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Former Member

STABROEK NEWS, MAY 16 --- The elections are over and the leadership of the losing PPP is proving to be a sore loser, bent on maintaining power in its hands, no matter what. Imagine, they question the word of President Jimmy Carter, a proven friend of democracy in Guyana; they question all the credible international observers who have all verified that the election was free and fair; they question the private sector; the religious voices; civic organizations and even their own Robert Persaud and Peter Ramsaroop, who have all called the election for the coalition. They even question the Elections Commission and accuse all and sundry of “rigging” the elections against them. But the Guyanese people reject their claims with a resounding: “Eh!Eh!”, “No, Sir!”

Editor, it is sad and pathetic that my father’s party has descended to the level it has reached with its laughable claims. To those who will now have to go back to Freedom House and face the wrath of their supporters, I say, be humble, accept your faults, apologize to the nation and most of all, resign and make way for the genuine young people in the PYO to take the lead while committing themselves to coalition politics. The PPP will never die, but these worn out ‘leaders’ have to go. First among them is Mr Jagdeo, who has singlehandedly destroyed the legacy of President Cheddi with his private indulgences and his public race-baiting and slander-mongering, which are totally opposite to Jagan’s political demeanour and private lifestyle. Mr Ramotar should resign from being a member of the leadership of the PPP, because he is the one who destroyed the strong party organization which Jagan built over many years. In the 2011 elections I saw the weaknesses which became evident as the elections proceeded, and the complaints from key PPP people on the ground all pointed to Mr Ramotar as the person responsible. Luncheon, Teixeira, Benn, Nandlall, Manickchand, Kumar, Rohee and Anthony should all resign and be replaced by younger, vibrant leaders committed to coalition politics.Editor, the people have spoken. Let President-elect Granger and Prime Minister-elect Nagamootoo begin the hard work to restore Guyana to the dreams our forefathers worked so hard to attain in their lifetime. They never saw those dreams come true, and that is why we have to hold hands and work diligently to realize those dreams for our next generation. No person or party is more important than our nation; no personal ambition or personal gain is more important than our nation; no ideology, or religion, or race is more important than our nation. God bless Guyana and keep all Guyanese safe and sound; embrace change and embrace the progress to come.

Yours faithfully,

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Joey Jagan is just like his father, big mouthed and rash.  The PPP needs to weed out bad elements, old and young and reconstitute with new blood, old and young.  There must be a mix of youth and experience to have that healthy balance.


Tell Joey, his mother and father were Guyana's worst critical thinkers, they have brought much pain and suffering to Guyana and in particular Indians.  He is a chip off the old block amplified by the power of two.


Cheddie Jagan brought us the Communist doctrine, and all that followed that decision. Janet Jagan gave us Bharat Jagdeo, an immature commie-style thinker.

Last edited by Former Member

This call may be seen as a call to PPP supporters for the destroying of the gang of eight and their supporters and a return to a robotic Jaganite mindless parrot party.  One of the principal mistakes of the gang of eight is that they never strived to create an independent identity or brand for themselves until the very end.  Instead they just parrot pappa Cheddi and mammy Janet, the Sun Myung Moon and Mrs Moon of the Guyanese nation and other such nonsense.  Ask yourselves this question.  Was the young politician Cheddi Jagan ever stupid enough to have called Jang Bahadur Singh his father and the father of the nation 

Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP needs to weed out bad elements, old and young and reconstitute with new blood, old and young.  There must be a mix of youth and experience to have that healthy balance.


Tell Joey, his mother and father were Guyana's worst critical thinkers,  Janet Jagan gave us Bharat Jagdeo, an immature commie-style thinker.

And Bharrat Jagdeo gave us Ashni Singh, Anil Nandlall, Winston Brassington and Irfaan Ali.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP needs to weed out bad elements, old and young and reconstitute with new blood, old and young.  There must be a mix of youth and experience to have that healthy balance.


Tell Joey, his mother and father were Guyana's worst critical thinkers,  Janet Jagan gave us Bharat Jagdeo, an immature commie-style thinker.

And Bharrat Jagdeo gave us Ashni Singh, Anil Nandlall, Winston Brassington and Irfaan Ali.

Anil is a good guy, just trapped in bad company.


Regarding the heading....

Jagdeo and his gang, including Mutt and Jeff, vindictive influence on the CC is too great to make this an easy transition.

Members must take control and make it happen, if any good is to come of the PPP.

The first issue for change : Jagdeo must go, but he is too greedy to do so easily.

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP needs to weed out bad elements, old and young and reconstitute with new blood, old and young.  There must be a mix of youth and experience to have that healthy balance.

Correct, it is needed in the PPP/C, PNCR and AFC.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:

Any live broadcast??

As Demerara_Guy would say, do your own research.




D_G still deh round?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP needs to weed out bad elements, old and young and reconstitute with new blood, old and young.  There must be a mix of youth and experience to have that healthy balance.


Tell Joey, his mother and father were Guyana's worst critical thinkers,  Janet Jagan gave us Bharat Jagdeo, an immature commie-style thinker.

And Bharrat Jagdeo gave us Ashni Singh, Anil Nandlall, Winston Brassington and Irfaan Ali.

Anil is a good guy, just trapped in bad company.

Ashni is also a good guy and a good finance minister but get caught in rotten politics.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:

Any live broadcast??

As Demerara_Guy would say, do your own research.




D_G still deh round?

Perhaps, you are the enforcer to decide who should be on the forum.


I believe that Joey Jagan would be a democratic leader of the PPP party . The man had balls of iron to question the leadership of his father and mother when others ran away or play yes men/women.

Originally Posted by gogo:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP needs to weed out bad elements, old and young and reconstitute with new blood, old and young.  There must be a mix of youth and experience to have that healthy balance.


Tell Joey, his mother and father were Guyana's worst critical thinkers,  Janet Jagan gave us Bharat Jagdeo, an immature commie-style thinker.

And Bharrat Jagdeo gave us Ashni Singh, Anil Nandlall, Winston Brassington and Irfaan Ali.

Anil is a good guy, just trapped in bad company.

Ashni is also a good guy and a good finance minister but get caught in rotten politics.

Everybody good, then who bad, only Bheri, Rohee and BJ?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

STABROEK NEWS, MAY 16 --- The elections are over and the leadership of the losing PPP is proving to be a sore loser, bent on maintaining power in its hands, no matter what. Imagine, they question the word of President Jimmy Carter, a proven friend of democracy in Guyana; they question all the credible international observers who have all verified that the election was free and fair; they question the private sector; the religious voices; civic organizations and even their own Robert Persaud and Peter Ramsaroop, who have all called the election for the coalition. They even question the Elections Commission and accuse all and sundry of “rigging” the elections against them. But the Guyanese people reject their claims with a resounding: “Eh!Eh!”, “No, Sir!”

Editor, it is sad and pathetic that my father’s party has descended to the level it has reached with its laughable claims. To those who will now have to go back to Freedom House and face the wrath of their supporters, I say, be humble, accept your faults, apologize to the nation and most of all, resign and make way for the genuine young people in the PYO to take the lead while committing themselves to coalition politics. The PPP will never die, but these worn out ‘leaders’ have to go. First among them is Mr Jagdeo, who has singlehandedly destroyed the legacy of President Cheddi with his private indulgences and his public race-baiting and slander-mongering, which are totally opposite to Jagan’s political demeanour and private lifestyle. Mr Ramotar should resign from being a member of the leadership of the PPP, because he is the one who destroyed the strong party organization which Jagan built over many years. In the 2011 elections I saw the weaknesses which became evident as the elections proceeded, and the complaints from key PPP people on the ground all pointed to Mr Ramotar as the person responsible. Luncheon, Teixeira, Benn, Nandlall, Manickchand, Kumar, Rohee and Anthony should all resign and be replaced by younger, vibrant leaders committed to coalition politics.Editor, the people have spoken. Let President-elect Granger and Prime Minister-elect Nagamootoo begin the hard work to restore Guyana to the dreams our forefathers worked so hard to attain in their lifetime. They never saw those dreams come true, and that is why we have to hold hands and work diligently to realize those dreams for our next generation. No person or party is more important than our nation; no personal ambition or personal gain is more important than our nation; no ideology, or religion, or race is more important than our nation. God bless Guyana and keep all Guyanese safe and sound; embrace change and embrace the progress to come.

Yours faithfully,

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)

This is all fine, except the bit that Jagan was committed to making the PPP a multi ethnic party.  He was in power between 1957-64 and from 1992 until his death, and there is no evidence that within this time, he made solid efforts to spread the base of the PPP beyond its mainly Indian base.


Jagdeo is a creature of the PPP.  He race baited because that has long been the bottom house language of the PPP.  Please don't pretend that this behavior only began in 2000.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Perhaps, you are the enforcer to decide who should be on the forum.

So DG, about this 54% forecast, and the guarantee of a PPP victory. 


Do you now deny saying this, or do you simply admit that you were wrong, as rev and yuji have?


I told you 51% APNU AFC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Perhaps, you are the enforcer to decide who should be on the forum.

So DG, about this 54% forecast, and the guarantee of a PPP victory. 


Do you now deny saying this, or do you simply admit that you were wrong, as rev and yuji have?


I told you 51% APNU AFC.

That's right, Carib, hold D_G to account.

Let him say whether he made an error of judgement, an error of omission, or an error of commission.


DG was not the only one here howling and crying morning noon and night about this baseless win the PPP was supposed to have pulled off.


He is another chaps consistent like Kneerust. They are consistently wrong.


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