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The criterion for the Tambo award was not the commitment to democracy but support to the liberation of South Africa

Posted By Staff Writer On May 26, 2013 In Letters |


Dear Editor,

There is a saying, ‘silence is golden,’ and in the letter section of SN, I have been pretty quiet, just observing the commentaries on many issues facing the nation and refining my comments to deal with the most important criteria, and that is, to reach the truth; the truth is the essence of social transformation and the essence of silence, while examining the facts results in a golden pathway ‒ a pure pathway ‒ to the truth.


The first topic concerns my godfather, President Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham and the controversy over the Oliver Tambo award which was to be given to his family on Mr Burnham’s behalf and which was withdrawn because of protestations by those with their own agenda. That Tambo award belongs to all of us Guyanese , the majority I might say, who always supported the freedom fighters against the terrible regime in South Africa. President Burnham was foremost among leaders who openly opposed the racist regime of South Africa and the Tambo award is solely for foreign leaders who played significant roles in the liberation of South Africa. He was the legitimate leader of Guyana, recognized by all countries as such, even the communist countries to the extent that he was given the highest award in Cuba, the Jose Marti award.


We in Guyana all know of the contradictions which existed with the rigged elections and a quasi-police state under the PNC regime, but the issue at stake is that President Burnham deserves the Oliver Tambo award because he was relentless and dedicated to the South African struggle for freedom and all Guyanese should be proud to see his family receive that award on our behalf.  If the criteria for the award were the commitment to democracy in each recipient’s country then let the naysayers explain how Fidel Castro, a known violator of human and civil rights in Cuba, received this award, not to mention Seke Toure of Guinea and Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia, two men who never embraced democratic standards. We need greater ties to South Africa and let us bring South African investment and know-how to invest and create good jobs here ‒ maybe we could start with South African Airlines giving competition to Caribbean Airlines and lowering the fares out of Guyana. The South African government should reinstate the award to President Burnham ‒ he deserved it!


The second topic I would like to comment on is leadership and the perceptions of leadership one might have when looking at current issues affecting us all. Recently, it was announced that Prime Minister Kamla Bissessar of Trinidad fired all the top executives of Caribbean Airlines after that corporation lost money  and will name new people shortly; here in Guyana, GPL and GuySuCo are losing money at astronomical rates each and every year and our taxpayer dollars have to bail these two tired corporations out, but yet, President Ramotar has fired no one at all and placed Mr Raj Singh as Chairman of GuySuCo last year. Who is Mr Raj Singh and did he ever run any corporation in America where he lives? Leadership the Kamla way, is what we need here in Guyana, not the same old, same old waste of time leadership! Editor, Mr Ramotar needs to wake up and smell the coffee of leadership ‒ the Kamla way ‒ by sending Mr Raj Singh back to America. Failing government entities should be subjected to a massive firing of top executives who are doing a poor job in order to save taxpayers money and to bring a level of hope to the population that leadership is being provided.


Lastly, I would like to comment on the miserable job Minister Benn is doing, especially on our public roadways and our transportation on the rivers of Guyana. The road to our national airport is a disgrace with potholes, major dips on the surface and considerable patches which will break up and cause damage to vehicles using it. The West Coast roadway is another disgrace and Mr Benn needs to pay attention to it as well as the roadway on the East Coast up to Melanie. The roadways in our only real city, Georgetown, are in shambles and there is no effort on Minister Benn’s part to even fix these roads properly ‒ just simplistic patching which has no longevity or resilience.


The new ferries on the Essequibo have many problems and not serve the citizens well while the mayhem and confusion continues on our rivers as speedboats overload and overcharge our citizens.

Yours faithfully, Cheddi (Joey) Jagan Jr  

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I like Dr Joey and I think he would make a good President.  He is a very progressive political leader.  I know he loves his godfather and his godfather loved him as his own son. But where are the black Kissons, black Beharrys and Black Persauds created under Burnham rule I cannot see them anywhere.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Baseman you will eat those words in a few years.  The Jagans shall return. Mark my words.

Nah, they have waned and have slid into irrelevance.  I met and know many die-hard Jaganites and, now in retrospect, they are not that sold on the Jagans.  The myth is gone.  Joey seem more confused than his father on what is right and not right for Guyana.


Bean in mink, they never lived through the hardships of Guyana so why are they part of the "Guyana experience".  Guyanese have moved beyond personalities.


The two of you r-ss eyes pass the Jagans.  The Jagans did not go into politics to make money. If that was the case then Dr.Jagan woulld have stayed in the good old US of A and practice his dentistry.


The PPP has made so many blunders it's a shame. Raj Singh is a loyal and hard working stalwart of the PPP and he should not have been in the middle of a controversy.


The Gov't should have awarded Dr Raj Sing a diplomatic position here in the USA instead of being head of Guysuco.


Ramotar has to realize there are some indians out there who are jealous and envious of Raj because he is sucessful and because Dr Jagan had supported him in the past. They hate Raj in typical koolie bhangra style and are out to destroy him in typical koolie fashion. Two of them usually post regularly here. So Chief you may be right.  

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Ramotar has to realize there are some indians out there who are jealous and envious of Raj because he is sucessful and because Dr Jagan had supported him in the past. They hate Raj in typical koolie bhangra style and are out to destroy him in typical koolie fashion. Two of them usually post regularly here. So Chief you may be right.  

is Dr Joey one of those . . .?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Ramotar has to realize there are some indians out there who are jealous and envious of Raj because he is sucessful and because Dr Jagan had supported him in the past. They hate Raj in typical koolie bhangra style and are out to destroy him in typical koolie fashion. Two of them usually post regularly here. So Chief you may be right.  

is Dr Joey one of those . . .?

Dr.Joey is a good honest and decent human being who cares deeply about the poor in Guyana.  I am talking about others like someone who posts regularly here.  That koolie loves destroying other koolies.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Joey has to be a JACKASS !! How on Earth can you give an Award to a BLOODY KILLER. Joey, you have proven to be a BLOODY FOOL!!!!

Burnham did kill Walter Rodney but it was an act of self defense. Rodney was all over the place running his mouth that he will tak eout Burnham by what ever means including killing him Further more Rodney and his pals burnt  Congress Place to the ground.

So Kabaka took no chances and showed  "whose steel was sharper". Jagan silently approved the taken down of Rodney because Rodney was not only a threat to Burnham he was also a threat to Jagan as well.


I think that the taking out of Rodney had to have taken at least 5 months of planing. This was not a drive by shooting but a sophisticated operation that involved different levels of coordination.   

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Joey has to be a JACKASS !! How on Earth can you give an Award to a BLOODY KILLER. Joey, you have proven to be a BLOODY FOOL!!!!

Burnham did kill Walter Rodney but it was an act of self defense. Rodney was all over the place running his mouth that he will tak eout Burnham by what ever means including killing him Further more Rodney and his pals burnt  Congress Place to the ground.

So Kabaka took no chances and showed  "whose steel was sharper". Jagan silently approved the taken down of Rodney because Rodney was not only a threat to Burnham he was also a threat to Jagan as well.


How do you know this? Was this inside information that you were privileged to being a carrying card member of the terrorist PNC? Where is the evidence?Please, we as PPP supporters would like to know.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Joey has to be a JACKASS !! How on Earth can you give an Award to a BLOODY KILLER. Joey, you have proven to be a BLOODY FOOL!!!!

Burnham did kill Walter Rodney but it was an act of self defense. Rodney was all over the place running his mouth that he will tak eout Burnham by what ever means including killing him Further more Rodney and his pals burnt  Congress Place to the ground.

So Kabaka took no chances and showed  "whose steel was sharper". Jagan silently approved the taken down of Rodney because Rodney was not only a threat to Burnham he was also a threat to Jagan as well.

I would not call it"self defence" but it was a similar self preservation  hit like the one PPP sanction on Bachus..

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Ramotar has to realize there are some indians out there who are jealous and envious of Raj because he is sucessful and because Dr Jagan had supported him in the past. They hate Raj in typical koolie bhangra style and are out to destroy him in typical koolie fashion. Two of them usually post regularly here. So Chief you may be right.  

is Dr Joey one of those . . .?

Dr.Joey is a good honest and decent human being who cares deeply about the poor in Guyana.  I am talking about others like someone who posts regularly here.  That koolie loves destroying other koolies.

why should 'Dr' Raj Singh not be slammed for his role in the Law Books Scandal and the tiefmanesque 'compensation' he receives for the no-show job heading a bankrupt Guysuco?

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Joey has to be a JACKASS !! How on Earth can you give an Award to a BLOODY KILLER. Joey, you have proven to be a BLOODY FOOL!!!!

Burnham did kill Walter Rodney but it was an act of self defense. Rodney was all over the place running his mouth that he will tak eout Burnham by what ever means including killing him Further more Rodney and his pals burnt  Congress Place to the ground.

So Kabaka took no chances and showed  "whose steel was sharper". Jagan silently approved the taken down of Rodney because Rodney was not only a threat to Burnham he was also a threat to Jagan as well.

And the GoG taking out the Buxton FF's is "unjust murder" in your book.  But then you do carry around that mullah perspective!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Joey has to be a JACKASS !! How on Earth can you give an Award to a BLOODY KILLER. Joey, you have proven to be a BLOODY FOOL!!!!

Burnham did kill Walter Rodney but it was an act of self defense. Rodney was all over the place running his mouth that he will tak eout Burnham by what ever means including killing him Further more Rodney and his pals burnt  Congress Place to the ground.

So Kabaka took no chances and showed  "whose steel was sharper". Jagan silently approved the taken down of Rodney because Rodney was not only a threat to Burnham he was also a threat to Jagan as well.

And the GoG taking out the Buxton FF's is "unjust murder" in your book.  But then you do carry around that mullah perspective!

ahmmm no, herr baseman


but turning the country's law enforcement over to a drug lord who slaughtered a PPP minister & his family IS criminal, "unjust" and . . . imbecilic

Originally Posted by baseman:

And the GoG taking out the Buxton FF's is "unjust murder" in your book.  But then you do carry around that mullah perspective!

See what I mean every ill Burnham committed, the PPP multiplied  it by 100 .

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:

And the GoG taking out the Buxton FF's is "unjust murder" in your book.  But then you do carry around that mullah perspective!

See what I mean every ill Burnham committed, the PPP multiplied  it by 100 .

No, I'm responding to what YOU are saying.  LFSB murder of Dr WR was justifiable self-defense in your book, but the GoG actions against your terrorists friends in Buxton/Agricola is unjust murder.


I am asking you about YOUR moral judgements, not the actions of the PNC or PPP.


No murder by the government in power for political gain is justified particularly the murder of Sash Sawh if it was government sanctioned, Walther Rodney, Father Darke, Vincent Teekah,the attempted assassination of Dr Joshua Ramasammy and the murder Ohene Koama.


Governments come and go.  This present PPP government lost a golden opportunity to professionally question Lewis who was Burnham's head of intelligence over several years during which all these murders took place before he recently kicked the bucket. I hope they do not drop the ball with Green before he departs the scene.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

No murder by the government in power for political gain is justified particularly the murder of Sash Sawh if it was government sanctioned, Walther Rodney, Father Darke, Vincent Teekah,the attempted assassination of Dr Joshua Ramasammy and the murder Ohene Koama.


Governments come and go.  This present PPP government lost a golden opportunity to professionally question Lewis who was Burnham's head of intelligence over several years during which all these murders took place before he recently kicked the bucket. I hope they do not drop the ball with Green before he departs the scene.

suh . . . who do you suggest the PPP "professionally question" regarding the murders of Monica Reece, Sash Sawh & family, Sher Mohammed Nabi, George Bacchus, etc., and the attempted murder of Maria van Beek . . . hmmm?


tell we nuh

Originally Posted by Prashad:

No murder by the government in power for political gain is justified particularly the murder of Sash Sawh if it was government sanctioned, Walther Rodney, Father Darke, Vincent Teekah,the attempted assassination of Dr Joshua Ramasammy and the murder Ohene Koama.


Governments come and go.  This present PPP government lost a golden opportunity to professionally question Lewis who was Burnham's head of intelligence over several years during which all these murders took place before he recently kicked the bucket. I hope they do not drop the ball with Green before he departs the scene.

My sources deep inside said it was a check-mate scenario.  Gregory Smith could have exposed key members of the PNC political and security apparatus still alive today.  Just like with the PNC operatives and the Buxton terrorists, if made open, the GoG would be forced to prosecute and this could unleashed another round of instability and mo fyah slo fyah.  Make no mistake, there are forces in the PNC and security apparatus ready and will to lay Guyana to waste if given the excuse.


Them PPP bais playing close to the chest as info is sometimes worth more not shared than shared.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

My sources deep inside . . .

kwamee's bt . . .



You are obsessed or possessed with all sorts of human sexuality inferences.  You may very well be a sexual deviant.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

My sources deep inside . . .

kwamee's bt . . .



You are obsessed or possessed with all sorts of human sexuality inferences.  You may very well be a sexual deviant.

u mis-assess bai . . . i actually have a twitchy BS detector that can identify and illuminate alyuh race pornography no matter the camouflage


we ah watch alyuh


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