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Jagan's Resignation Will Affect Body Politic

By: Tony Jones

A recent press release emanating from Freedom House (PPP headquarters) characterized the resignation of Dr. Joey Jagan from the People's Progressive Party (PPP) as meaningless, insignificant and came as no surprise to the Party.

While there is evidence suggesting young Joey Jagan had previously made mention of his intention to resign from Parliament and the Party, the release would have Guyanese believe Jagan's resignation is much ado about nothing. However, this extraordinary development from all indications appears to have far reaching consequences and perhaps even serious repercussions for the Guyanese body politic.

In his statement Dr. Joey Jagan echoed sentiments alluding to the erosion of Guyana's fragile democracy and insisted on the necessity of eradicating all devices that link the country to a maze of leftism and Party paramountcy. It is imperative that Guyanese everywhere irrespective of their political persuasions recognize that implicit in Dr. Jagan's ridicule of the PPP/ Civic is a vehement condemnation of its political ideology.

Was he forced to quit because the PPP hierarchy refused to amend its raison d'etre (socialism)? Or did Mrs. Janey Jagan - his mother's decision not to relinquish the office of President infuriated him? Or was Dr. Joey Jagan's resignation intended to further weaken an already fractious PPP/ Civic.

By deliberately attempting to minimize the impact of Dr. Jagan's resignation the PPP/ Civic administration has confirmed allegations of press restriction, partisan politics and the strategy of undemocratic governance. Is it not disingenuous that the PPP leaders who during the Burnham PNC government leveled criticism at his policies and even labeled him a dictator would fail to institute dissimilar policies and programs after more than fourteen (14) years? It appears ludicrous that the PPP/ Civic would steadfastly embrace a failed socialist dogma, which they have persistently criticized and even labeled as dictatorial. Unfortunately, the reality seems 'that the more things change the more they remain the same'.

It is widely acknowledged that the maverick politician vigorously opposes Marxism - Leninism and does not hesitate to chide the government for operating under the principles of democratic centralism. His rebuke is significant because the opposition parties have consistently separation and fostering a climate of political vendetta and recrimination.

The irony here is that Dr. Jagan by virtue of his public rhetoric has denounced the fundamental principles of the PPP and more importantly, calls into question the relevancy of any future political entity in Guyana. This inference can only be interrupted as a condemnation of the political ideology of the PPP/ Civic. But very little is expected to change because at a recent party congress Mr. Donald Ramotar (General Secretary) reaffirmed that development in Guyana will proceed along a non-capitalist path.

What perturbs many observers is the ardent and supercilious manner in which the PPP/ Civic propagandizes and attempts to legitimize a failed and obsolete ideology. Despite years of socio-economic retardation brought on by socialist policies pursued by the PNC governments, this regime has continued along a similar path resulting in high crime, an unacceptable rate of unemployment, inordinate inflation, and a marked decline in the fabric of society.

There has been little or no ideological or policy transmutation since the PPP/ Civic came to power in 1992. The political structures have remained unchanged, socio-economic policies virtually intact and international relations concretized within the framework of a Neanderthal ideology. Even Russia and its former satellite states including Cuba have in recent years discarded or about to dismantle the socialist ideology that had relegated those regimes to international pariahs.

The PPP/ Civic has blatantly disregarded the conspicuous ideological shifts emerging around the world where political realignments have undoubtedly become a profound manifestation.

The contemptuous insistence of the current regime to embrace socialism demonstrates that President Janet Jagan and her cohorts are perhaps pre-occupied or more concerned about their places in history and have tergiversated their pursuit of economic emancipation for Guyana.
Perhaps the socialist leaders who for decades have fervently opposed being governed by imperialist forces are still determined to defy Western democracies in establishing a socialist state and even against the behest of citizens. If the aforementioned is true then Guyanese must guard against being mired in political uncertainty and a protracted period of economic degradation.

The Guyanese electorate should begin to contemplate whether leaders of the PPP/ Civic (declared communists) who are still opposed to Western style democratic governance can lead the country to economic prosperity. Is it not obvious that the current regime by its very policies has forced Guyanese to endure harsher economic deprivation than it's predecessor - the Peoples National Congress (PNC)?

Guyanese everywhere must not forget that long before the 1997 general elections Dr. Joey Jagan Jr., was touted as heir apparent to succeed his father (Dr. Cheddi Jagan who died in March 1997) as president of Guyana. Why then did it take him nearly two years to dispel those rumors and denounce the PPP for what he describes as becoming ultimately anachronistic? But more importantly what has changed in approximately six years for Dr. Joey Jagan to now condemn the PPP for adhering to an ideology that serves only to ruin the country?

At this juncture one can only surmise about Dr. Joey Jagan's intentions and future modus operandi. For some cynics his resignation was designed to embarrass the PPP and crystallize the political hypocrisy of its hierarchy. Others speculate about the possibility of becoming leader of a new party extolling the virtues of a liberalized economy.

If the latter holds true then it inevitably signals more trouble for the PNC. Already the prevailing wisdom is the serious internal dissent exists within the PNC ranks. From all indications many party members would be happy to see the departure of Mr. Desmond Hoyte. Under his leadership the PNC was defeated in two consecutive general elections much to the chagrin of party members. The resultant effects appear to be disillusionment, low morale and a tattered replica of the once well structured and egalitarian political unit.

It will be interesting to ascertain whether or not Mr. Hoyte maintains control by fending off opposition to his leadership position. Another important aspect worth paying attention to is the solidification of the PNC political and economic policies that were introduced prior to the 1997 general election. Should the PNC remain firmly rooted to the left of center and emerging party with a similar economic position may erode their chances of forming the next government?

Again, one can ponder the pros and cons of a party led by Dr. Joey Jagan and its electoral chances in Guyana. This proposed party would face a formidable task because the post colonial period has witnessed only two parties accede to power. In reality for such an initiative to be advantageous it must be dynamic enough to magnetize votes from the two major parties.

Moreover, will the PPP/ Civic alliance survive a serious right wing challenge? And can the left wing PPP remain viable if it cannot preserve its Indo - Guyanese power base. Another interesting scenario can be whether the PPP (post Jagan era) with an amended philosophy survive with a young leader: probably Finance Minister Bharrat Jagdeo?

Many PPP/ Civic detractors find it prosperous that the regime would appear non-chalant about such a rather important and detrimental situation. Guyanese everywhere must begin to question if President Janet Jagan (a noted communist and exiled US citizen) can effectively lead our country. If her regime remains fixated to policies despised by the United States of America and other western democracies the prevailing status quo will persist.

Further, according to reliable sources most international business are reluctant to invest in Guyana if the PPP/ Civic does not remove the vestiges of socialism. The failure to do so means a continuation of political uncertainty and economic paralysis the same as experienced under the PNC during the 1980s. How terrible and what a sad commentary if that turns out to be correct? ยจ
Guys, you have to understand Joey's position it is a sacrifice that he is making for his father and his son. There is no way in heaven or hell that Joey can work or get along with some of his enemies in the PPP. Some of the remaining people in the gang of 8 may be out for political revenge. But it is a sacrifice Joey is making for his father and his son. I do not envy the man.

Dr. Cheddi Jaganโ€™s optimism fuelled hope that life can be better for all Guyanese
March 9, 2009 | By knews | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,

March 6th marks the 12th anniversary since my dear father, President Cheddi Jagan, died at the age when his lifeโ€™s work was not yet completed.

He was committed to a politically democratic and transparent government which would use all the political and economic resources at its disposal to shape a better Guyana.

Is his vision being built and developed by those who inherited his leadership of the PPP? Ask the people who miss him so much and admired his honesty, humility and passion for the plight of the poor and underprivileged, and they will collectively shout a resounding โ€œNO!โ€

Ask the same people about Dr. Jaganโ€™s stand on corruption, nepotism, squandermania and โ€œsquare pegs in round holesโ€ in government, and whether this PPP administration is following his high moral precepts and again, a resounding โ€œNO!โ€ Ask them if President Cheddi would have sit still and made excuses like this PPP government does when confronted by events wholly due to their mistakes in governance (the NIS money given to CLICO, the Skeldon Sugar Factory and a list which would demand computer paper I can ill afford). Again, a resounding โ€œNO!โ€

Ask them if Cheddi Jagan would have imposed a killer VAT on the people of Guyana and again a resounding โ€œNO!โ€ But this letter is not meant to just show the lack of commitment by this government to uphold the great principles of President Cheddi, instead of paying โ€œlip serviceโ€ to his legacy.
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Joey Jagan was on CNS-6 (Sharma) cussing out the PPP every week

How could anyone take this guy serious? Joey literally called them criminals and drug dealers who are destroying his father's party and now he is crawling back to them.

Joey is likened to a dog how has gone back to eat his own Vomit

AHHHH...suck it up will get over this in a few days..tek it easy OK.
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Joey Jagan was on CNS-6 (Sharma) cussing out the PPP every week

How could anyone take this guy serious? Joey literally called them criminals and drug dealers who are destroying his father's party and now he is crawling back to them.

Joey is likened to a dog how has gone back to eat his own Vomit

AHHHH...suck it up will get over this in a few days..tek it easy OK.

Mike a had more respect for you bro, now you will cause me to lose it. Joey??? Come on bro, you guys killed Joey for years and Joey has destroyed the PPP leadership for years that he is now embracing. Google his name and find all the letters and articles he wrote. Mike, call a spade a spade. Joey is no good for any party especially the PPP that he was always cursing out even when his mother was President. Why didn't his father give him a position when he was president? WHY? WHY?
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Joey Jagan was on CNS-6 (Sharma) cussing out the PPP every week

How could anyone take this guy serious? Joey literally called them criminals and drug dealers who are destroying his father's party and now he is crawling back to them.

Joey is likened to a dog how has gone back to eat his own Vomit

AHHHH...suck it up will get over this in a few days..tek it easy OK.

Mike a had more respect for you bro, now you will cause me to lose it. Joey??? Come on bro, you guys killed Joey for years and Joey has destroyed the PPP leadership for years that he is now embracing. Google his name and find all the letters and articles he wrote. Mike, call a spade a spade. Joey is no good for any party especially the PPP that he was always cursing out even when his mother was President. Why didn't his father give him a position when he was president? WHY? WHY?

dude..why yu fretting up far??? if he in nothing then what good it will be for the PPP...i respect him for what he did not that it would help the PPP in anyway but he did what he think is the best thing to do when he was cussing out the PPP and now joining dem back again or as he said "coming home" we have to respect the man for what he is..if he had teamed up with the AFC i bet you would be rejoicing and not cussing he dung...chill bro...the PPP will win simply because there are no opposition to them now in the rase..the AFC is not one too cause the Guyanese people clearly rejected them and this is reflected in the poor turn out at theor meetings...the AFC is attracting a bunch of crooks too and this also will not help them....look at Sase Sings...ah known brobe taker or as they call him in Guyan flourboy.PPP civic all the way bro
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Many of these folks now rushing back to the PPP are actually acknowledging the progress under their tenure. One of the greatest form of validation is to have sworn enemies join your camp and put their aside their past grievances. Look for Ramjattan and Moses to follow suit soon. hahahahhahaha

TK and Sase have already acknowledged that the PPP has done well.

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