is, matching our response to the scale of the problem.”

“Let’s stand strong,” he wrote. “Stop giving terrorists the obsessive attention and inflated importance that they crave.”

Prince posted:


and to keep the terrorists in the US to kill our children at school and blow up the city buildings one by one, said Chief. Tell your congregation that all Muslims are appeasers to their brothers regardless if they are good or bad. And, that you pray for terrorists to enter Allah's heaven after they kill innocent children in America. Speak your mind and tell Trump that Muslim run America and you want Sharia laws in America. 

I pray for you my brother.

May the good lord guide you.

Right now you are under Satan's spell.

Chief posted:
Prince posted:


and to keep the terrorists in the US to kill our children at school and blow up the city buildings one by one, said Chief. Tell your congregation that all Muslims are appeasers to their brothers regardless if they are good or bad. And, that you pray for terrorists to enter Allah's heaven after they kill innocent children in America. Speak your mind and tell Trump that Muslim run America and you want Sharia laws in America. 

I pray for you my brother.

May the good lord guide you.

Right now you are under Satan's spell.

If you mean the satanic verses spell from the Qu'ren, yes.

Prince posted:


and to keep the terrorists in the US to kill our children at school and blow up the city buildings one by one, said Chief. Tell your congregation that all Muslims are appeasers to their brothers regardless if they are good or bad. And, that you pray for terrorists to enter Allah's heaven after they kill innocent children in America. Speak your mind and tell Trump that Muslim run America and you want Sharia laws in America. 

Yuh can talk some fart...must be a Trump supporter



The Mid-East has never been out of conflicts. They brought it to America. And now, there is a fixerer.

Is a good thing he is self-opinated, he doan listen to whiners. As Bannon suggested, they belong to the Opposion. Wait till Trump uses the IRS to silence and send people to jail. Is like the 1920's, the mafia people rounded up and deported back to Sicily. Maybe, alot ppl will be sent back to the ME. 

seignet posted:

Wait till Trump uses the IRS to silence and send people to jail. Is like the 1920's, the mafia people rounded up and deported back to Sicily. Maybe, alot ppl will be sent back to the ME. 

If the Prince hadn't made such an a55 of himself the past two days, I would have declared you as the biggest joker of the week. Imagine Trump using the IRS to jail others. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Kaz - I don't know if they are Muslims.  But better screening is good for the safety of everyone.  Muslims and Non-Muslims.

I have no problem with better screening. I also don't want to be around violent people nor do I want them near my wife and kids. I, however, don't have any confidence that Trump is doing any of this for America's safety. I feel he is just acting out his prejudices that goes back to him excluding blacks from his properties.

ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

Wait till Trump uses the IRS to silence and send people to jail. Is like the 1920's, the mafia people rounded up and deported back to Sicily. Maybe, alot ppl will be sent back to the ME. 

If the Prince hadn't made such an a55 of himself the past two days, I would have declared you as the biggest joker of the week. Imagine Trump using the IRS to jail others. 

Bhai, yuh all gat enemies all around you. Yuh so dumb, yuh can't see it. Or is it shame or bullying you hoping to change minds.

RiffRaff posted:
Prince posted:


and to keep the terrorists in the US to kill our children at school and blow up the city buildings one by one, said Chief. Tell your congregation that all Muslims are appeasers to their brothers regardless if they are good or bad. And, that you pray for terrorists to enter Allah's heaven after they kill innocent children in America. Speak your mind and tell Trump that Muslim run America and you want Sharia laws in America. 

Yuh can talk some fart...must be a Trump supporter


He should be disciplined  for polluting this board. Prince since you lived in the US have you ever been threatened by a Muslim, I bet no, but you are spilling your Trump propaganda to seek attention and beating your lone drum with no support. When the White KKK kills church goers, and school children ,your mouth is in your ass, but now you are blowing fart.

ksazma posted:

I don't care for the protests either. The time to protest was last November when many voters did not vote thereby throwing America to the dogs (Trump and company). Making life difficult for people who had no part in Trump's idiotic actions is not the right approach.

Protest is the most non violent action that can be taken to send a message. Look at Guyana the teachers protested and the parking meters removed. The people that committed the 9/11 killings came from Saudi Arabia and yet that country is not on Trump's list. As for Iraq and Libya the US went and destabilize those countries and that was the birth of ISIS, so America created ISIS.I would only hope that people of all races MUST stand up to Trump, marches, protest, strikes whatever it takes.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

These protesters created mayhem for people traveling at JFK.  Taxis couldn't pull up to pick up and drop off passengers.  People were left at the wrong terminal and missed their flights.  It's freezing cold and passengers with children are scrambling to reach their destination. 

Look at this dog! ! Protesters causing mayhem?


Bibi Haniffa posted:

These protesters created mayhem for people traveling at JFK.  Taxis couldn't pull up to pick up and drop off passengers.  People were left at the wrong terminal and missed their flights.  It's freezing cold and passengers with children are scrambling to reach their destination. 

Jail them!

ksazma posted:

I don't care for the protests either. The time to protest was last November when many voters did not vote thereby throwing America to the dogs (Trump and company). Making life difficult for people who had no part in Trump's idiotic actions is not the right approach.

You have to understand what motivates a person to leave the warmth of thier home to go and protest in the cold.

From MahatmaJi to Martin Luther King to now decent people feel a need that they need to stand up to tyranny.

The crowd this evening was mostly white Americans, that should send a message as to why people see the need to march and protest.

All the attorneys that showed up at JFK today worked pro Bono.

Again , these lawyers could have done anything else with their Saturday but they choose to come to JFK to represent people they do not know.

The issue here is an elected President who started out on the second day in office , telling lies about the amount of people who attended his inauguration. And guess where he told the lie at CIA HEADQUARTERS.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

These protesters created mayhem for people traveling at JFK.  Taxis couldn't pull up to pick up and drop off passengers.  People were left at the wrong terminal and missed their flights.  It's freezing cold and passengers with children are scrambling to reach their destination. 

stop watching FAUX news. the protest wa in the parking lot and the news stations were reporting that things were flowing smoothly

Last edited by Pointblank
Chief posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't care for the protests either. The time to protest was last November when many voters did not vote thereby throwing America to the dogs (Trump and company). Making life difficult for people who had no part in Trump's idiotic actions is not the right approach.

You have to understand what motivates a person to leave the warmth of thier home to go and protest in the cold.

From MahatmaJi to Martin Luther King to now decent people feel a need that they need to stand up to tyranny.

The crowd this evening was mostly white Americans, that should send a message as to why people see the need to march and protest.

All the attorneys that showed up at JFK today worked pro Bono.

Again , these lawyers could have done anything else with their Saturday but they choose to come to JFK to represent people they do not know.

The issue here is an elected President who started out on the second day in office , telling lies about the amount of people who attended his inauguration. And guess where he told the lie at CIA HEADQUARTERS.


Liberals still upset that Hillary was thumped by Trump!

Get over it guys, it's 90 days.  However, I do agree that intransit people should be allowed to complete their trip.  The halabalu will soon die down and life will return to normal!

Pointblank posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

These protesters created mayhem for people traveling at JFK.  Taxis couldn't pull up to pick up and drop off passengers.  People were left at the wrong terminal and missed their flights.  It's freezing cold and passengers with children are scrambling to reach their destination. 

stop watching FAUX news. the protest wa in the parking lot and the news stations were reporting that things were flowing smoothly

Most Holy Imam, please read the top of this thread which clearly states that the protest was held at Terminal 4 of JFK airport.  Police had to block them from storming into the security area of the Terminal.

Where were you all and your protesters on 9/11 when thousands of Americans were being slaughtered in a burning Inferno?  Did anyone protest?

You all left your piss poor country when Burnham run you out and all of a sudden you have power in America.  You are all a bunch of bullies and hypocrites.

Bibi Haniffa
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

Wait till Trump uses the IRS to silence and send people to jail. Is like the 1920's, the mafia people rounded up and deported back to Sicily. Maybe, alot ppl will be sent back to the ME. 

If the Prince hadn't made such an a55 of himself the past two days, I would have declared you as the biggest joker of the week. Imagine Trump using the IRS to jail others. 

Bhai, yuh all gat enemies all around you. Yuh so dumb, yuh can't see it. Or is it shame or bullying you hoping to change minds.

Do you really think that from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep, I am absorbed by looking over my shoulders? You are free to live in your own self made imaginary prison. I will continue to live freely.

kp posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't care for the protests either. The time to protest was last November when many voters did not vote thereby throwing America to the dogs (Trump and company). Making life difficult for people who had no part in Trump's idiotic actions is not the right approach.

Protest is the most non violent action that can be taken to send a message. Look at Guyana the teachers protested and the parking meters removed. The people that committed the 9/11 killings came from Saudi Arabia and yet that country is not on Trump's list. As for Iraq and Libya the US went and destabilize those countries and that was the birth of ISIS, so America created ISIS.I would only hope that people of all races MUST stand up to Trump, marches, protest, strikes whatever it takes.

I am not necessarily dissing the protests. I am pointing out that the best protest was the opportunity to vote last November and many did not. That to me was inexcusable.

Chief posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't care for the protests either. The time to protest was last November when many voters did not vote thereby throwing America to the dogs (Trump and company). Making life difficult for people who had no part in Trump's idiotic actions is not the right approach.

You have to understand what motivates a person to leave the warmth of thier home to go and protest in the cold.

From MahatmaJi to Martin Luther King to now decent people feel a need that they need to stand up to tyranny.

The crowd this evening was mostly white Americans, that should send a message as to why people see the need to march and protest.

All the attorneys that showed up at JFK today worked pro Bono.

Again , these lawyers could have done anything else with their Saturday but they choose to come to JFK to represent people they do not know.

The issue here is an elected President who started out on the second day in office , telling lies about the amount of people who attended his inauguration. And guess where he told the lie at CIA HEADQUARTERS.


Chief, the reason I generally don't care for protest is because I am usually still stuck on the better option left on the table like people not voting. I remember a comment made nearly two decades ago by Mufti Hafizullah that protest are reactions while the better option would have been to be proactive. That comment tremendously altered my thinking on protests. I may still go to one but I would feel guilty doing so if I did not go and vote. Colin Kaepernick had a lengthy national protest against abuse but still did not vote. How many others did the same and did that caused us to have to put up with a madman for the next 4 years? We don't really know.


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