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Former Member


In my recent letters, I have alluded to the PPP’s Gang of 8, and so as not to have the public confused, let me now name the Gang: Mr Jagdeo, Dr Luncheon, Mr Ramotar, Mr Rohee, Ms Teixeira, Mr Zulfikar Mustapha, Dr Frank Anthony and Mr Kellawan Lall. These persons constitute a majority in the central executive of 15 members and they stick together like crazy glue, outvoting and outvoicing the other 7 members, who fall in line with the ‘yes-man’ syndrome. The ultimate and only decision-making body in the PPP is this central executive which is akin to the traditional communist politburo, and which could be found in the whole communist world before its collapse.

How is this Gang of 8 and the central executive constituted? It is through the process of democratic centralism, another relic from a failed communist past. All communist governments worldwide used democratic centralism as their mantra, trying to fool their subjects into believing that democracy should be centralized in the hands of a few.

In fact, real democracy is totally the opposite and is based on the widest, ever-expanding base of people, who, committed to a cause (or a party), can express themselves freely and choose their representatives in an open, transparent and fair manner. This is what happens in the United States where leaders who don’t measure up to the people’s standards are replaced at regular intervals. Thus democracy works from the ground up, instead of the PPP’s way, from the top down, which is a proven failure, as the communists worldwide found out when they were thrown out of power because of the groundswell at the bottom. Remember, I am not inventing false premises because the whole leadership of the PPP admits to a belief in communism (Marxism-Leninism); the only party in the anglophone Caribbean to do so.

Editor, below the central executive (politburo) and the Gang of 8, is the central committee, which, just as in the former communist countries, is really a rubber stamp of yes-men and women for the decisions of the Gang of 8. Just as in those former communist countries, in Guyana the central committee consists of faceless people who follow the whims and wishes of the politburo. At Congress here in Guyana, these persons are all personally approved by the politburo and then voted into the central committee. There is no democracy in the PPP, but people at the lower levels accept this dictatorial set-up because they are powerless to do otherwise, and are caught up in a tradition of undemocratic procedures and principles.

Editor, the PPP is in violation of all the principles of the traditional Caricom political parties who reference the parliamentary system of the UK and operate on those principles of democracy, where challenges to incumbent leaders take place. For example, in Trinidad, Ms Kamla Persad-Bissessar challenged Basdeo Panday for the leadership of their party and displaced his malign leadership to assert a new direction and success for the party and bring the electoral victory which Panday could never have achieved. In Antigua, the same challenges occurred and success followed. In the PPP, because of democratic centralism, a euphemism for dictatorship, the Gang of 8 tolerates no challenges and, just like previous communist regimes before it such as the former Soviet Union (the PPP’s ‘Mecca’ − they still sell books about the Soviet Union at the Michael Forde Bookstore at Freedom House) where Mr Jagdeo was educated and where most leaders died in power in their old age, this Gang of 8 wants to get old and die in control of Freedom House. The supporters of the PPP have to ask the question now, since their defeat at the polls, can communism (Marxism-Leninism) make this country a better place? If not, then all the members and supporters of that party should start the process in their removal just as Ms Persad-Bissessar removed Mr Panday in Trinidad. PPP supporters need to wake up and bring back Jagan’s honesty, integrity and patriotism to the party before it is too late.

Yours faithfully,

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)


Replies sorted oldest to newest

As I said in another post. Joey is looking for a play, maybe a prominent role in the new PPP? He is being a hypocrite: His parents are to be blamed for introducing this system into Guyana, yet he does not blame them, he wants to blame others. He should stick to cleaning teeth. 

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

As I said in another post. Joey is looking for a play, maybe a prominent role in the new PPP? He is being a hypocrite: His parents are to be blamed for introducing this system into Guyana, yet he does not blame them, he wants to blame others. He should stick to cleaning teeth. 

Vish, Joey already wrote 5-6 years ago that he didn't agree with his father's Marxist-Leninist ideology, that his father Cheddi Jagan knew as much, and that he himself was never a PPP card-carrying member. It's no secret that Joey had political disagreements with his mother after his father died. Just before the May 11 election, the PPP blackmailed Joey by publishing a letter Janet Jagan had written against him.

It's not fair to call Joey a hypocrite. We make children but we must never believe that we make their minds too. Here in Canada I'm an activist in an NDP-affiliated leftist group. My 23-year-old son, however, is a card-carrying member of the Progressive Conservative party, a rightist body. We have agreed to disagree respectfully.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
 Here in Canada I'm an activist in an NDP-affiliated leftist group.


Old habits die hard eh?


I like you as a friend but and I do not mean this maliciously. However, you leftist communist lot are responsible for the destruction of the Guyanese Indian people. I have little confidence that Guyanese Indians will survive for another hundred years in Guyana as anything more than a peasant serf population because of the crimes you communists did to us as a people.


You should go to your grave knowing that Indian people are lost in Guyana thanks to you and your ilk.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
 Here in Canada I'm an activist in an NDP-affiliated leftist group.


Old habits die hard eh?


I like you as a friend but and I do not mean this maliciously. However, you leftist communist lot are responsible for the destruction of the Guyanese Indian people. I have little confidence that Guyanese Indians will survive for another hundred years in Guyana as anything more than a peasant serf population because of the crimes you communists did to us as a people.


You should go to your grave knowing that Indian people are lost in Guyana thanks to you and your ilk.

The NDP in Canada is a social democratic party with seats in the federal House of Commons and in each provincial legislature. The current Premier of Alberta, Rachel Notley, is NDP.

The NDP is left of the political spectrum. Moderate left, not extremist. Bai, me like dem bad-bad because dem have a betta social program fo old people.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
 Here in Canada I'm an activist in an NDP-affiliated leftist group.


Old habits die hard eh?


I like you as a friend but and I do not mean this maliciously. However, you leftist communist lot are responsible for the destruction of the Guyanese Indian people. I have little confidence that Guyanese Indians will survive for another hundred years in Guyana as anything more than a peasant serf population because of the crimes you communists did to us as a people.


You should go to your grave knowing that Indian people are lost in Guyana thanks to you and your ilk.

The NDP in Canada is a social democratic party with seats in the federal House of Commons and in each provincial legislature. The current Premier of Alberta, Rachel Notley, is NDP.

The NDP is left of the political spectrum. Moderate left, not extremist. Bai, me like dem bad-bad because dem have a betta social program fo old people.


How fitting. The PPP/Communists who led Indians to their destruction in Guyana can now retire comfortably in the bosom of Western Imperialism. I'm sure your indentured ancestors must be quite proud. In another era, a political cabal like you Jaganites would have faced firing squads for the destruction inflicted on their people. I often wonder how Cheddi and Janet didn't suffer the same fate as that other coolie Antiman Gandhi.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
 Here in Canada I'm an activist in an NDP-affiliated leftist group.


Old habits die hard eh?


I like you as a friend but and I do not mean this maliciously. However, you leftist communist lot are responsible for the destruction of the Guyanese Indian people. I have little confidence that Guyanese Indians will survive for another hundred years in Guyana as anything more than a peasant serf population because of the crimes you communists did to us as a people.


You should go to your grave knowing that Indian people are lost in Guyana thanks to you and your ilk.

The NDP in Canada is a social democratic party with seats in the federal House of Commons and in each provincial legislature. The current Premier of Alberta, Rachel Notley, is NDP.

The NDP is left of the political spectrum. Moderate left, not extremist. Bai, me like dem bad-bad because dem have a betta social program fo old people.


How fitting. The PPP/Communists who led Indians to their destruction in Guyana can now retire comfortably in the bosom of Western Imperialism. I'm sure your indentured ancestors must be quite proud. In another era, a political cabal like you Jaganites would have faced firing squads for the destruction inflicted on their people. I often wonder how Cheddi and Janet didn't suffer the same fate as that other coolie Antiman Gandhi.

I have stated before that, as a young man, I allowed myself to be misled by Jagan's world view. Luckily, because of my wide reading and rebellious mind, I was questioning lots of things in the PPP and I left them 5 months before they won the 1992 elections.

Bai, I take pride in not having an inflexible mind. I'm open-minded and willing to entertain diverse views. When I came to Canada I joined the lower ranks of its workforce, generally called the working class. I discovered that the NDP had/has the best program for the working poor like myself. How could I join a party like the PC that looks after corporate interests, eh? Me nah stupid.

I must remind you, as I'm sure you already know, that nothwithstanding our differences I respect your views. Me go neva put yuh in front firing squad. And if one day I am put before one for my beliefs, I shall not flinch. Firing squad nah mek fo daag.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
 Here in Canada I'm an activist in an NDP-affiliated leftist group.


Old habits die hard eh?


I like you as a friend but and I do not mean this maliciously. However, you leftist communist lot are responsible for the destruction of the Guyanese Indian people. I have little confidence that Guyanese Indians will survive for another hundred years in Guyana as anything more than a peasant serf population because of the crimes you communists did to us as a people.


You should go to your grave knowing that Indian people are lost in Guyana thanks to you and your ilk.

The NDP in Canada is a social democratic party with seats in the federal House of Commons and in each provincial legislature. The current Premier of Alberta, Rachel Notley, is NDP.

The NDP is left of the political spectrum. Moderate left, not extremist. Bai, me like dem bad-bad because dem have a betta social program fo old people.


How fitting. The PPP/Communists who led Indians to their destruction in Guyana can now retire comfortably in the bosom of Western Imperialism. I'm sure your indentured ancestors must be quite proud. In another era, a political cabal like you Jaganites would have faced firing squads for the destruction inflicted on their people. I often wonder how Cheddi and Janet didn't suffer the same fate as that other coolie Antiman Gandhi.

I have stated before that, as a young man, I allowed myself to be misled by Jagan's world view. Luckily, because of my wide reading and rebellious mind, I was questioning lots of things in the PPP and I left them 5 months before they won the 1992 elections.

Bai, I take pride in not having an inflexible mind. I'm open-minded and willing to entertain diverse views. When I came to Canada I joined the lower ranks of its workforce, generally called the working class. I discovered that the NDP had/has the best program for the working poor like myself. How could I join a party like the PC that looks after corporate interests, eh? Me nah stupid.

I must remind you, as I'm sure you already know, that nothwithstanding our differences I respect your views. Me go neva put yuh in front firing squad. And if one day I am put before one for my beliefs, I shall not flinch. Firing squad nah mek fo daag.



The PPP was not an ordinary political party. It has essentially destroyed Indians in Guyana. In power, Indians went from 51% to 39%. Now we are reduced to some Noblesse L'ogie and some starving peasant hordes either bound to the rice fields or the canefields with a dependency on western union welfare.


For the sake of my people, I'd put my own mother in front of a firing squad if that was necessary. History is the story of successful peoples and extinct peoples. We are on the road to extinction as a people because of the PPP.


Finally, there are "views" and them there are "crimes." The "views" you previously held did permanent and irreversible damage to the Indian people. You all did the work of the PNC for them. The PNC never did as much damage to the Indian people as what was done by the PPP to us as a people. The PPP committed crimes against the Indian people. In another age, PPP "leaders" and their principals would be swinging from trees. In communist speak, like whah dem Bolsheviks did to the Romanov dynasty.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

As I said in another post. Joey is looking for a play, maybe a prominent role in the new PPP? He is being a hypocrite: His parents are to be blamed for introducing this system into Guyana, yet he does not blame them, he wants to blame others. He should stick to cleaning teeth. 

The only thing of note that Joey has is the Jagan name. Let him explain why he supported  the PPP election campaign in 2011. He is a joker who has no relevance to politics now and in the future.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
 Here in Canada I'm an activist in an NDP-affiliated leftist group.


Old habits die hard eh?


I like you as a friend but and I do not mean this maliciously. However, you leftist communist lot are responsible for the destruction of the Guyanese Indian people. I have little confidence that Guyanese Indians will survive for another hundred years in Guyana as anything more than a peasant serf population because of the crimes you communists did to us as a people.


You should go to your grave knowing that Indian people are lost in Guyana thanks to you and your ilk.

The NDP in Canada is a social democratic party with seats in the federal House of Commons and in each provincial legislature. The current Premier of Alberta, Rachel Notley, is NDP.

The NDP is left of the political spectrum. Moderate left, not extremist. Bai, me like dem bad-bad because dem have a betta social program fo old people.


How fitting. The PPP/Communists who led Indians to their destruction in Guyana can now retire comfortably in the bosom of Western Imperialism. I'm sure your indentured ancestors must be quite proud. In another era, a political cabal like you Jaganites would have faced firing squads for the destruction inflicted on their people. I often wonder how Cheddi and Janet didn't suffer the same fate as that other coolie Antiman Gandhi.

I have stated before that, as a young man, I allowed myself to be misled by Jagan's world view. Luckily, because of my wide reading and rebellious mind, I was questioning lots of things in the PPP and I left them 5 months before they won the 1992 elections.

Bai, I take pride in not having an inflexible mind. I'm open-minded and willing to entertain diverse views. When I came to Canada I joined the lower ranks of its workforce, generally called the working class. I discovered that the NDP had/has the best program for the working poor like myself. How could I join a party like the PC that looks after corporate interests, eh? Me nah stupid.

I must remind you, as I'm sure you already know, that nothwithstanding our differences I respect your views. Me go neva put yuh in front firing squad. And if one day I am put before one for my beliefs, I shall not flinch. Firing squad nah mek fo daag.



The PPP was not an ordinary political party. It has essentially destroyed Indians in Guyana. In power, Indians went from 51% to 39%. Now we are reduced to some Noblesse L'ogie and some starving peasant hordes either bound to the rice fields or the canefields with a dependency on western union welfare.


For the sake of my people, I'd put my own mother in front of a firing squad if that was necessary. History is the story of successful peoples and extinct peoples. We are on the road to extinction as a people because of the PPP.


Finally, there are "views" and them there are "crimes." The "views" you previously held did permanent and irreversible damage to the Indian people. You all did the work of the PNC for them. The PNC never did as much damage to the Indian people as what was done by the PPP to us as a people. The PPP committed crimes against the Indian people. In another age, PPP "leaders" and their principals would be swinging from trees. In communist speak, like whah dem Bolsheviks did to the Romanov dynasty.

Please elaborate with specifics what the "communist PPP " did to harm the Indian people of British Guiana and Guyana. Is it not strange that the pnc is arguing that the PPP gave all the benefits to Indo Guyanese and Impoverished the Afro Guyanese, that their  victory at the polls was redemption, "free, free at last!"

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
 Here in Canada I'm an activist in an NDP-affiliated leftist group.


Old habits die hard eh?


I like you as a friend but and I do not mean this maliciously. However, you leftist communist lot are responsible for the destruction of the Guyanese Indian people. I have little confidence that Guyanese Indians will survive for another hundred years in Guyana as anything more than a peasant serf population because of the crimes you communists did to us as a people.


You should go to your grave knowing that Indian people are lost in Guyana thanks to you and your ilk.

The NDP in Canada is a social democratic party with seats in the federal House of Commons and in each provincial legislature. The current Premier of Alberta, Rachel Notley, is NDP.

The NDP is left of the political spectrum. Moderate left, not extremist. Bai, me like dem bad-bad because dem have a betta social program fo old people.


How fitting. The PPP/Communists who led Indians to their destruction in Guyana can now retire comfortably in the bosom of Western Imperialism. I'm sure your indentured ancestors must be quite proud. In another era, a political cabal like you Jaganites would have faced firing squads for the destruction inflicted on their people. I often wonder how Cheddi and Janet didn't suffer the same fate as that other coolie Antiman Gandhi.

I have stated before that, as a young man, I allowed myself to be misled by Jagan's world view. Luckily, because of my wide reading and rebellious mind, I was questioning lots of things in the PPP and I left them 5 months before they won the 1992 elections.

Bai, I take pride in not having an inflexible mind. I'm open-minded and willing to entertain diverse views. When I came to Canada I joined the lower ranks of its workforce, generally called the working class. I discovered that the NDP had/has the best program for the working poor like myself. How could I join a party like the PC that looks after corporate interests, eh? Me nah stupid.

I must remind you, as I'm sure you already know, that nothwithstanding our differences I respect your views. Me go neva put yuh in front firing squad. And if one day I am put before one for my beliefs, I shall not flinch. Firing squad nah mek fo daag.



The PPP was not an ordinary political party. It has essentially destroyed Indians in Guyana. In power, Indians went from 51% to 39%. Now we are reduced to some Noblesse L'ogie and some starving peasant hordes either bound to the rice fields or the canefields with a dependency on western union welfare.


For the sake of my people, I'd put my own mother in front of a firing squad if that was necessary. History is the story of successful peoples and extinct peoples. We are on the road to extinction as a people because of the PPP.


Finally, there are "views" and them there are "crimes." The "views" you previously held did permanent and irreversible damage to the Indian people. You all did the work of the PNC for them. The PNC never did as much damage to the Indian people as what was done by the PPP to us as a people. The PPP committed crimes against the Indian people. In another age, PPP "leaders" and their principals would be swinging from trees. In communist speak, like whah dem Bolsheviks did to the Romanov dynasty.

Please elaborate with specifics what the "communist PPP " did to harm the Indian people of British Guiana and Guyana. Is it not strange that the pnc is arguing that the PPP gave all the benefits to Indo Guyanese and Impoverished the Afro Guyanese, that their  victory at the polls was redemption, "free, free at last!"

"free" is without any cost. There are no such things-every body gotta work.

Originally Posted by VVP:

Gilbakka, do you know who the other 7 are on the exec committee currently?

This is the full 15-member list: Donald Ramotar, Dr Roger Luncheon, Zulfikar Mustapha, Gail Teixeira, Alli Baksh, Bharrat Jagdeo, Bheri Ramsaran, Mohammed Irfaan Ali, Navin Chandarpal, Komal Chand, Robert Persaud, Dr Frank Anthony, Clinton Collymore, Pauline Sukhai, and Kellawan Lall.


I don't know who replaced Navin. This Exco has been operating since the 2013 congress.

Last edited by Former Member

This may be a call by Joey for the grass roots PPP supporters and the Jaganites still in the PPP party to kick these gang of 8 members to the curb then throw them out.


The gang of 8 never tried to establish their own brand and identity. Instead they promoted and parrot a dead Cheddi and Janet Jagan. Cheddi Jagan the father of Guyana, Janet Jagan the mother of Guyana, Our Father Guyana, Our Mother Guyana and other such complete nonsense. The crap continues. Now these guys are borrowing Cheddi Jagan's long abandoned statements from the past like cheated not defeated.  


Look at BS Rai or Desmond Hoyte both men established their own political identities and brand. Lets take BS Rai. Rightly or wrongly his supporters still go crazy up to today when they hear his name.  That is the power of establishing a political identity of your own.

Last edited by Former Member

This is the full 15-member list: Donald Ramotar, Dr Roger Luncheon, Zulfikar Mustapha, Gail Teixeira, Alli Baksh, Bharrat Jagdeo, Bheri Ramsaran, Mohammed Irfaan Ali, Navin Chandarpal, Komal Chand, Robert Persaud, Dr Frank Anthony, Clinton Collymore, Pauline Sukhai, and Kellawan Lall.


Sadly, NONE of these persons are leaders. Jagdeo racist campaigning cost the PPP the last 2 elections.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

Jagdeo is the PPP and the PPP is Jagdeo.

Between 1999 and 2011, Jagdeo might conceivably have looked in the mirror and said: I am the State.


L'etat cest l'ogie?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

Jagdeo is the PPP and the PPP is Jagdeo.

Between 1999 and 2011, Jagdeo might conceivably have looked in the mirror and said: I am the State.


L'etat cest l'ogie?


Three years of French at college and this is all the use I can get out it. I challenge anyone to find a more useless subject nowdays

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

Jagdeo is the PPP and the PPP is Jagdeo.

Between 1999 and 2011, Jagdeo might conceivably have looked in the mirror and said: I am the State.


L'etat cest l'ogie?

Monsieur Jagdeo: Je suis l'État. L'État est pas l'ogie et Varshnee.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Three years of French at college and this is all the use I can get out it. I challenge anyone to find a more useless subject nowdays

You have to live in Europe to put it to good use. 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

Jagdeo is the PPP and the PPP is Jagdeo.

Between 1999 and 2011, Jagdeo might conceivably have looked in the mirror and said: I am the State.


L'etat cest l'ogie?

Monsieur Jagdeo: Je suis l'État. L'État est pas l'ogie et Varshnee.


Monsieur Rohee: Me suis d'etat. L'etat nah you chap. Like yuh sk**t mad or whah bai?

Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Three years of French at college and this is all the use I can get out it. I challenge anyone to find a more useless subject nowdays

You have to live in Europe to put it to good use. 


Or date a hot French chic. 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:

Jagdeo is the PPP and the PPP is Jagdeo.

Between 1999 and 2011, Jagdeo might conceivably have looked in the mirror and said: I am the State.


L'etat cest l'ogie?

Monsieur Jagdeo: Je suis l'État. L'État est pas l'ogie et Varshnee.


Monsieur Rohee: Me suis d'etat. L'etat nah you chap. Like yuh sk**t mad or whah bai?

Chèvre ne mord pas Monsieur Rohee.

[TRANSLATION: Goat didn't bite Rohee]

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gilbakka, do you know who the other 7 are on the exec committee currently?

This is the full 15-member list: Donald Ramotar, Dr Roger Luncheon, Zulfikar Mustapha, Gail Teixeira, Alli Baksh, Bharrat Jagdeo, Bheri Ramsaran, Mohammed Irfaan Ali, Navin Chandarpal, Komal Chand, Robert Persaud, Dr Frank Anthony, Clinton Collymore, Pauline Sukhai, and Kellawan Lall.


I don't know who replaced Navin. This Exco has been operating since the 2013 congress.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gilbakka, do you know who the other 7 are on the exec committee currently?

This is the full 15-member list: Donald Ramotar, Dr Roger Luncheon, Zulfikar Mustapha, Gail Teixeira, Alli Baksh, Bharrat Jagdeo, Bheri Ramsaran, Mohammed Irfaan Ali, Navin Chandarpal, Komal Chand, Robert Persaud, Dr Frank Anthony, Clinton Collymore, Pauline Sukhai, and Kellawan Lall.


I don't know who replaced Navin. This Exco has been operating since the 2013 congress.

This is Joey's Gang of 8

Mr Jagdeo, Dr Luncheon, Mr Ramotar, Mr Rohee, Ms Teixeira, Mr Zulfikar Mustapha, Dr Frank Anthony and Mr Kellawan Lall.


So Rohee replaced Navin?  You would think that Rohee was always in the executive committee.  Maybe that's why he was kissing Jagdeo's ass.  I see teeths in the list   Is Frank Anthony any good?

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Anthony is probably the nicest, humblest of them, who always gets high votes at Congress.


They need to stop listening to the idiots and get their list together.

Well maybe he should start the overthrow.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Anthony is probably the nicest, humblest of them, who always gets high votes at Congress.


They need to stop listening to the idiots and get their list together.


Just like Cumrag Cheddi was the "nicest humblest of them." Look where that got Indians today.


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