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As a member of the PPP/C, I condemn this move that borders on dictatorship


Dear Editor,
Mr. Ramotar’s decision to “prorogue” Parliament is a decision that I, a member of the PPP/Civic list in the 2011 general election, cannot accept, but only condemn as anti-democratic and boarding on dictatorship.
As a member of the PPP/Civic list, I was never consulted, invited to any PPP/Civic meeting nor even canvassed over the telephone for an opinion.
I remember at Freedom House on the night of the 2011 General Elections, telling Mr. Ramotar that he has to be a President of compromise, reconciliation and dialogue in the five years of his term, faced with a Parliamentary minority.  I further told Mr. Ramotar in emails, personal conversation and at the one meeting, I was invited to in the last three years- to bring Mr. Granger and some of his APNU operatives into a Government of united efforts for our dear Nation.  I furthermore always urged local elections which were promised personally to me by President Ramotar, and which have never materialized- a grave mistake on the PPP’s part and which will come to haunt this regime.
The no-confidence motion by the AFC is the excuse used to close down Parliament; I felt that that motion was not a tool to be used by the opposition at the present time.  However, the presumptiveness of this government in not holding local elections in combination with financial irregularities and “strange happenings” with foreign investments convinces me that the decision to close down Parliament is definitely not in the interest of our Nation, especially the dread effects it will have on the business climate in Guyana.
President Cheddi would never have suspended the constitution as this PPP government has done.  Even after the riots and bloodshed of the 1960s, Jagan offered a solution of coalition government, with compromise and national reconciliation.
Therefore, Editor, I would like the Guyanese public to know that I completely disassociate myself from the PPP’s decision to shut down our Parliament and more than that, to head down the road to perdition by breaking the backbone of democracy in our country.  Parliament, in your heritage as an English speaking country, is  the backbone of any democracy (along with the Press) and to close down Parliament, where Jagan was molded and nurtured as a politician, is a slap in the face of his legacy, and to his service to this nation.  Shame on those who made this decision and shame on those who agree to it- a disgrace and calamity for our nation.
Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)

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Joey says: "President Cheddi would never have suspended the constitution as this PPP government has done...Therefore, Editor, I would like the Guyanese public to know that I completely disassociate myself from the PPP’s decision to shut down our Parliament and more than that, to head down the road to perdition by breaking the backbone of democracy in our country."


There is no doubt in my mind that de facto dictator Ramotar's prorogation action on November 10 will haunt and hound him for the rest of his life, having marked a tipping point in the PPP's relations with parliament and the majority of Guyanese. There is no turning back, no hope for compromise with the undemocratic Freedom House cabal.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

As a member of the PPP/Civic list, I was never consulted, invited to any PPP/Civic meeting nor even canvassed over the telephone for an opinion.

Joey is a joke-I think he has son who is on the Payroll of the taxpayers. He sits at the OP. I guess, a payoff just for being a Jagan. These people will NEVER stop trying to ream the poor. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

As a member of the PPP/Civic list, I was never consulted, invited to any PPP/Civic meeting nor even canvassed over the telephone for an opinion.

Joey is a joke-I think he has son who is on the Payroll of the taxpayers. He sits at the OP. I guess, a payoff just for being a Jagan. These people will NEVER stop trying to ream the poor. 

Joey's son left OP.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

As a member of the PPP/Civic list, I was never consulted, invited to any PPP/Civic meeting nor even canvassed over the telephone for an opinion.

Joey is a joke-I think he has son who is on the Payroll of the taxpayers. He sits at the OP. I guess, a payoff just for being a Jagan. These people will NEVER stop trying to ream the poor. 

Joey's son left OP.

Whether he left or is there doesn't matter he was on the campaign trail in 2011 with his father spewing vitriol at many opposition individuals because he was promised 30 pieces of silver.


These son of a bitches have no shame they are just as disgusting and repugnant as the wonderful Dr. Jagdeo. That cesspool of Jagan inbreeding is bad for Guyana.


Last edited by Former Member

I furthermore always urged local elections which were promised personally to me by President Ramotar, and which have never materialized- a grave mistake on the PPP’s part and which will come to haunt this regime.



 Watch out Joey some guys on GNI who back that corrupted regime will come in here and call you a LABACUNUMU< MATCASA< and all sorts a shit...jus because they are idiots. We wait for them.


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