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Joey Jagan wants Govt excluded from managing CJRC

says matter should have been handled differently

Dr Joey Jagan, the son of the late Dr Cheddi Jagan who had endorsed the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition, wants Government excluded from the management of any research centre in honour of his father.

Dr Cheddi Jagan
Dr Cheddi Jagan

Jagan Jr shared his opinion on the controversy during an exclusive telephone interview with Guyana Times on Wednesday, even as both sides of the political divide continue to be at loggerheads regarding the best outcome for Red House – a national monument which is now symbolic of a man who is widely regarded in Guyana as the “Father of the Nation”.
Joey Jagan described the entire development as “cloudy” and “hazy”, noting overall that “it is just a strange situation.”
However, he expressed dissatisfaction with the approach of the Government in the matter, particularly with representatives invading the property and hauling down the sign bearing the name “Cheddi Jagan Research Centre” despite the court order preventing them from taking such actions.
“The Government going and ripping down my father’s name and throwing it to the ground, I disagree with that. Things should be handled a different way,” Dr Jagan stated.

Dr Joey Jagan
Dr Joey Jagan

Moreover, he believes any research institute established in honour of his father should not have the involvement of the Government of the day.
“It should be a privately operated, something in the name of Cheddi Jagan to do research. That shouldn’t be with the Government. Why should the Government be part of everything? I don’t understand that. Government shouldn’t be involved in things like that. That should be done by people who love Cheddi Jagan and who want to give to his name,” he said.
Red House, which is currently occupied by the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (CJRC), sits on Government land and the building itself belongs under the remit of the National Trust of Guyana.
The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Government had leased the property to the CJRC for $1000 per month for 99 years to be used to promote research into, and publish materials on the life, work and ideas of Dr Jagan.
But the APNU/AFC Government is seeking to reclaim ownership of Red House and President David Granger has issued an order for the lease to be revoked based on advice from Attorney General Basil Williams that the lease is invalid on the grounds that it was not sanctioned by the President of the day.
However, this order was blocked by the High Court after former Attorney General Anil Nandlall and former Education Minister and Attorney Priya Manickchand filed legal proceedings on behalf of the stewards of Red House.
But Government is maintaining that the order was not granted because the lease has already been revoked. The matter will be called up again on February 20.
Nonetheless, as a result of the High Court’s intervention, Red House is still being occupied by the CJRC until an order is given to do otherwise.
The actions taken by the Government have since been described as “executive lawlessness” and of being reminiscent of the emblematic “hooliganism and bullyism” of the People’s National Congress (PNC).
Meanwhile, Dr Jagan Jr told this newspaper that it is disheartening that in all the years the CJRC has been functioning, he was never once invited to participate in the management or any event in memory of his father. (Devina Samaroo)

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Joey, I hope you are on track to ketch your senses.  You sold out your parents party to the PNC, and your lack of foresight is what has your parents country tethering on the brink of depression.  You should have thought about this when you held Ulele Burnham's hand and throw Guyana to the dogs.

Too late too late shall be the cry. You are a dollar short and a day late. It's over!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

I agree with Joey 100%. This is a racist anti-koolie government. It does not matter which koolie it is at the end it is a koolie. Ham Greene is the ideological godfather of this anti-koolie squad. So expect anti-koolie toxic racist from the anti-koolie squad.

Last edited by Prashad

Joey Jagan has the likes of GNI neemakarams to set fire on every bridge they cross. If memory serves me right, Joey has his own non-parliamentary party which I believe is abandoned. He is his father's son indeed, but he is not the child his parents were hoping to follow in their footstep.

Prashad posted:

I agree with Joey 100%.

Joey said: Red House, which is currently occupied by the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (CJRC), sits on Government land and the building itself belongs under the remit of the National Trust of Guyana.

Who is really the tenant?


Why is Joey not up front and center in protecting his father's legacy?  PPP supporters need to protect these documents and set up a presidential library similar to all US presidents. I believe even Obama planning to set up his presidential library in Chicago paid for by private non profit organizations and free from the clutches of government or political parties. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Joey, I hope you are on track to ketch your senses.  You sold out your parents party to the PNC, and your lack of foresight is what has your parents country tethering on the brink of depression.  You should have thought about this when you held Ulele Burnham's hand and throw Guyana to the dogs.

Too late too late shall be the cry. You are a dollar short and a day late. It's over!

Again more poppy cock from you BIBI.

Joey has a spent most of his life following his parents and the PPP but in 2015, he saw it fit to follow Granger rather than the PPP?

Isn't that his democratic right.  I agree that only only Joey, but even Moses Nagas, who told a friend in a private discussion in NYC over the Christmas season that all he waiting for is his pension and he GONE.

He said he did not sign up for this same old PNC dictatorship before he migrate to OHIO.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Joey, I hope you are on track to ketch your senses.  You sold out your parents party to the PNC, and your lack of foresight is what has your parents country tethering on the brink of depression.  You should have thought about this when you held Ulele Burnham's hand and throw Guyana to the dogs.

Too late too late shall be the cry. You are a dollar short and a day late. It's over!

Coolies are too crabish and myopic to see the big dagger coming at them.  The downfall of the Indian race lies within.  This is not limited to the Indians of Guyana!

Look at how the katahars' hatred for BJ made them all jump in bed with the enemy.  Now that all got "f'd and chucked", as some would say!!

In many ways, Joey is like his father, a loud mouth who always step in it! Let him fight for his father's legacy.  A big part of his father's legacy is the masses of Indians who fled PNC tyranical apartheid and settled overseas.  His asinine political position led to the rule of the PNC!

KishanB posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Joey, I hope you are on track to ketch your senses.  You sold out your parents party to the PNC, and your lack of foresight is what has your parents country tethering on the brink of depression.  You should have thought about this when you held Ulele Burnham's hand and throw Guyana to the dogs.

Too late too late shall be the cry. You are a dollar short and a day late. It's over!

Again more poppy cock from you BIBI.

Joey has a spent most of his life following his parents and the PPP but in 2015, he saw it fit to follow Granger rather than the PPP?

Isn't that his democratic right.  I agree that only only Joey, but even Moses Nagas, who told a friend in a private discussion in NYC over the Christmas season that all he waiting for is his pension and he GONE.

He said he did not sign up for this same old PNC dictatorship before he migrate to OHIO.

Ha ha i foresee Naga doing that,he will get a hefty pension when converting to US$$

KishanB posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Joey, I hope you are on track to ketch your senses.  You sold out your parents party to the PNC, and your lack of foresight is what has your parents country tethering on the brink of depression.  You should have thought about this when you held Ulele Burnham's hand and throw Guyana to the dogs.

Too late too late shall be the cry. You are a dollar short and a day late. It's over!

Again more poppy cock from you BIBI.

Joey has a spent most of his life following his parents and the PPP but in 2015, he saw it fit to follow Granger rather than the PPP?

Isn't that his democratic right.  I agree that only only Joey, but even Moses Nagas, who told a friend in a private discussion in NYC over the Christmas season that all he waiting for is his pension and he GONE.

He said he did not sign up for this same old PNC dictatorship before he migrate to OHIO.

Now, you go join him and take your democratic right and fight for the democratic rights of those alyuh throw under the bus!  Joey was not even pulled into the PPP by his father or mother.  Even they saw him as a big mouth liability.  Now he gain some attention helping to throw Indians under the bus, a PNC hero for a day.

Good, let him fight for his old man's legacy!  I hope he get some good roughing up by Granger's hoodlum brigade!

Bunch of jokers!

Last edited by Former Member

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