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Lewes poet joins the greats with prestigious award

  A Lewes man is following in the footsteps of poets including WH Auden, John Betjeman and Philip Larkin in receiving a prestigious honour. 

  John Agard said he was touched to receive The Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry for 2012.

  He represented the country of his birth, British Guyana, at the Cultural Olympiad this summer and has lived in Lewes since the 1970s.

  He has appeared at the Brighton Dome and regularly gives readings in the area.


  Mr Agard said the news, which was delivered to him by the poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy, came out of the blue.


  He said it was particularly pleasing to receive the award in the year which saw the launch of the Caribbean Poetry Project.

  The three-year initiative encourages engagement with Caribbean poetry, and aims to improve the teaching and learning of poetry in British and Caribbean schools.

  He said: “It’s touching to be recognised alongside the likes of Derek Walcott and Stevie Smith.

“I think over my lifetime Caribbean poetry has become more mainstream. It is good of course for children to know about poets like Kipling. But it’s healthy for them to know about the broader poetic landscape.”

Carol Ann Duffy said: “John Agard has always made people sit up and listen.


“He has done this with intelligence, humour and generosity.

“He has the ability to temper anger with wit and difficult truths with kindness. He levels the ground beneath all our feet, whether he is presenting Dante to children or introducing his own culture to someone who hasn’t encountered it before.

“In performance he is electrifying – compelling, funny, moving and thought-provoking. His work in education over years has changed the way that readers, writers and teachers think about poetry.”

Dear Editor,


This past week another well-known son of Guyana was in the news with the announcement that Albouystown native Henry Muttoo has been awarded the MBE on the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List in the Cayman Islands.


 Certainly better known outside his homeland for his various cultural contributions, Henry came to prominence in Guyana in the 1970s with the comedy combination known as “All Ah We” made up of Ken Corsbie, Marc Matthews and Henry. A ground-breaking group for their reliance on dialect use in their shows, they were popular here and in the region for their fresh display of indigenous culture. Henry went on to study theatre arts abroad, graduating from the Croydon School in London, England, and later worked as a teacher at the School of Drama in Jamaica, but it was in the Cayman Islands that his talents flowered with his appointment as Artistic Director of that country’s Cayman National Cultural Foundation in the mid-1980s. Working in tandem with his wife Marcia (Theatre Administrator), Henry initiated programmes for the country’s US$5million Harquail Theatre, which had been in decline, and developed arts outreach programmes for the country’s districts and for young students. He also began generating local plays using his set-design and director skills.


I was involved in one of those early theatre projects when I began writing an annual comedy show, laced with original music, called “Rundown” (the name coming from the Cayman version of metagee) which was a comedic satirical mix based on Caymanian events, personalities and happenings. Henry was the set-designer and director for all the shows playing a major role in the success of “Rundown” which I wrote for 20 years and which still continues under Henry’s hand with other writers. His patience with fledgling performers was remarkable. At times when I was ready to walk out when actors were late for rehearsal, or had not learned their lines, Henry, who was prone to let fly, found the restraint to press on when I was inclined to quit.

Henry’s contributions to Caymanian culture, now officially recognised by the MBE award, were far-flung. He initiated theatre classes at the Harquail, including the training of lighting technicians (there were none in Cayman) and was able to achieve the refurbishment of the Harquail Theatre, as well as its repair following the disastrous Hurricane Ivan in 2004 when the building was flooded with 4feet of sea water and had to be gutted and rebuilt.


In the wider community, Henry was the first to recognize the value of the work of the now well-known intuitive painter Gladwyn “Lassie” Bush. Miss Lassie, who had begun painting in her sixties, and not able to afford canvas originally, had used her home instead.  Her paintings covered the walls and every window of her house; she painted on the floor and even appliances, reproducing her symbols of Christian art wherever she could find a space. From this unusual display, and from her own volatile temperament, Miss Lassie was generally seen as an eccentric (some said “mad woman), but Henry’s was a lone voice praising the art and gradually the CNCF Board took up the challenge to recognize Miss Lassie’s work, and, with her death in 2003, to preserve her home as a memorial.  This work, now nearing completion, owes to Henry Muttoo’s determination and commitment. Miss Lassie’s later paintings on canvas are now known around the world, and there is a permanent exhibition of her work in the prestigious Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore USA.


Henry also created a storytelling event in Cayman, known as “GimmiStory” which has become an annual feature on the country’s entertainment calendar, drawing performers from the region and around the world. Now promoted by Cayman’s Ministry of Tourism, it is mounted in informal open-air settings (yards; school grounds; beachfronts). It runs for two weeks (I’ve performed in it several times) and it is known for its relaxed “under-the-trees” ambience.


Henry’s success is a combination of a genuine creative talent, nurtured by professional training, and a determination to persevere that I suspect owes much to his beginnings in those hard times in Albouystown. It is the quality that I see time and again in Guyanese, who have come through the crucible that Guyana can be and have been tempered in that process to be able to deal with circumstances, to improvise, to stay with the task, and to press on when others are quitting.  Those qualities of resolve, determination, invention and patience live very strongly in Henry and, ultimately, as much as his creative talent is being recognized, those other aspects of the man are very much in play.  One has to concede however that Henry, like so many creators, has (how shall I put this delicately?) his mercurial side, but his wife Marcia’s influences have served over the years to calm that turbulence.

Some years ago I wrote a song called “All O’ We” making the point that the achievements of Caribbean artists or athletes, while cause for their personal celebration, is actually  a celebration for all regional people.  Today, I add another verse: So when Henry Muttoo, deep in theatre, and the Queen, quite in England, praising the banna it isn’t just Henry getting that honour it is we, all o’ we, all o’ we.


 Yours faithfully,

Dave Martins


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