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Look what dis Coolie Coward seh. Never knew that the opposition Parliamentarians are all 'food' Jinnah need to be reminded that he set up some folks from the West Demerara in 1979 all who were charged for treason He fled to Venezuela and resurfaced in 1992.


[] – Social activist for Guyana’s opposition Jinnah ‘Mike’ Rahman has described former member of A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) and Member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) Africo Selman as “leff-over food.”

Selman tendered her resignation from the Party on February 26, saying she was tired of the infighting and power struggle within.

Rahman, in a blatant ad-hominem attack on Selman , said her resignation does not have much of an effect on the APNU/AFC (Alliance For Change) coalition.

“The walk over to the PPP by an unknown former APNU member of parliament , Africo Selman, is of no consequence in relation to the growing number of people that are lining up to join the new – massive Opposition – Coalition – APNU- AFC. The PPP is clutching at straws, as it sinks further into the waters of Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo Rivers. On the 12 May, 2015 – it will be found wrecked in the Atlantic Ocean ! In politics, an individual matters – when he or she has a large “interest-group” that is part of his or her constituency. In this case, this individual was largely unknown to the Guyanese working masses,” said Rahman on Facebook.

Rahman also indicated that Selman was never seen to be someone who had an independent mind.

Africo Selman

“The question is; was she expected to betray the Opposition and vote for the “No Confidence vote orchestrated by the AFC”? No one knew her true motive, but her recent association with the Ramotar leadership links her to rumours that she might have voted against the no-confidence motion,” he went on in his tirade against Selman.

He concluded that one of Selman’s reasons for leaving was because she would not have been a part of the next Parliament.

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The PNC used and abused women. They chewed them up and spit them out like chewing gum. When you're of no use to them, they would treat you like garbage, instead of wishing the woman the very best in her endeavors.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PNC used and abused women. They chewed them up and spit them out like chewing gum. When you're of no use to them, they would treat you like garbage, instead of wishing the woman the very best in her endeavors.

bar-rat tell you this


Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PNC used and abused women. They chewed them up and spit them out like chewing gum. When you're of no use to them, they would treat you like garbage, instead of wishing the woman the very best in her endeavors.

Pajama pants, shut the hell up. I need to remind you that you came to this site because I found you cussing Jean in obscene and racist ways on the community forum.


Since then you have not comported yourself as a man of any firm moral foundation since one day you would find black people the antithesis of good and the next you are speaking of the benefits of multiculturalism. You would be speaking of the great benefits of being in the US given its social largess and the next you would be commenting that there is a right for jihadists to blow the place up because they  have cause.


Have I heard any comment from you on the atrocious statistics we have on domestic violence; 34 women were killed by their husbands last year and hundreds injured horribly. Have you commented on the fact that some 3000 of our children by some counts leave school because of unwanted pregnancies wrought of rapes, incest or sexual exploitation of some kind?


Yer here you are waxing moralistic as to the fact a woman defected from here party and that others insist she was being lured with payoffs from the other side. In fact, the predicted that such a thing will occur. It is the right of the party to speak to the decision making integrity of any who sacrifice their political beliefs for a posting in the diplomatic arena. That is not abuse but commenting on a fact.




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