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Joe Humble pull a three-card trick


This thing bout Joe Humble is a pappy show. De whole country fussing and vex, because in dem eye Joe Humble do something that nobody who was fighting corruption woulda do. He mix up wid people who was robbing de country and as old people seh, when you go to crab dance you must get mud.

He come over as somebody who know that de most gun happen is that people gun talk. That is why he still ain’t got nutten to tell anybody. People expect Soulja Bai to act, but de opposite happen. Soulja Bai protecting de man.

When people talk, Soulja Bai telling dem that they don’t know wha dem talking about. Well dem boys find out that Joe Humble been to China pun a secret mission. He had to cut a deal wid de Chinee Government who been putting money in de country, but who get stop from fetching out all de logs that dem could.

De word is that de Hambassadah carry a  note to Soulja Bai from de Chinee Premier threatening Soulja Bai that is either he ease de pressure pun BaiShanLin or give back all de money wha China spend in Guyana.

Like a smart President, Soulja Bai tell him to tek de Marriott. De Premier seh that de Marriott ain’t worth de money wha Brassington seh it build for. So when Joe Humble go to China de other day fuh US$5 million, is not that Guyana deh bad. Is that Soulja Bai did want de small piece to pay de Chinese Premier.

But one thing to ee credit, he still tell de Premier that he can’t ship out wood like how he use to; that dem days done. Dem got to build a sawmill.

But de other one get some slack. De one who get de airport contract ain’t got to spend money to hire trucks. Dem can use de BaiShanLin trucks, which is like watching massa bull and massa cow. And all this while Joe Humble smiling because he do he job. He pull a three-card trick pun de Chinee Premier. That is why Nigel resign. When he hear that is wha happen he feel shame.

Talk half and see who more shame bout Joe Humble.

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