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Joe Harmon’s story has more holes than a basket

April 17, 2016 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
I am equally flabbergasted as I am concerned with the Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, press statements on the appointment of Brian Tiwari as Ministerial Business Development Adviser, allegation on his interference in the tax officers’ execution of their legitimate and legal duties and his traveling in a private executive jet with Bai Shan Lin’s local principal, Cho Hungbo and his family.
In defending Tiwari’s appointment, Harmon had previously stated that the appointment was “honorific”, like several other persons from the APNU and AFC sides who helped in the 2015 election campaign, and “those who have the capacity to help us further”. Tiwari will fall in both categories; having financially helped the coalition in the 2015 election and who has demonstrated, by his own admission, his intention to further help this government. Harmon, in his statement, indicated that there were 33 other such “honorific” appointments; all of whom fall in either or all of the 2 categories cited by him. Why the President chose to rescind Tiwari’s appointment only? Who are the other 33 honorees? The nation deserves to know, since their appointments are instruments of the state, and not appointments of APNU or AFC. These appointments matter not if they are pro bono. They carry, at least, a status symbol of a diplomatic passport.
It is baffling to have read earlier the Prime Minister, and Ministers of Public Security (Khemraj Ramjattan) and Business (Dominic Gaskin) denied having any knowledge of Tiwari’s appointment, when in Harmon’s statement, he claimed that between October 6, 2015 – February 8, 2016 persons were identified on the recommendation of the Leader of the AFC (Ramjattan), General Secretary, PNC and General Secretary, APNU (Harmon) to be appointed as “Honorary Ministerial Advisor” and a certificate entitled “Instrument of Appointment….Ministerial Adviser” was issued thereupon. It means, therefore, that Ramjattan, and the AFC, knew of these appointments. Tiwari was appointed on January 19, as such the recommendation for his appointment was within the window period of October 2015 and February 2016.
On the executive jet travel, Harmon, in his statement claimed that the Chinese Ambassador to Guyana arranged for the “four China-based companies, interested in Guyana, to transport him to their respective offices located in different parts of the country during his visit last month”. It’s an insult to the intelligence of Guyanese for Harmon to try this. Here is a senior Cabinet Minister leaving Guyana for China, with NICIL’s in-house legal counsel, with the knowledge of the President and approval of the Cabinet, to discuss the payment of the US$5M balance owed to the government by the Chinese company, Datang Telecom Technology, on the purchase of the 20% shares of the GT&T, and when he reached China, 4 Chinese companies indicated to him that they wanted to discuss investment interests in Guyana, and the Chinese Ambassador, who was in China at the time, made arrangements for him to meet with the officials of these companies that are located in 4 far-off provinces.
When these 4 companies did realize that they have investment interest in Guyana? According to Harmon’s statement, one of these companies, related to Bai Shan Lin, intends to invest US$500M here. Editor, for a company that has an interest to invest US$500M here would not have waited until Harmon gets to China to indicate its interest, and the government of Guyana knew nothing of such an interest. What would have happened if Harmon had not gone to China? It’s laughable that Harmon went to China to deal with US$5M debt and stumbled on mega investment interests. Amidst all the imbroglio, chaos and confusion of his travel to China, and 2 weeks after his return, Harmon found it appropriate to inform this nation that 4 Chinese companies have intention to invest heavily in Guyana.
There are too much coincidences in this trip. Tiwari was on this trip; and claimed as not related with Harmon. Clinton Williams was on trip; and claimed as not related with Harmon; Larry London on this trip (at least in the executive jet with Harmon); not related with Harmon. The Chinese Ambassador on trip; not related with Harmon, but met him and arranged the jet travel. Cho Hungbo on this trip; not related to Harmon. Editor, who are these people fooling?
In a separate statement, Harmon stated that his interference in a seizure operation by the GRA was as a result of a request by an official of the Chinese Embassy on March 17 for a 14-day delay of GRA’s intended action, which he facilitated because he “considered the importance of Guyana/China relations and the urgency of the matter”. Who was official of the Chinese embassy? Was there a quid pro quo to facilitate the provision of a private, executive jet in China? Harmon must have known that the Minister of Finance is the subject Minister for the tax authority. Why didn’t he channel the Chinese official’s request to the appropriate Minister, rather than usurping the Minister’s authority and interfering the works of the tax officers?  Editor, in closing, I wish to adopt Khemraj  Ramjattan’s famous phraseology to describe Harmon’s defense which is that it “stinks to the high heavens”.
Rovin M. Khan
Black Bush Polder

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