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Former Member

Democrat Top dawg predicated by the blow blow Democrats to win the Presidential election is throwing in the towel and running away from NH. 

Is he finished ?

Bernie and his socialist agenda is taking the Democrat party like a storm. The Democrat establishment is worried and my try to topple Bernie with super delegates BS.

The NY billionaire is now their last hope while they cuss down rich folks.

Democrats and PNC have a lot in common, Donkey Cart Campaigns. Wait, did I mention the Iowa mess in which GECOM and provide quicker election results ?

How many of you still think that the Democrat Donkey Cart can survive this storm and be able to beat Trump ? 

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Sean posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Sean posted:

Joe Biden running away from NH

Is he finished ?

Naaahhhh, Joe Biden nat runnin' away.

Na he juss walking away. He campaign finished. Too much for him to handle. Bernie buss he balls. 

hey hey hey. 

Bernie is going to fade eventually. What I cannot understand is that Bernie campaigns for the Democratic nomination. He supports the Democrats in the Senate. However, he does not call himself a Democrat. Why run on the Democratic ticket?


Bai Skelly, you wrong again.

Bernie will go the mileage and continues to be one of the most popular candidates for the nomination. I see that you are repeating a line from the fake news media that Bernie will fade out and that somehow he is not a Democrat. 

Crooked Hillary doesn’t like Bernie and wants revenge for her loss as she blames Bernie but it was actually Bernie who was cheated the last time around. 

The Democrats are scared Shyte of Bernie winning the nomination and will most likely cheat him this time around again but we all know that such a move will anger his supporters who will stay home if that happens. 

There is a civil war brewing in the Democrat party of which the establishment is a crooked lot. Anyway, they were hoping that Biden will win and he faded. They are still hoping to rig the process in favour of an establishment “approved” candidate 

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:
cain posted:

If trump wins you all would have to toss out the American flag and exchange for a Russian one. Better start practicing their anthem.

Each one of the jaganites on the board already know the Russian National Anthem. It was drilled into their heads by Papa Jorgon.

Prashad, you ah wan real skoant.

skeldon_man posted:
Prashad posted:
cain posted:

If trump wins you all would have to toss out the American flag and exchange for a Russian one. Better start practicing their anthem.

Each one of the jaganites on the board already know the Russian National Anthem. It was drilled into their heads by Papa Jorgon.

Prashad, you ah wan real skoant.

It looks like Skeldon man forgot the words of the Russian National Anthem that Papa Jorgon taught him.

skeldon_man posted:

Bernie is going to fade eventually. What I cannot understand is that Bernie campaigns for the Democratic nomination. He supports the Democrats in the Senate. However, he does not call himself a Democrat. Why run on the Democratic ticket?

It gives him leverage. Is like the tax leverage you have as a registered LLC.


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