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Knowledge Economy - Let us spend some serious public-private money in Education to improve teacher skills, resources to improve student readiness for the global workforce.



This mean setting up a national education task force of the best professionals both locally and in the diaspora with recommendations coming from all political parties, civil society.  


This task force will be empowered to HUNT new business partners like Microsoft etc.



NO POLITICS - just strictly business.


The end result is new jobs for trainers in Guyana by Guyanese in real life skills, languages (Spanish/Portuguese) etc.


Real life skill that people use in the work place like every single worker  in the Caribbean and northern South America must know how to use microsoft XCELL and Word and if they can't then they are going back to NIGHT SCHOOL funded by a public private foundation partnership in their own living room - like Khans Academy.


They automatically get a employment bonus upon passing the course.


BILL GATES have tons of money for these kinds of thing but yet we are not using it to our benefit.



Think big but see the political approval of all in Parliament.


UG can be the hub of this global vision.


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Originally Posted by Sase Singh:

Think big but see the political approval of all in Parliament.



You have some good ideas, but you are placing too much confidence in politicians.




That's a waste of oxygen!


Let the ppp/pnc/afc politicians bicker and squabble and quarrel in parliament---it's the private sector and foreign investors who are propelling Guyana forward.







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Sase Singh:

Think big but see the political approval of all in Parliament.



You have some good ideas, but you are placing too much confidence in politicians.




That's a waste of oxygen!


Let the ppp/pnc/afc politicians bicker and squabble and quarrel in parliament---it's the private sector and foreign investors who are propelling Guyana forward.



Well, job creation, national development does not happen in isolation to political decisions.  The Govt (politicians) need to ensure political and economic stability, maintain law and order, transparent, consistent and standardized rules, a legal and physical infrastructure, a fair and smart taxing regime and a general environment conducive to growing a business.


There is a lot a Govt/politicians needs to do to facilitate job creation.  But your point is correct when dealing with direct investments.  Govts/politicians should stay out of, or have minimal involvement in direct the Marriot venture.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Bank on Target Mr Sasenarine Singh.  By the way, where have you been in the last year, like yu fall out of the palatics thing?



You got to stay and help the AFC, they not up to speed as yet.  I heard you on Benshop Radio the other night, you tail sharp. 


If chaps like you dump in this thing the PPP corn cooked.


Great job on benshop radio Sase.


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