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Letter to Editor
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 13:48:01 -0400

Dear Editor,
In response to Jinnah Rahaman's letter of June 22, I must say that in all my years of political involvement in Guyana, I have never read such nonsense but I excuse Rahaman's ignorance in trying to "put words into my mouth" which I never stated. This man should pack it up and call it a day for his political views are akin to "Fredi" Kissoon's nonsense. When did I ever endorse Mr.Ramotar? When did I ever say that shared coalition governence is only for the PNC and the PPP alone? And let him tell us why he was kicked out of the PPP because it was'nt for spouting communism. This man lives in the past, a fossilized political hack, hell-bent on sowing confusion and living for a return of the communist criminals who ruled the Soviet system. The Wizard of Oz is better for Guyana than Stalinist socialism and Rahaman had better put that in his pipe and smoke it while he rests his brain and leans back in his Berbice chair to contemplate his worthless contribution to Guyanese politics.

Yours faithfully,
Originally posted by Sanjay:
Joey, the baby kangaroo needs to grow up.He should go hide his face back in the pouch.

Joey Jagan words
March 6th marks the 12th anniversary since my dear father, President Cheddi Jagan, died at the age when his life’s work was not yet completed.

He was committed to a politically democratic and transparent government which would use all the political and economic resources at its disposal to shape a better Guyana.

Is his vision being built and developed by those who inherited his leadership of the PPP? Ask the people who miss him so much and admired his honesty, humility and passion for the plight of the poor and underprivileged, and they will collectively shout a resounding “NO!”

Ask the same people about Dr. Jagan’s stand on corruption, nepotism, squandermania and “square pegs in round holes” in government, and whether this PPP administration is following his high moral precepts and again, a resounding “NO!” Ask them if President Cheddi would have sit still and made excuses like this PPP government does when confronted by events wholly due to their mistakes in governance (the NIS money given to CLICO, the Skeldon Sugar Factory and a list which would demand computer paper I can ill afford). Again, a resounding “NO!”

Ask them if Cheddi Jagan would have imposed a killer VAT on the people of Guyana and again a resounding “NO!” But this letter is not meant to just show the lack of commitment by this government to uphold the great principles of President Cheddi, instead of paying “lip service” to his legacy.

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