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A Partnership for National Unity

Thursday 15th December 2011




  • The two parties (A.P.N.U/AFC) agreed to continue to meet and deepen their engagement and remain committed to fulfilling the mandate the people of Guyana;
  • Importantly, the other main purpose of the current series of meetings is to apprise supporters and the general Guyanese public of A.P.N.Uā€™s perspectives on the post-election situation and of its plans on the way forward;
  • The consistent failure of the Elections Commission to honour its word and provide early results is a clear indication of its incompetence;
  • A.P.N.U continues to verify the Statements of Poll received from the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).




apnu logo - handRepresentatives of A Partnership for National Unity (A.P.N.U) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) met again on Monday 12th December 2011, to continue the exploratory process of a creating a sustainable framework for joint engagement in the National Assembly, and the shaping of a common agenda that takes into account the needs of the Guyanese people, their expectations, and the Parties' commitments made during the just concluded campaign. 


Most importantly, the representatives discussed a wide range of issues that address governance, and the economic wellbeing of the state and its citizens.  These included wide-ranging parliamentary reforms leading to a strong and participatory National Assembly, support for the strengthening of the rule of law, the lowering of the Value Added Tax, and increasing public service wages, among the most urgent.  Increases in Old Age Pension, increase of public sector wages and a re-examination of the Presidents' Pension package were also listed for review.


afc symbol - keyIn the interest of continuing the discussions with a view to arriving on a consensual agenda and building a healthy relationship within the National Assembly, two sectoral working groups, in the areas of governance and the economy, were established to fast-track the process. 


The issue of the appointment of the Speaker of the National Assembly, and other important roles and responsibilities, remain under active discussion for resolution not as isolated items, but as part of a fuller menu of agreed measures.


The two parties agreed to continue to meet and deepen their engagement and remain committed to fulfilling the mandate the people of Guyana.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

The press statement by APNU/AFC and their agreement to work together was known then and now and it will continue as they promise for the next three years. The PPP needs to work more aggressively to engage the oppositions for their support in the national assembly. This may seem wrong for some, and it may seem right to others, but it is their right to stand their grounds and choke off the ruling government of the day when they see fit. This is the first time in 20 years that the PPP have an opposition to answer to. Perhaps, they're still in practice how to engage the opposition, or simply they're too prideful to give a little to gain a little. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

They are indeed doing better, despite what some might want to believe.

I agree they are doing better. I also agree that they're weak on certain areas, especially on crime and security. They can do a lot more if they get the opposition support on some of the major bills that get shot down in parliament. Unfortunately, the stalemate will go on if there is no change in strategy to engage the opposition. I am afraid that the PPP may be choked off from winning the 2016 election if they're unable to break the political stalemate by January 2014.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Unfortunately, the stalemate will go on if there is no change in strategy to engage the opposition. I am afraid that the PPP may be choked off from winning the 2016 election if they're unable to break the political stalemate by January 2014.

There are clear indications that the PNC cum AFC are extremely narrow-minded and short-sited in their approach.


At the next election, whether it would be prior to or at the designated date in 2016, the PPP/C will win gain 51+ percent of the votes.


this thread represents quite a reach in the ongoing scramble for something (anything?) to pull attention away from the appalling, recidivist criminal behavior of jagdeoite gangsters resident in Freedom House . . . for those who will want to play stupid, i'm talking about THE STINK WEBSTER/OSMAN RECYCLING PLANT AFFAIR!


nothing more pathetic than a oletimer antiman stripped naked, on his knees, seeking the favor of ignorant, big-belly PPP tiefmen


D_G, when the moment of truth arrives . . . remember to remove the dentures, arite?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP needs to get its act together and engage the masses more.  They have drifter too far from the people.  Ramotar needs to get Jagdeo out of his hair and develop a new strat plan free of Jagdeo's politics of corruption.

The PPP need to retire Rohee from MoHA or put him to head another ministry. That alone will bring some change and relief to the people.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP needs to get its act together and engage the masses more.  They have drifter too far from the people.  Ramotar needs to get Jagdeo out of his hair and develop a new strat plan free of Jagdeo's politics of corruption.

The PPP need to retire Rohee from MoHA or put him to head another ministry. That alone will bring some change and relief to the people.

If you check over the years you would see that every PPP moha has been called on to resign, especially if they crack down hard on criminals. 

Originally Posted by redux:

this thread represents quite a reach in the ongoing scramble for something (anything?) to pull attention away from the appalling, recidivist criminal behavior of jagdeoite gangsters resident in Freedom House . . . for those who will want to play stupid, i'm talking about THE STINK WEBSTER/OSMAN RECYCLING PLANT AFFAIR!


nothing more pathetic than a oletimer antiman stripped naked, on his knees, seeking the favor of ignorant, big-belly PPP tiefmen


D_G, when the moment of truth arrives . . . remember to remove the dentures, arite?

Well, isn't that thought provoking?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I understand the joint opposition stance and I don't like it as much as you do.However, this is something we have to get used to. I am not doubting your prediction, but I would like to be more realistic for obvious reasons.

The AFC claimed before the elections that it is a political organization focused on a new change and will be working for a new approach unassociated/unaffiliated with other parties.


Immediately after the elections and currently it is clearly noted in the media and in public involvement that the AFC is completely focused/fused/merged with the PNC.


So, how can it be possible that the AFC is working independently for a new approach for Guyanese?


AFC has clearly shown to all that its focus and priorities are solid with the PNC.


At the next election, the AFC would still obtain votes, just like the United Force plus previous political organizations, but with a reduced number of votes and seats.


While all political organizations have issues to address and resolve, the PPP/C is still the organization that will win the next election with more than 51+ percent of the votes.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The AFC claimed before the elections that it is a political organization focused on a new change and will be working for a new approach unassociated/unaffiliated with other parties.


Immediately after the elections and currently it is clearly noted in the media and in public involvement that the AFC is completely focused/fused/merged with the PNC.


So, how can it be possible that the AFC is working independently for a new approach for Guyanese?


AFC has clearly shown to all that its focus and priorities are solid with the PNC.


At the next election, the AFC would still obtain votes, just like the United Force plus previous political organizations, but with a reduced number of votes and seats.


While all political organizations have issues to address and resolve, the PPP/C is still the organization that will win the next election with more than 51+ percent of the votes.

infantile, kwameesque nonsense worthy of our barely-literate paid poster 'conscience'


nothing sadder than a ole man scaling high barriers to the antiman profession like his post-retirement life depending on it

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The AFC claimed before the elections that it is a political organization focused on a new change and will be working for a new approach unassociated/unaffiliated with other parties.


Immediately after the elections and currently it is clearly noted in the media and in public involvement that the AFC is completely focused/fused/merged with the PNC.


So, how can it be possible that the AFC is working independently for a new approach for Guyanese?


AFC has clearly shown to all that its focus and priorities are solid with the PNC.


At the next election, the AFC would still obtain votes, just like the United Force plus previous political organizations, but with a reduced number of votes and seats.


While all political organizations have issues to address and resolve, the PPP/C is still the organization that will win the next election with more than 51+ percent of the votes.

infantile, kwameesque nonsense worthy of our barely-literate paid poster 'conscience'


nothing sadder than a ole man scaling high barriers to the antiman profession like his post-retirement life depending on it

Ow Bhai....yuh mek abee feel D_G is a @unty-man


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