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Former Member

Mark Anthony Benschop 7 mins ยท .

Now this LUNATIC (J-o-h-n-n-y Welshman Jr.) has dragged me into his crazy world as he continues with his dreaded symptoms of Grandiose Delusions which is responsible for the destruction of his brain.


I got a phone call today (at 12:15pm from telephone # 225-5131) from an idiotic REPORTAH whom I've never heard of claiming to be working with a wishy washy newspaper (Guyana Times) which is 'owned' by Jagdeo and the PPP asking whether I 'offered' this lunatic (J-o-h-n-n-y) G$3M to discontinue his allegations against the Speaker of the National Assembly.


When will this ABSURDITY ends?

And, why is NCN, Guyana Chronic, Guyana TImes and Channel 28 (all PPP propaganda outfits) are so OBSESSED with this nutcase and his Jim C-O-C-K bring Ram Goat stories that obviously NEVER existed?


Well, the public understands why the PPP is so obsessed with this ping pong story being peddled by J-O-H-N-N-Y.


After all, birds of a feather, F-L-O-C-K together. --


I'm so glad that all of my interviews (phone and my one time interview in person) with him were recorded in the presence of others)


Now this LUNATIC (J-o-h-n-n-y Welshman Jr.) has dragged me into his crazy world as he continues with his dreaded symptoms of Grandiose Delusions which is responsible for the destruction of his brain.



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