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Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

wha happen?


no comments....

What comments yuh want? Obama seh issi is a JV team and let them fester and grow while he sit down and watch tens of thousands of women and children raped, mutilated and murdered. Now yuh want we heap praise pon he? That is like a man setting fire to he own house and getting a citizens' award fuh throwing a bucket of water pon it.


These people deh hay already waiting fuh wreak havoc. He JV team deh right hay in America now. Worry about that.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

wha happen?


no comments....

What comments yuh want? Obama seh issi is a JV team and let them fester and grow while he sit down and watch tens of thousands of women and children raped, mutilated and murdered. Now yuh want we heap praise pon he? That is like a man setting fire to he own house and getting a citizens' award fuh throwing a bucket of water pon it.


These people deh hay already waiting fuh wreak havoc. He JV team deh right hay in America now. Worry about that.

Is Obama/US to blame for every crazy action around the world? There are limits to being the world cannot bomb willy nilly like Bush did...

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

wha happen?


no comments....

What comments yuh want? Obama seh issi is a JV team and let them fester and grow while he sit down and watch tens of thousands of women and children raped, mutilated and murdered. Now yuh want we heap praise pon he? That is like a man setting fire to he own house and getting a citizens' award fuh throwing a bucket of water pon it.


These people deh hay already waiting fuh wreak havoc. He JV team deh right hay in America now. Worry about that.

Is Obama/US to blame for every crazy action around the world? There are limits to being the world cannot bomb willy nilly like Bush did...

Stop your red herring nonsense. Leh me ask you a question. What if you were armed and you see a man raping a poor defenseless child and killing the parents, before raping the mother. Would you engage the beastly criminal or just flutter away like Peter Pan saying you're not the police? Or would you call the newspaper delivery boy and his water gun to act? (as obama has done)
I'm sure you would intervene.


The first world nations and their top militaries need to act in the same fashion to excise these beasts and their supporters from humanity. Regardless of who started what, it is DOWNRIGHT CRIMINAL to sit back and watch the deliberate and methodical rape, murder and genocide of tens or possibly hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children while you have the world's most powerful military. Now the cancer has spread into the Western nations.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

SO, don't you think authorities in those countries have a responsibility to stop these atrocities?

Bai yuh dotish or what? Those "countries" technically don't even exist anymore as they are torn apart in civil wars and invasions from issi. Obama spend half a billion USD fuh train FIVE syrians to fight them. The rest of the antimen run away. The whole infrastructure of police, military, govt is gone bai suh wha "authorities" yuh talking about?


Lissen man, technically you're right the region should address its affairs but yuh kno the saudis ain't gonna touch them. The Jordanians and Egypitans tried but were denied US assistance and intelligence. The Kurds bin begging fuh arms fuh years now and are denied. Meanwhile these issi guys expanding and pose a threat to the world much less their region. They want a world theocracy badly as Hitler wanted his worldwide Aryan rule. Whoever got the biggest guns gotta take them out!!!!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Billions spent on Afghanistan yet it is the most backward Country on the Planet.

waste of time, eh? Now we guarding their poppy fields. In retrospect the US should have wiped them off the map as an example to the rest of the barbarians.

Most Afghans are peaceful people. It is the Religious Extremists they need to deal with.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Billions spent on Afghanistan yet it is the most backward Country on the Planet.

waste of time, eh? Now we guarding their poppy fields. In retrospect the US should have wiped them off the map as an example to the rest of the barbarians.

Most Afghans are peaceful people. It is the Religious Extremists they need to deal with.

I tired of hearing about these "peaceful people" shit. Something desperately effed up in that region where they can't manage their own affairs. Is like another Third Reich is upon us bai. 

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Billions spent on Afghanistan yet it is the most backward Country on the Planet.

waste of time, eh? Now we guarding their poppy fields. In retrospect the US should have wiped them off the map as an example to the rest of the barbarians.

Most Afghans are peaceful people. It is the Religious Extremists they need to deal with.

I tired of hearing about these "peaceful people" shit. Something desperately effed up in that region where they can't manage their own affairs. Is like another Third Reich is upon us bai. 

Most Afgans are fine's the ones with the guns who terrorize the helpless poor people


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