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Former Member

STABROEK NEWS, MARCH 6 --- Dear Editor,

There has been a big furor as to medical and dental expenses incurred by government officials.

As a registered dentist in Guyana, I would like the public to know, especially after GHK Lall’s letter to SN, in which he insinuated that “Jagan Dentistry” may have gotten some of the government payments, that this office at 199 Charlotte Street, has never been the recipient of any government cheque for dentistry.

It is regrettable that the Minister of Amerindian Affairs would spend $2.1 million in dental treatment when most Amerindians can barely afford extractions; it is regrettable that Mrs Hinds could spend $780,000 on dental treatment when most citizens from Linden can’t afford good dental treatment. It is regrettable that Minister Webster would spend $1.2 million of the taxpayers’ money when the average sugar worker can barely make ends meet.

As to the expenditures on medical treatment, it is indeed alarming that government officials could not receive treatment in our own medical services which are so much boasted about in government propaganda. I have medical coverage in the United States, including Medevac (medical emergency requiring airplane transport to the USA) and in the two instances where Medevac would have applied to my situation, I underwent surgery at the Georgetown Hospital to correct leg and shoulder injuries. Why can’t these officials do the same, instead of incurring huge expenses paid by the taxpayer?

As a matter of fact, I remember the day when President Cheddi took in and was at the Georgetown Hospital fighting for his life, and at the emergency meeting in the hospital where all were gathered and Roger Luncheon asked the question about who would pay for President Cheddi’s medical evacuation to the USA, I was so enraged at his question that I would not repeat what I told him. Today, all the big shots, including Dr Luncheon, go abroad while the regular Guyanese have to deal with sub-standard medical treatments.

President Cheddi would never have approved these medical and dental expenditures if he was alive today, and Minister Pauline Sukhai should resign out of shame and respect for Jagan on his anniversary.

These government officials should remember what President Cheddi said: “A Cadillac [Rolls Royce] lifestyle by government officials in a donkey-cart economy is not what the Guyanese people deserve.”

Yours faithfully,

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Joey Jagan says Dr Roger Luncheon asked who would pay for President Cheddi Jagan's last fatal medical treatment.

Ralph Ramkarran says Dr Roger Luncheon wanted to be President shortly after Dr Jagan died, with Ralph as Prime Minister. That happened after Mrs Janet Jagan suggested that Ramkarran be presidential candidate and Luncheon be prime ministerial candidate in the 1997 general elections.

We are getting a clearer picture of that sinister figure named Roger Luncheon.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Joey Jagan says Dr Roger Luncheon asked who would pay for President Cheddi Jagan's last fatal medical treatment.

Ralph Ramkarran says Dr Roger Luncheon wanted to be President shortly after Dr Jagan died, with Ralph as Prime Minister. That happened after Mrs Janet Jagan suggested that Ramkarran be presidential candidate and Luncheon be prime ministerial candidate in the 1997 general elections.

We are getting a clearer picture of that sinister figure named Roger Luncheon.




Dr. Luncheon is an honest man and we should not attempt to diminish him.


Was the question outrageous ? Yes.


Was Joey's response appropriate ? Yes.


Yugi, what about his statement: It is regrettable that the Minister of Amerindian Affairs would spend $2.1 million in dental treatment when most Amerindians can barely afford extractions.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi, what about his statement: It is regrettable that the Minister of Amerindian Affairs would spend $2.1 million in dental treatment when most Amerindians can barely afford extractions.


Mits I have already expressed my opinion above about Joey being right in this letter.


Dr. Jagan was a very honest and humble man and I hope that Ministers attempt to walk in those honest footsteps.

Originally Posted by kp:

Why Joey Jagan went to the U S A to study and not U G ??




You also raised a valid question for Joey but in this case, I honestly believe that Ministers must exercise proper judgement.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by kp:

Why Joey Jagan went to the U S A to study and not U G ??




You also raised a valid question for Joey but in this case, I honestly believe that Ministers must exercise proper judgement.

You know in Jamaica, Barbados and TT their hospitals and doctors are good enough that their leaders can stay at home for medical treatment. This is an indicator that you guys have FAILED in 22 years.


What surprised me, is that a party that talks about waste in spending and care for the poor, should choose to launch their campaign in PEGASUS HOTEL, just for a select few in suit and tie.Election is in two months they need to get to the grass roots and present their platform.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi, what about his statement: It is regrettable that the Minister of Amerindian Affairs would spend $2.1 million in dental treatment when most Amerindians can barely afford extractions.


Mits I have already expressed my opinion above about Joey being right in this letter.


Dr. Jagan was a very honest and humble man and I hope that Ministers attempt to walk in those honest footsteps.

I thank you for your honesty. Happy Holi. Bhoj says Hi!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi, what about his statement: It is regrettable that the Minister of Amerindian Affairs would spend $2.1 million in dental treatment when most Amerindians can barely afford extractions.


Mits I have already expressed my opinion above about Joey being right in this letter.


Dr. Jagan was a very honest and humble man and I hope that Ministers attempt to walk in those honest footsteps.

I thank you for your honesty. Happy Holi. Bhoj says Hi!


Happy Holi.


Originally Posted by kp:

Why Joey Jagan went to the U S A to study and not U G ??

Because his father and mother spent their money to send him there. His nana and nanee and mamoo and mamee and cousins are born American citizens. You never heard about the Rosenbergs in Chicago? Dem is Joey family.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kp:

What surprised me, is that a party that talks about waste in spending and care for the poor, should choose to launch their campaign in PEGASUS HOTEL, just for a select few in suit and tie.Election is in two months they need to get to the grass roots and present their platform.

How much did they spend and was it the tax payers money?

Originally Posted by kp:

What surprised me, is that a party that talks about waste in spending and care for the poor, should choose to launch their campaign in PEGASUS HOTEL, just for a select few in suit and tie.Election is in two months they need to get to the grass roots and present their platform.

The Pegasus was used for the APNU+AFC media launch.

A public square will be used for the APNU+AFC real campaign launch at a date to be announced. Stay tuned.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by kp:

Why Joey Jagan went to the U S A to study and not U G ??




You also raised a valid question for Joey but in this case, I honestly believe that Ministers must exercise proper judgement.

There was no school of Dentistry in Guyana. I think Joey started in Montreal.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:

Why Joey Jagan went to the U S A to study and not U G ??

Why are you living next to the Toronto Zoo and not near to one in GT?

What! do you expect to reply .

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:

What surprised me, is that a party that talks about waste in spending and care for the poor, should choose to launch their campaign in PEGASUS HOTEL, just for a select few in suit and tie.Election is in two months they need to get to the grass roots and present their platform.

The Pegasus was used for the APNU+AFC media launch.

A public square will be used for the APNU+AFC real campaign launch at a date to be announced. Stay tuned.


You and I may understand the difference as political junkies. However, the voters tend not to.


The average voter tends to be captive to optics. As far as people are concerned the APNU-AFC campaign was launched at the Pegasus, the traditional spot for the Guyanese elite in the minds of the rest of Guyana.


You have to admit, no one in Guyanese politics (PPP or PNC) has ever done that. Pictures at the Pegasus Hotel (a place out of reach of ordinary Guyanese of all stripes) does not resonate.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:

What surprised me, is that a party that talks about waste in spending and care for the poor, should choose to launch their campaign in PEGASUS HOTEL, just for a select few in suit and tie.Election is in two months they need to get to the grass roots and present their platform.

The Pegasus was used for the APNU+AFC media launch.

A public square will be used for the APNU+AFC real campaign launch at a date to be announced. Stay tuned.


You and I may understand the difference as political junkies. However, the voters tend not to.


The average voter tends to be captive to optics. As far as people are concerned the APNU-AFC campaign was launched at the Pegasus, the traditional spot for the Guyanese elite in the minds of the rest of Guyana.


You have to admit, no one in Guyanese politics (PPP or PNC) has ever done that. Pictures at the Pegasus Hotel (a place out of reach of ordinary Guyanese of all stripes) does not resonate.

Alright, all right, lemme see how I can rebut the Grand Ayatollah's considered contention.

Umm...ummm...I didn't see any strident criticism of the Pegasus media launch in the independent publications like Stabroek News, Kaieteur News, News Source and even GT Mosquito, the upstart on the block.

APNU+AFC stated clearly last week during its press conference that it would depart from tradition and have two launches.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:

What surprised me, is that a party that talks about waste in spending and care for the poor, should choose to launch their campaign in PEGASUS HOTEL, just for a select few in suit and tie.Election is in two months they need to get to the grass roots and present their platform.

The Pegasus was used for the APNU+AFC media launch.

A public square will be used for the APNU+AFC real campaign launch at a date to be announced. Stay tuned.


You and I may understand the difference as political junkies. However, the voters tend not to.


The average voter tends to be captive to optics. As far as people are concerned the APNU-AFC campaign was launched at the Pegasus, the traditional spot for the Guyanese elite in the minds of the rest of Guyana.


You have to admit, no one in Guyanese politics (PPP or PNC) has ever done that. Pictures at the Pegasus Hotel (a place out of reach of ordinary Guyanese of all stripes) does not resonate.

Alright, all right, lemme see how I can rebut the Grand Ayatollah's considered contention.

Umm...ummm...I didn't see any strident criticism of the Pegasus media launch in the independent publications like Stabroek News, Kaieteur News, News Source and even GT Mosquito, the upstart on the block.

APNU+AFC stated clearly last week during its press conference that it would depart from tradition and have two launches.



I'm sure no one in the Opposition friendly media would criticize the Coalition's choice of Pegasus.


I'm talking about how them average people (remember them? the voters) are likely to view the optics of a bunch of elite Indos and Blacks at the Pegasus prattling on and on about "history" and whatnot and waxin poetical and Biblical.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:

What surprised me, is that a party that talks about waste in spending and care for the poor, should choose to launch their campaign in PEGASUS HOTEL, just for a select few in suit and tie.Election is in two months they need to get to the grass roots and present their platform.

The Pegasus was used for the APNU+AFC media launch.

A public square will be used for the APNU+AFC real campaign launch at a date to be announced. Stay tuned.


You and I may understand the difference as political junkies. However, the voters tend not to.


The average voter tends to be captive to optics. As far as people are concerned the APNU-AFC campaign was launched at the Pegasus, the traditional spot for the Guyanese elite in the minds of the rest of Guyana.


You have to admit, no one in Guyanese politics (PPP or PNC) has ever done that. Pictures at the Pegasus Hotel (a place out of reach of ordinary Guyanese of all stripes) does not resonate.

Alright, all right, lemme see how I can rebut the Grand Ayatollah's considered contention.

Umm...ummm...I didn't see any strident criticism of the Pegasus media launch in the independent publications like Stabroek News, Kaieteur News, News Source and even GT Mosquito, the upstart on the block.

APNU+AFC stated clearly last week during its press conference that it would depart from tradition and have two launches.


Two launches, show me ONE campaign, they need to button down, fold up their sleeves and get in the trenches, start telling the people what are the benefits of a coalition and what they can do BETTER than the PPP.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:

What surprised me, is that a party that talks about waste in spending and care for the poor, should choose to launch their campaign in PEGASUS HOTEL, just for a select few in suit and tie.Election is in two months they need to get to the grass roots and present their platform.

The Pegasus was used for the APNU+AFC media launch.

A public square will be used for the APNU+AFC real campaign launch at a date to be announced. Stay tuned.


You and I may understand the difference as political junkies. However, the voters tend not to.


The average voter tends to be captive to optics. As far as people are concerned the APNU-AFC campaign was launched at the Pegasus, the traditional spot for the Guyanese elite in the minds of the rest of Guyana.


You have to admit, no one in Guyanese politics (PPP or PNC) has ever done that. Pictures at the Pegasus Hotel (a place out of reach of ordinary Guyanese of all stripes) does not resonate.

Alright, all right, lemme see how I can rebut the Grand Ayatollah's considered contention.

Umm...ummm...I didn't see any strident criticism of the Pegasus media launch in the independent publications like Stabroek News, Kaieteur News, News Source and even GT Mosquito, the upstart on the block.

APNU+AFC stated clearly last week during its press conference that it would depart from tradition and have two launches.


Two launches, show me ONE campaign, they need to button down, fold up their sleeves and get in the trenches, start telling the people what are the benefits of a coalition and what they can do BETTER than the PPP.

You are so out of touch.  How is your fambly Ed Ahmad?

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:

What surprised me, is that a party that talks about waste in spending and care for the poor, should choose to launch their campaign in PEGASUS HOTEL, just for a select few in suit and tie.Election is in two months they need to get to the grass roots and present their platform.

The Pegasus was used for the APNU+AFC media launch.

A public square will be used for the APNU+AFC real campaign launch at a date to be announced. Stay tuned.


You and I may understand the difference as political junkies. However, the voters tend not to.


The average voter tends to be captive to optics. As far as people are concerned the APNU-AFC campaign was launched at the Pegasus, the traditional spot for the Guyanese elite in the minds of the rest of Guyana.


You have to admit, no one in Guyanese politics (PPP or PNC) has ever done that. Pictures at the Pegasus Hotel (a place out of reach of ordinary Guyanese of all stripes) does not resonate.

Alright, all right, lemme see how I can rebut the Grand Ayatollah's considered contention.

Umm...ummm...I didn't see any strident criticism of the Pegasus media launch in the independent publications like Stabroek News, Kaieteur News, News Source and even GT Mosquito, the upstart on the block.

APNU+AFC stated clearly last week during its press conference that it would depart from tradition and have two launches.


Two launches, show me ONE campaign, they need to button down, fold up their sleeves and get in the trenches, start telling the people what are the benefits of a coalition and what they can do BETTER than the PPP.


The AFC has a bunch of lazy politicians. They love to daydream.


This should have been done when they first shook up the political landscape of Guyana. They allowed the quest for revenge and personal vendetta to get the better of them and as such destroyed their own party.


It is too late. The AFC is finished and handed a majority to the PPP by merging with the PNC.


I remember posting that AFC = PNC and it angered many here including the honourable Churchill and Gil. I can proudly proclaim that I was right. Not right in a sense that I predicted this but I saw the AFC leadership being suckered in by Granger.


Guyana needed a third force and still do till this day. It no longer exists and it may never exist again.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:

What surprised me, is that a party that talks about waste in spending and care for the poor, should choose to launch their campaign in PEGASUS HOTEL, just for a select few in suit and tie.Election is in two months they need to get to the grass roots and present their platform.

The Pegasus was used for the APNU+AFC media launch.

A public square will be used for the APNU+AFC real campaign launch at a date to be announced. Stay tuned.


You and I may understand the difference as political junkies. However, the voters tend not to.


The average voter tends to be captive to optics. As far as people are concerned the APNU-AFC campaign was launched at the Pegasus, the traditional spot for the Guyanese elite in the minds of the rest of Guyana.


You have to admit, no one in Guyanese politics (PPP or PNC) has ever done that. Pictures at the Pegasus Hotel (a place out of reach of ordinary Guyanese of all stripes) does not resonate.

Alright, all right, lemme see how I can rebut the Grand Ayatollah's considered contention.

Umm...ummm...I didn't see any strident criticism of the Pegasus media launch in the independent publications like Stabroek News, Kaieteur News, News Source and even GT Mosquito, the upstart on the block.

APNU+AFC stated clearly last week during its press conference that it would depart from tradition and have two launches.


Two launches, show me ONE campaign, they need to button down, fold up their sleeves and get in the trenches, start telling the people what are the benefits of a coalition and what they can do BETTER than the PPP.

And who says they're not doing that? I've posted photos here showing APNU and AFC in places from Corriverton to North West District and way down to the Rupununi lately. What you think they doing in those places? Drinking coconut water?

APNU+AFC have worked out a division of labour. They're justifying their decisions to the people. But the big elections campaign hasn't started yet. The PPP has been doing its ground work too. It may or may not launch its campaign at Babu John coming Sunday. Let's see.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by kp:

Why Joey Jagan went to the U S A to study and not U G ??

Because his father and mother spent their money to send him there. His nana and nanee and mamoo and mamee and cousins are born American citizens. You never heard about the Rosenbergs in Chicago? Dem is Joey family.



I honestly believe that after this election that you create a Historical thread. One that can provide Guyanese with an insight of History and Politics from a non partisan basis.


You display a sense of deep political insight and wealth of knowledge that must be shared.


It would be a refreshing read on a daily basis.


I understand that like many of us, you are now engaged in this political debate but please consider starting a non political thread to enlighten us.


As a community, we ignore our treasures and gems. Please share some of the knowledge with us.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Joey Jagan says Dr Roger Luncheon asked who would pay for President Cheddi Jagan's last fatal medical treatment.

Ralph Ramkarran says Dr Roger Luncheon wanted to be President shortly after Dr Jagan died, with Ralph as Prime Minister. That happened after Mrs Janet Jagan suggested that Ramkarran be presidential candidate and Luncheon be prime ministerial candidate in the 1997 general elections.

We are getting a clearer picture of that sinister figure named Roger Luncheon.

Has beens have to know the extend of political power extended by Mrs Jagan in the party.  If she wanted Ramkarran/Luncheon to lead the PPP party then God himself may not have been able to prevent this from happening.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This thing so shameful that even Goat man Roghee had to say - "I can pay for my own medical treatment, I do not need the State to pay for mine".

a vet bill is not expensive 


The dental benefits far exceed what you would be able to get even in the USA.

$2M for dental work is $10,000 US.  No policy in the USA would give you that coverage in a year.


That's simply another example of the "Fleecing of Guyana."


Let's have 5 more years of the PPP Kleptos; we haven't had enough!

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This thing so shameful that even Goat man Roghee had to say - "I can pay for my own medical treatment, I do not need the State to pay for mine".

a vet bill is not expensive 

Says who? Ever took a pet to the vet's? You have to remortgage your home to give them their annual shots.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This thing so shameful that even Goat man Roghee had to say - "I can pay for my own medical treatment, I do not need the State to pay for mine".

a vet bill is not expensive 

Warria, me belly bussin wid laff hey padna.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This thing so shameful that even Goat man Roghee had to say - "I can pay for my own medical treatment, I do not need the State to pay for mine".

a vet bill is not expensive 

Warria, me belly bussin wid laff hey padna.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This thing so shameful that even Goat man Roghee had to say - "I can pay for my own medical treatment, I do not need the State to pay for mine".

a vet bill is not expensive 

Warria, me belly bussin wid laff hey padna.


This is one of warrior's best moment on GNI. 


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