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oey Jagan predicts PPP victory at 2020 polls

– urges party to address public perceptions

Victory may have just eluded the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) in the last General and Regional Elections in 2015, but according to Dr. Cheddi “Joey” Jagan, the son of the party’s late founder, that party is likely to return to governance.
Speaking recently during an Indian Action Committee-sponsored event in honour of his father, former President Dr. Cheddi Jagan, “Joey” pointed to the party’s track record of bouncing back stronger than ever from defeat.
“I come from the PPP. I grew up in the PPP. So I have sympathy for the PPP. I will

Opposition Leader and PPP General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo

always have sympathy for (them). I feel the PPP is the birth of politics in this country, and will end up as the party to carry this country forward eventually. Everybody will come back to the PPP, just like it started. That’s what is going to happen,” he predicted.
“If you understand history, the PPP is like the Romans. The Romans took a beating from Hannibal in one afternoon and the Romans came back with two armies three months later. So the PPP are like the Romans. You can knock them down, you can hit them down. They will come back.”
He urged the party in the meantime to address the perceptions of the party held by the public. According to the junior Jagan, addressing these issues will be key to the party’s return to the seat of governance.
Also speaking during the event was PPP Member of Parliament Vickram Bharrat, who fielded questions as to whether the party had moved away from Jagan’s founding principles. He had refuted suggestions that the party no longer reflected

Late former President Dr. Cheddi Jagan

Jagan’s ideologies, while noting that as time progressed, the PPP has evolved.
“I know this has been a burning question, something finding its way around the media and the circles: that the PPP is moving away from Cheddi Jagan’s principles and teachings. But as a young person within the PPP, I want to say the party is grounded along Cheddi Jagan lines. Sometimes we tend not to differentiate between government and party.
“Sometimes we tie the party and Government actions into each other, and we say that the Government between 97 and 2015 did not act in this way and that way. But it is a different era, and we often say, maybe if Jagan was alive he would have taken these decisions that our leaders are taking today.
“One famous comment he (Jagan) made is: we must learn to walk within raindrops. It means that as time moves, as people change, it may require different ideological thinking, policies, and you must adopt it. As time changes, we have to change with it too.”
Taking on suggestions of a fraction within the party, Bharrat noted that, like any “family”, there will be disagreements and dissenters among the party leaders. But he noted that when the party shows its face, it is a united one.
Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, who is also the PPP General Secretary, has

Dr. Cheddi ‘Joey’ Jagan, son of one of Guyana’s founding leaders, Dr. Cheddi Jagan

long been publicly confident of a PPP win at the polls. He has repeatedly referred to large numbers of persons formerly loyal to the coalition making the crossover to

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Joey is not the only person  supported the coalition, many on GNI did as well. If he predicted the PPP will bounce back, he had a legitimate right to think so.  

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

Joey is not the only person  supported the coalition, many on GNI did as well. If he predicted the PPP will bounce back, he had a legitimate right to think so.  

I agree, but with Guyana everything is binary!


It all depends who buys Joey the most dope. Watch him praise PNC tomorrow when they deliver some more dope. Dat Chap is a jackass like Jagan. Like father like son. 
It was Jagan who kept Burnham in power and his son Joey and daughter Nadira who cussed up the PPP and supported Moses to put PNC back in power. They are one messed up family. The Jagan family is a curse to Indos. 

Last edited by Former Member

I believe guns are going to come out regardless who wins, that is the PNC or the PPP. I hope dem Christian Pastors do more than what dey doing for a miracle.











Last edited by seignet
Sean posted:

It all depends who buys Joey the most dope. Watch him praise PNC tomorrow when they deliver some more dope. Dat Chap is a jackass like Jagan. Like father like son. 
It was Jagan who kept Burnham in power and his son Joey and daughter Nadira who cussed up the PPP and supported Moses to put PNC back in power. They are one messed up family. The Jagan family is a curse to Indos. 

I doan understand what principles dey claiming cheedie had. he was like dust in the wind, tossed here, there and everywhere. I review the progress of Guyana to indicate the clibre of its leaders.

So far, none of dem have one iota of how to develop a nation. And when Jagdeo wins this time, he would not kow how to go about it either, again.

Nehru posted:

Joey Jagan predicts PPP victory at 2020 polls

– urges party to address public perceptions
Victory may have just eluded the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) in the last General and Regional Elections in 2015, but according to Dr. Cheddi “Joey” Jagan, the son of the party’s late founder, that party is likely to return to governance.
Dr. Cheddi ‘Joey’ Jagan, son of one of Guyana’s founding leaders, Dr. Cheddi Jagan

Perhaps, the PNCR has "royally kicked his arse to the curb" and Joey Jagan is struggling to get a little attention.

Last edited by Former Member

Jagan was a spineless leader who preached communism while he sent his children to study in America and cane cutter Pinckney was sent to Cuba and Russia. That is the biggest rass pass. In the end his children still turned out to jackasses like him. They fought to bring back the PNC ! It was the Jaganite faction of the Party which voted AFC PNC !

Last edited by Former Member

Joey Jagan predicts PPP victory at 2020 polls


Joey Jagan backs coalition for second term

…says President Granger best man to manage oil wealth

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Joey Jagan predicts PPP victory at 2020 polls


Joey Jagan backs coalition for second term

…says President Granger best man to manage oil wealth

Joey following the soup, just like all dem old PPP Jaganites!!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:

Joey Jagan predicts PPP victory at 2020 polls


Joey Jagan backs coalition for second term

…says President Granger best man to manage oil wealth

Joey following the soup, ...

-- soup --

Most likely POOP with the PNCR & AFC. 


I dealt with Joey a few times and I can tell you honestly that he is a lunatic who thinks he was born with fame.  Joey is power hungry but does not have what it takes to be a great politician. He hates making sacrifices. After his dental practice it's all liming and doping.  He has no real interest in being a great politician. It's too much work for his mind and body.  What he likes to do is make inflammatory statements to gain people's attention.  He is an attention-seeker.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I dealt with Joey a few times and I can tell you honestly that he is a lunatic who thinks he was born with fame. 

Joey is power hungry but does not have what it takes to be a great politician. He hates making sacrifices.

After his dental practice it's all liming and doping.  He has no real interest in being a great politician. It's too much work for his mind and body. 

What he likes to do is make inflammatory statements to gain people's attention. 

He is an attention-seeker.

A huge, huge, huge, H_U_G_E one.


I used to mix with him here in NJ before I moved abroad.  His kids were small!  I saw him buzeing down people at parties and other gatherings!  His wife used to be embarrassed!  She would go and sit quietly in a corner!

He reminded me of his father, the one time I saw him at a public meeting in Guyana!  

I attended a meeting with his son recently in NY!  He made some stupid comments on race relations in Guyana making it sound like the PPP is responsible!  


Is his son a lawyer ? One of my cousins attended law school in Florida with a Jagan and said that he was smoking weed juss like Joey. Imagine even the grandson is anti PPP. It appears that these people vex that they can’t turn the party into a Jagan dynasty communist party. 

Last edited by Former Member

Joey Jagan can jump from leam to leam and still speak of his father's party and people will respect him. Moses Nagamootoo who was loyal to the PPP since before Jagdeo was wearing diapers is known as a hypocrite and neemakaram for joining the coalition party. I don't understand coolie logic and fairness.  


Bai you rass prapp stupid. It was Moses who is on video stating that he will never be a Neemakharam and leave the PPP. Well he left the PPP so he became a Neemakharam. Check wid you brain before you write sometimes. Your logic is deeply flawed ! 


Sean posted:

Bai you rass prapp stupid. It was Moses who is on video stating that he will never be a Neemakharam and leave the PPP. Well he left the PPP so he became a Neemakharam. Check wid you brain before you write sometimes. Your logic is deeply flawed ! 


You must speak when you are spoken to. When I quote you directly like I am doing now is when I am speaking to you directly. 


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