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All the turmoil are caused by state institutions not doing their jobs. Police actions are state guided. Why did Cuomo waited until now to ban chokeholds?

As for Biden, he has been in government for 50+ years.  Today’s problems did not start in 2016.  The administrative which he was part of signed on for mass incarceration. Ironically, the Veep candidate is a proponent of mass incarceration in Ca.


@Former Member posted:

Base, I have to agree.

Most Indians prefer Trump. Chupid Guyanese Indos are following the tribe who tried to steal Guyana's election from the people and install an Afro dictatorship. Thanks to Trump, it never became a reality. Jeffries and the black led democrat anti Indo mob tried but failed.

Kamala might be a very bad choice given that Americans rejected a white woman and having a black woman on the ticket makes it much harder for the democrats. This might very well be Sloppy Joe's biggest mistake yet.

BLM's violence turned off a lot of white voters who prefer law and order as opposed to a Somalian type of mob mentality.

Covid put a dent in Trump's campaign, let's see how he deals with these democrat socialist mobs.

I will be like DJ on this one, I have no skin in the game.  Yet, my preference is quite obvious.

Reminder for Indo Guyanese: A vote for Democrats = A vote for PNC.

Welcome Back!

You failed to mention that the woman last time was at the top of the ticket and subjected to over two decades of attacks. Different story running against a white moderate male. That is why he is flailing and can't get any traction.

The switch in suburban white women vote to Democrats is largely due to the BLM MOVEMENT. A key reason Biden is up 10 points. Just so you know a lot of the rights conferred by one of the most significant Acts of the 20th century (The Civil Rights Act) originated from these actions of as you put it "mob mentality".

Oh yeah, Trump put a dent in Trump's campaign.

"A vote for Democrats = A vote for PNC", keep running with the false narrative does not make it any more accurate. I am sure you are going to come back that the Democrats overthrew the PPP three times. Still waiting for the evidence.

@Former Member posted:

I’m watching the media. They seem to believe it’s a gotcha moment as Trump has not yet responded. 

Trump has a planned blitz and it will come at the right time. It’s too early, let them talk.  Hillary lost because of what happened in the last few weeks.

He has responded. Went with the go to β€œnasty” to describe a woman. I expect it to get worse. I saw clips of Hannity, Giuliani and Carlson on Fox all foaming at the mouth because they don’t know how to respond to a strong intelligent Black woman. But agree they always have a play. Maybe Trump is hoping Comey is rehired and comes back with an investigation of Biden or Kamala.

Last edited by Django
@Locutus posted:

He has responded. Went with the go to β€œnasty” to describe a woman. I expect it to get worse. I saw clips of Hannity, Giuliani and Carlson on Fox all foaming at the mouth because they don’t know how to respond to a strong intelligent Black woman. But agree they always have a play. Maybe Trump is hoping Comey is rehired and comes back with an investigation of Biden or Kamala.

Kamala Devi is not a black woman. She is an Indian-Jamaican American woman.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Kamala Devi is not a black woman. She is an Indian-Jamaican American woman.

That is what I doan understand about Afro-Americans, they complaining all the time yet not one them get favoured by the Democratic Party. The Democrats only selects Mixed ppl never a fullfledged negro whose foreparents were slaves. Obama and Harris can never qualify for Reparations Money. Afro-Americans complains about White ppl in general, in reality they face the perils from Racists Immigrants.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Kamala Devi is not a black woman. She is an Indian-Jamaican American woman.

Kamala Harris on not being black or not being black enough:"This is the same thing they did to Barack." "This is not new to us. We know what they're trying to do. They're trying to do what has been happening over the last two years, which is powerful voices trying to sow hate and division among us. So we need to recognize when we're being played... I'm not going to spend my time trying to educate people about who black people are."

Kamala Harris on The Breakfast Club February 11, 2019;

Relevant piece is around 12:20.


Kamala's "blackness" should not be an issue. It was a tried and failed attempt at labelling Obama as not Black enough. CNN just posted an article in which they stated that Kamala is a positive in attracting Indian American votes but they are dead wrong since the boat already left the port. The Democrats largely ignored the Indian American votes since they were more aligned to the Republican Party during the last election. That may not have changed and while Kamala might attract a small amount of that vote, they are still aligned to the Republican Party. It's no different than Blacks being aligned to the Democrat party. 

American politics is race based. It would be foolish for anyone to deny this fact. The Democrats made a decision based on BLM hence a black woman as their VP candidate. Given the fact that Blacks already vote Democrats, it begs the question, what about White Suburban women ? No scientific poll has yet been conducted as to their preference for a Black Woman as VP or even President. Hillary was a white woman and still lost.

This election will be quite interesting. Will white suburban women vote for a black woman ? It remains to be seen. A majority of whites are opposed to BLM violence and prefer law and order. Will Republicans play that card ?  It's not that BLM is entirely based on violence but that might be the Republican's attempt to neutralize the BLM influence during the election. We saw a trace of what is yet to come as republicans have already started referencing that subsidized housing will be coming near to a white suburban neighbourhood under a Biden/Kamala presidency with a lack of law and order and anarchy coming to a neighbourhood near them. 

California is already a democrat controlled state and Kamala will not bring any advantage regarding that state. In fact, she ran a poor campaign and ran out of cash as her campaign bid for the Presidential candidate failed. 

Warren would have been the correct choice but given the BLM influence in politics, it would have been a disaster for the democrats and the black vote had they not chosen a woman of colour but therein lies their problem. The left wing of the party is waging it's tail and the party just made a crucial mistake much worse than the one made regarding Hillary.

No one is questioning abie Kulie Gyal's Blackness or qualifications. One is just questioning white Americans preference and what will be their final choice ? Democrats were shell shocked with regards to Hillary. Will they be shellshocked again in 2020 ? The democrats cannot ignore the white votes either. I predict that white suburban women will decide who becomes President. 

Democrats shouldn't depend on polls, remember the Hillary Polls ? This will perhaps become one of the most interesting elections in American History. With Sleepy Joe not knowing where he is most of the time and is yet to be tested thanks to Covid, this election race is far from over. Hang tight everyone, prepare for ride of your lifetime. 

Breaking news, Israel and UAE will normalize relations. Trump just took the Jewish votes and they are a very powerful block. Interesting times ahead.

My opinion: A vote for democrats is a vote for PNC. Ask Jeffries and crew who wanted the US to allow Granger and PNC to install a dictatorship. Thanks to a Trump administration, Guyana has returned to a Democracy status. 

Last edited by Former Member

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