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Originally Posted by Chief:

Oh God give us patience as we await the results from yesterdays elections, Please God please give  courage  to  the various parties to   understand that there will be only one winner and some one will loose.

At this time please protect the people from Satan that they do not create violence and mayhem but to accept  that God is in control and not man. 


Originally Posted by politikalamity:

My suspicion is that we will get a result after working hours so that people can go home safely and avoid any possible disturbances after the results are announced. I am not in anyway pointing to any specific party winning because supporters of both parties are quite cable of causing problems.  

Ok so now that it APPEARS as if the PPP lost and a new group seem to be taking over.  A group as close to being a government of national unity that many Guyanese of various identities have long yearned for.


WE need to deal with this election mess.


Why is it that results from Regions 2-6 aren't available by 10PM, and Region 10 by midnight.  I can see the more remote locations where internet connections might be less reliable, but on the coast!


Why are elections in Guyana so filled with tension?  Unique in the Eastern Caribbean.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Ok so now that it APPEARS as if the PPP lost and a new group seem to be taking over.  A group as close to being a government of national unity that many Guyanese of various identities have long yearned for.


WE need to deal with this election mess.


Why is it that results from Regions 2-6 aren't available by 10PM, and Region 10 by midnight.  I can see the more remote locations where internet connections might be less reliable, but on the coast!


Why are elections in Guyana so filled with tension?  Unique in the Eastern Caribbean.

Relax.  Have you ever heard of the Bush/Gore Florida fiasco.  It's filled with tension as much as the hope and fears of the people who live there.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Oh God give us patience as we await the results from yesterdays elections, Please God please give  courage  to  the various parties to   understand that there will be only one winner and some one will loose.

At this time please protect the people from Satan that they do not create violence and mayhem but to accept  that God is in control and not man. 


Originally Posted by Tola:

Also Dear God, please grant us peace and harmony for all races equally in Guyana.

Please help us to find a way to unite and to work together to build Guyana.

Thank you in your Holy Name.  

Prayer works.


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