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August 10, 2012
Madam Gail Teixeira Presidential Advisor on Governance:

The Office of the President views with utter dismay the events that began in the early hours of August 10th in the township of Linden. The August 8th agreement and initialing of the Terms of Reference by the Government and the Region 10 delegation signaled significant progress in the search for resolution of the issues associated with the Linden protests. Sitting with us here this afternoon, four of us here, were and have been part of the Government delegation that have met with the Region 10 delegation. However, the Government was not unmindful of the complicated situational ground where representatives of the opposition political parties and the negotiators themselves, were sending mixed signals to the community.

The fact that the TOR was signed, testifies to the compromises that the Government made on this matter. It is indeed unfortunate that the rhetoric of the opposition and the Region Ten delegates did not match their vowed struggle for peaceful solutions. The blockage of the road corridor within and through Linden was a weapon exploited to the disadvantage of all.

Claiming to peaceful, their very acts were destroying the livelihood of many and were occurring in total disrespect of the law. There were two media events that the Government found sinister and responsible for fomenting the upsurge that began in the early hours of August 10th.

At 5 pm on Thursday the 9th August, Mark Benschop Radio was warning Lindeners that the soldiers were coming. Later that night, Demerara Waves falsely informed Lindeners that the soldiers had seized control of the bridges, cleared the roads in Linden, thereby disrupting and threatening the talks.

The facts are that soldiers did no such thing, not having entered Linden. Predictably, the protestors were riled up, mobilized immediately and began a period of uncontrolled mob rule. Fortunately lives were not lost. But there was wanton destruction of property and the impact on the livelihoods was and is significant.

The Government continues to warn Guyanese about irresponsible medium. The Government continues to warn its negotiating partners and their mentors about their questionable control of the situation in Linden, pointing out that the extremists have seized the very prominent role of manning the frontline of the protest.

Government remains committed to dialogue, but cannot and will not accommodate the willful rejection of the rule of law. The Government calls on protestors to become part of and support the move to have the blockade in Linden removed.

It is important I think, for the public to know that since July 18th the President and the Government of Guyana have been engaged with national stakeholders. There have been almost 20 meetings over the last 23 days. Today is the 23rd day of the protest and unrest in Linden, and no one can say that there hasn’t been a genuine effort on the part of the Government. The President has exercised extraordinary patience in meeting with the delegations of the APNU, AFC, national stakeholders from the private sector as well as the Region 10 delegation.

The fact that we have reached agreement on the Commission of Inquiry and the TOR and the search of finding persons to be on that commission, as well as the fact that we were able to overcome and find agreement on the TORs in relation to the generation and distribution of electricity in Linden and the inherent cost.

These are two major milestones that were crossed by August 2nd in relation to the Commission of Inquiry and August 8th in relation to the TORs of the technical team to look at electricity. The Region 10 delegation has consistently been moving the goalposts, and we were expected to meet today at 3 o’ clock.

It cannot be coincidental that events took place early this morning. As you know we were in Parliament. Parliament did not end until 3.30 in the morning. I think that may be a first for Parliament although there may have been some time in the 9th Parliament we went even later. And in the midst of those debates we were then informed of the unrest that was taking place in the very early morning in Linden.

Why would this happen at this particular time, when we had reached a point where it looked as if there was no major obstacle to people who were clearing the roads and getting on with their lives and allowing the peoples in Regions 7, 8 & 9 also to normalize their lives.

The documents that we have compiled in relation to the notes of all the meetings show that the goalpost has been shifting all the time and there appears to be reluctance by the Region 10 persons who we have been meeting with to include other stakeholders from religious, business, labour, women etc. There was one issue they were holding onto, the Economic Proposals which we agreed that we would discuss.

The Region 10 delegation as of today, have not presented any proposals and therefore were delaying any discussion on what they said was the 3rd issue that had to be resolved. Each time they have said they are not ready. And so the events of this morning are regrettable, but it is also not totally unexpected. We call on the Linden residents, because many are afraid and they are intimidated. People’s names are being called, threatened, therefore we are asking the Linden residents who we know are a proud people, that they have the best interest of their people at heart, that they not be led astray by these extremists in their midst and by those who want to continue to have mob rule in Linden.

We appeal to the ordinary citizens, many of whom we know in Linden to stay calm and to stay in their houses so that these activities and behavior can come to an end.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by albert:

August 10, 2012
Madam Gail Teixeira Presidential Advisor on Governance:

The Office of the President views with utter dismay the events that began in the early hours of August 10th in the township of Linden. The August 8th agreement and initialing of the Terms of Reference by the Government and the Region 10 delegation signaled significant progress in the search for resolution of the issues associated with the Linden protests. Sitting with us here this afternoon, four of us here, were and have been part of the Government delegation that have met with the Region 10 delegation. However, the Government was not unmindful of the complicated situational ground where representatives of the opposition political parties and the negotiators themselves, were sending mixed signals to the community.

The fact that the TOR was signed, testifies to the compromises that the Government made on this matter. It is indeed unfortunate that the rhetoric of the opposition and the Region Ten delegates did not match their vowed struggle for peaceful solutions. The blockage of the road corridor within and through Linden was a weapon exploited to the disadvantage of all.

Claiming to peaceful, their very acts were destroying the livelihood of many and were occurring in total disrespect of the law. There were two media events that the Government found sinister and responsible for fomenting the upsurge that began in the early hours of August 10th.

At 5 pm on Thursday the 9th August, Mark Benschop Radio was warning Lindeners that the soldiers were coming. Later that night, Demerara Waves falsely informed Lindeners that the soldiers had seized control of the bridges, cleared the roads in Linden, thereby disrupting and threatening the talks.

The facts are that soldiers did no such thing, not having entered Linden. Predictably, the protestors were riled up, mobilized immediately and began a period of uncontrolled mob rule. Fortunately lives were not lost. But there was wanton destruction of property and the impact on the livelihoods was and is significant.

The Government continues to warn Guyanese about irresponsible medium. The Government continues to warn its negotiating partners and their mentors about their questionable control of the situation in Linden, pointing out that the extremists have seized the very prominent role of manning the frontline of the protest.

Government remains committed to dialogue, but cannot and will not accommodate the willful rejection of the rule of law. The Government calls on protestors to become part of and support the move to have the blockade in Linden removed.

It is important I think, for the public to know that since July 18th the President and the Government of Guyana have been engaged with national stakeholders. There have been almost 20 meetings over the last 23 days. Today is the 23rd day of the protest and unrest in Linden, and no one can say that there hasn’t been a genuine effort on the part of the Government. The President has exercised extraordinary patience in meeting with the delegations of the APNU, AFC, national stakeholders from the private sector as well as the Region 10 delegation.

The fact that we have reached agreement on the Commission of Inquiry and the TOR and the search of finding persons to be on that commission, as well as the fact that we were able to overcome and find agreement on the TORs in relation to the generation and distribution of electricity in Linden and the inherent cost.

These are two major milestones that were crossed by August 2nd in relation to the Commission of Inquiry and August 8th in relation to the TORs of the technical team to look at electricity. The Region 10 delegation has consistently been moving the goalposts, and we were expected to meet today at 3 o’ clock.

It cannot be coincidental that events took place early this morning. As you know we were in Parliament. Parliament did not end until 3.30 in the morning. I think that may be a first for Parliament although there may have been some time in the 9th Parliament we went even later. And in the midst of those debates we were then informed of the unrest that was taking place in the very early morning in Linden.

Why would this happen at this particular time, when we had reached a point where it looked as if there was no major obstacle to people who were clearing the roads and getting on with their lives and allowing the peoples in Regions 7, 8 & 9 also to normalize their lives.

The documents that we have compiled in relation to the notes of all the meetings show that the goalpost has been shifting all the time and there appears to be reluctance by the Region 10 persons who we have been meeting with to include other stakeholders from religious, business, labour, women etc. There was one issue they were holding onto, the Economic Proposals which we agreed that we would discuss.

The Region 10 delegation as of today, have not presented any proposals and therefore were delaying any discussion on what they said was the 3rd issue that had to be resolved. Each time they have said they are not ready. And so the events of this morning are regrettable, but it is also not totally unexpected. We call on the Linden residents, because many are afraid and they are intimidated. People’s names are being called, threatened, therefore we are asking the Linden residents who we know are a proud people, that they have the best interest of their people at heart, that they not be led astray by these extremists in their midst and by those who want to continue to have mob rule in Linden.

We appeal to the ordinary citizens, many of whom we know in Linden to stay calm and to stay in their houses so that these activities and behavior can come to an end.


This is Buxton all over again.  I'm sure most Lindeners want peace and a normal life but the extremists, along with their political lackeys in the AFC and PNC, intend to sabotage any such move.  The community is being used for narrow political gain and little to to with right, wrong and equity.


Businesses will leave Linden in droves and the mining will go away leaving Linden not with cheap electricity, but in total darkness.  Should BOSAI pull-out, the Govt should make it clear that major electricity rationing will take place. The people of Guyana should not be expected to subsidize people bent of mayhem, destruction and degradation.  Let the AFC/PNC finance the fuel for cheap electricity.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by albert:

August 10, 2012
Madam Gail Teixeira Presidential Advisor on Governance:

The Office of the President views with utter dismay the events that began in the early hours of August 10th in the township of Linden. The August 8th agreement and initialing of the Terms of Reference by the Government and the Region 10 delegation signaled significant progress in the search for resolution of the issues associated with the Linden protests. Sitting with us here this afternoon, four of us here, were and have been part of the Government delegation that have met with the Region 10 delegation. However, the Government was not unmindful of the complicated situational ground where representatives of the opposition political parties and the negotiators themselves, were sending mixed signals to the community.


This is Buxton all over again.  I'm sure most Lindeners want peace and a normal life but the extremists, along with their political lackeys in the AFC and PNC, intend to sabotage any such move.  The community is being used for narrow political gain and little to to with right, wrong and equity.


Businesses will leave Linden in droves and the mining will go away leaving Linden not with cheap electricity, but in total darkness.  Should BOSAI pull-out, the Govt should make it clear that major electricity rationing will take place. The people of Guyana should not be expected to subsidize people bent of mayhem, destruction and degradation.  Let the AFC/PNC finance the fuel for cheap electricity.

Gail has the nerve to to be dismayed about anything when she is double dipping and living off the nations fat. Blaming the political parties for organizing a protest that went out of hand because the PPP silly security force murdered them. 


As I noted here, no compassion came from the PPP. Insted it leveraged only its contempt initially and now try to pass the blame to others and even saying the Protestors themselves killed their fellow protesters. That is ground for serous anger and a piling on of useless junk on an already aggravated people.



Your bile and doomsday prediction for them is no different from the PPP's. It is not solution seeking but Passing the blame. Hopefully the people will win back some measure of their dignity with this protest and able to ensure some local control to their lives.


In any event, the herd mentality of race based voting and autocracy exclusive of any transparency is over. BOSAI Is in too much of a good thing to leave and this idea of threats to a people with little or  nothing as their legacy from government is useless.  The PPP better learn a different strategy. They need to remove leech like gail as their mouth pieces. What can this parasitic woman offer as moral advice?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This is Buxton all over again.  I'm sure most Lindeners want peace and a normal life but the extremists, along with their political lackeys in the AFC and PNC, intend to sabotage any such move.  The community is being used for narrow political gain and little to to with right, wrong and equity.


Businesses will leave Linden in droves and the mining will go away leaving Linden not with cheap electricity, but in total darkness.  Should BOSAI pull-out, the Govt should make it clear that major electricity rationing will take place. The people of Guyana should not be expected to subsidize people bent of mayhem, destruction and degradation.  Let the AFC/PNC finance the fuel for cheap electricity.

 ....... BOSAI Is in too much of a good thing to leave and this idea of threats to a people with little or  nothing as their legacy from government is useless.  The PPP better learn a different strategy. They need to remove leech like gail as their mouth pieces. What can this parasitic woman offer as moral advice?

You starting to sound like Burnham when he riled up the nation for his nationalization campaign.


Understand, bauxite is not oil, there are adequate global supplies and, with a slowing economy, demand will ramp down and BOSAI could scale back significantly.  The GoG negotiated a deal to get BOSAI to invest and as such roped them in.  If you make it too costly, they could walk away and it will be years to get anyone to want to invest again.


The political opportunists don't give a damn about the long-term consequences of their actions.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This is Buxton all over again.  I'm sure most Lindeners want peace and a normal life but the extremists, along with their political lackeys in the AFC and PNC, intend to sabotage any such move.  The community is being used for narrow political gain and little to to with right, wrong and equity.


Businesses will leave Linden in droves and the mining will go away leaving Linden not with cheap electricity, but in total darkness.  Should BOSAI pull-out, the Govt should make it clear that major electricity rationing will take place. The people of Guyana should not be expected to subsidize people bent of mayhem, destruction and degradation.  Let the AFC/PNC finance the fuel for cheap electricity.

 ....... BOSAI Is in too much of a good thing to leave and this idea of threats to a people with little or  nothing as their legacy from government is useless.  The PPP better learn a different strategy. They need to remove leech like gail as their mouth pieces. What can this parasitic woman offer as moral advice?

You starting to sound like Burnham when he riled up the nation for his nationalization campaign.


Understand, bauxite is not oil, there are adequate global supplies and, with a slowing economy, demand will ramp down and BOSAI could scale back significantly.  The GoG negotiated a deal to get BOSAI to invest and as such roped them in.  If you make it too costly, they could walk away and it will be years to get anyone to want to invest again.


The political opportunists don't give a damn about the long-term consequences of their actions.

I am a free market liberal so why would I approve of nationalization? And where in that piece is an riling up of anyone?


The government negotiated a deal with OMAI for 5 million and sold them the plant on the promise to spend forty more. What happened?


OMAI failed to deliver on investment and worse they re sold the propriety for a hefty profit of 41 million  while a Ramotar was fiddling. He sat on OMAI board at the time!. Jagdeo brought in BOSAI so they were part of the money making scheme here! The international press said the deal will raise eyebrows at home but no one blinked!


I am sure BOASI will not walk. They got a good thing going. The Chinese face worse in Africa where they were the targets. Here they are seen as the good guys doing a fine job delivering a cheap utility.


Political opportunists can be leveraged against those very parasites in office who ruled like petty potentates for 2 decades and arrogantly decided they do not have to tell the nation anything. Well their opportunism and greed lost them the majority, their stupidity to unilaterally impose tarifs on a poverty stricken town for spite.


Their arrogance of not  showing contrition for the deaths and injuries to protestors who had a finite time limit to their protests is their own doing. Now the have a bigger problem and they better address it with a firm fair hand or the will have lose more. Arrogance and contempt, their favorite tools, will not work anymore.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This is Buxton all over again.  I'm sure most Lindeners want peace and a normal life but the extremists, along with their political lackeys in the AFC and PNC, intend to sabotage any such move.  The community is being used for narrow political gain and little to to with right, wrong and equity.


Businesses will leave Linden in droves and the mining will go away leaving Linden not with cheap electricity, but in total darkness.  Should BOSAI pull-out, the Govt should make it clear that major electricity rationing will take place. The people of Guyana should not be expected to subsidize people bent of mayhem, destruction and degradation.  Let the AFC/PNC finance the fuel for cheap electricity.

 ....... BOSAI Is in too much of a good thing to leave and this idea of threats to a people with little or  nothing as their legacy from government is useless.  The PPP better learn a different strategy. They need to remove leech like gail as their mouth pieces. What can this parasitic woman offer as moral advice?

You starting to sound like Burnham when he riled up the nation for his nationalization campaign.


Understand, bauxite is not oil, there are adequate global supplies and, with a slowing economy, demand will ramp down and BOSAI could scale back significantly.  The GoG negotiated a deal to get BOSAI to invest and as such roped them in.  If you make it too costly, they could walk away and it will be years to get anyone to want to invest again.


The political opportunists don't give a damn about the long-term consequences of their actions.

I am a free market liberal so why would I approve of nationalization? And where in that piece is an riling up of anyone?


Re-read the gist of my comment before you start typing, you clown.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This is Buxton all over again.  I'm sure most Lindeners want peace and a normal life but the extremists, along with their political lackeys in the AFC and PNC, intend to sabotage any such move.  The community is being used for narrow political gain and little to to with right, wrong and equity.


Businesses will leave Linden in droves and the mining will go away leaving Linden not with cheap electricity, but in total darkness.  Should BOSAI pull-out, the Govt should make it clear that major electricity rationing will take place. The people of Guyana should not be expected to subsidize people bent of mayhem, destruction and degradation.  Let the AFC/PNC finance the fuel for cheap electricity.

 ....... BOSAI Is in too much of a good thing to leave and this idea of threats to a people with little or  nothing as their legacy from government is useless.  The PPP better learn a different strategy. They need to remove leech like gail as their mouth pieces. What can this parasitic woman offer as moral advice?

You starting to sound like Burnham when he riled up the nation for his nationalization campaign.


Understand, bauxite is not oil, there are adequate global supplies and, with a slowing economy, demand will ramp down and BOSAI could scale back significantly.  The GoG negotiated a deal to get BOSAI to invest and as such roped them in.  If you make it too costly, they could walk away and it will be years to get anyone to want to invest again.


The political opportunists don't give a damn about the long-term consequences of their actions.

I am a free market liberal so why would I approve of nationalization? And where in that piece is an riling up of anyone?


Re-read the gist of my comment before you start typing, you clown.

I read the lines and between the lines and you still come across as a myopic  herd animal.  You channeled Burnham the default demon summoned for these occasion to scare the sheep, spoke of him riling citizens to violence and then give us the imagery of nationalizing as if any of that mattered except fore ornamentation to your contempt for truth.


BOSAI was not a strategic find per its reluctance to come. It came because Ramator and Jagdeo had to facilitate the sale of the same industry for a second time and each time with no benefit to the community but to the buyers.


They were not roping in dopers, they were doing favors to their pocket books. The deal stank. NICIL still hast to account for more of the Bauxite company properties. I could almost guarantee it is in the hands of some PPP crony.


The only long term effects of any deal making to date was it filled PPPinc and its stock holders pockets.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
You starting to sound like Burnham when he riled up the nation for his nationalization campaign.


Understand, bauxite is not oil, there are adequate global supplies and, with a slowing economy, demand will ramp down and BOSAI could scale back significantly.  The GoG negotiated a deal to get BOSAI to invest and as such roped them in.  If you make it too costly, they could walk away and it will be years to get anyone to want to invest again.


The political opportunists don't give a damn about the long-term consequences of their actions.

I am a free market liberal so why would I approve of nationalization? And where in that piece is an riling up of anyone?


Re-read the gist of my comment before you start typing, you clown.

I read the lines and between the lines and you still come across as a myopic  herd animal.  You channeled Burnham the default demon summoned for these occasion to scare the sheep, spoke of him riling citizens to violence and then give us the imagery of nationalizing as if any of that mattered except fore ornamentation to your contempt for truth.


BOSAI was not a strategic find per its reluctance to come. It came because Ramator and Jagdeo had to facilitate the sale of the same industry for a second time and each time with no benefit to the community but to the buyers.


They were not roping in dopers, they were doing favors to their pocket books. The deal stank. NICIL still hast to account for more of the Bauxite company properties. I could almost guarantee it is in the hands of some PPP crony.


The only long term effects of any deal making to date was it filled PPPinc and its stock holders pockets.

You have the gift of talking a lot and saying little.


I don't blame Benschop or Demerara waves. The police and joint services should have cleared the bridges and instituted mass arrest of the troublemakers a long time ago. Now they farting around and phantoms will have to finish the job just like Buxton. The Lindeners are becoming more embolden the longer the security forces hold off enforcing the laws. Ramotar and the PPP deserve what they get for being softies on this issue of criminal destruction and civil disobedience. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You have the gift of talking a lot and saying little.

I have pointed this out on many occasions ..........

Baseman whats funny is the hold the opposition seems to have on its supporters, particularly the PNC/APNU. You know these guys are now questioning the origin of the fires?  

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
You starting to sound like Burnham when he riled up the nation for his nationalization campaign.


Understand, bauxite is not oil, there are adequate global supplies and, with a slowing economy, demand will ramp down and BOSAI could scale back significantly.  The GoG negotiated a deal to get BOSAI to invest and as such roped them in.  If you make it too costly, they could walk away and it will be years to get anyone to want to invest again.


The political opportunists don't give a damn about the long-term consequences of their actions.

I am a free market liberal so why would I approve of nationalization? And where in that piece is an riling up of anyone?


Re-read the gist of my comment before you start typing, you clown.

I read the lines and between the lines and you still come across as a myopic  herd animal.  You channeled Burnham the default demon summoned for these occasion to scare the sheep, spoke of him riling citizens to violence and then give us the imagery of nationalizing as if any of that mattered except fore ornamentation to your contempt for truth.


BOSAI was not a strategic find per its reluctance to come. It came because Ramator and Jagdeo had to facilitate the sale of the same industry for a second time and each time with no benefit to the community but to the buyers.


They were not roping in dopers, they were doing favors to their pocket books. The deal stank. NICIL still hast to account for more of the Bauxite company properties. I could almost guarantee it is in the hands of some PPP crony.


The only long term effects of any deal making to date was it filled PPPinc and its stock holders pockets.

You have the gift of talking a lot and saying little.

Just hoping the gift of listing would be added to your discernment tool kit.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The political opportunists don't give a damn about the long-term consequences of their actions.

Baseman what concerns BOSAI is that the blundering and incompetent response of the govt is not resulting in the problem being solved.  Had ramotar got hios big belly down to Linden IMMEDIATELY as a symbol of regret over the killing and injuries of people by agents of the govt this would not have occurred.  Not only did the PPP not respond properly, but their terrorists at GINA then proceeded to print a bunch of lies stigmatizing Lindeners by implyingt that they are a bunch of free loads.  NO WHERE IN THEIR LIES DID THEY OUTLINE TO US ANY SUPPORT BY THE PPP OF BOSAI to pay for costs incurred to supply Linden with electricity.


This was pure and simple revenge by the PPP and now it has blown up in their face.  People dont care who is to blame.  They want it SOLVED.  So what is Ramotar doing.  Clearing shooting down more people isnt a solution.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The opposition led protest are making Linden very unfavorably for investments, its a shame the opponents of the state are instigating the protesters to obtain their narrow political agenda

Can you outline the thousands of jobs created in Linden since 2000?  I know that BOSAI employed far fewer people than were employed in bauxite before, so what sort of jobs did those who were squeezed out of bauxite do.......apart from selling drinks on the side walk?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The opposition led protest are making Linden very unfavorably for investments, its a shame the opponents of the state are instigating the protesters to obtain their narrow political agenda

Can you outline the thousands of jobs created in Linden since 2000?  I know that BOSAI employed far fewer people than were employed in bauxite before, so what sort of jobs did those who were squeezed out of bauxite do.......apart from selling drinks on the side walk?

Why didn't the Lindeners use the cheap power to start their own cottage industries providing useful output, offering services, etc.  BOSAI has no obligation beyond their business.  The GoG allowed subsidized cheap power  to all for over 20 years.  What has the Lindeners done for themselves?  Today it's looting, burning, mayhem and they expect development!  The Govt needs to hold both the on-site criminals and their instigators responsible for the losses.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Why didn't the Lindeners use the cheap power to start their own cottage industries providing useful output,

Maybe they have no money. I keep on wandering why, you who I bet does NOT work in a cottage industry, think  these business can rescue a town.  


1.  There must be purchasing power for any small business to work.   Most of these businesses fail, expecially when they are poorly capitalized and lack access to credit...which would surely be the case in Linden.  Businesses in Linden are suffering because there is very little of that.  What came of all that effort with LEAP?....not much for that very reason.  Even in the USA cottage industries have a tough time where there is vast more accessable funding and technical expertise available.


2.  In any society most people will be employees and cottage industries by their very definition hire few if any people.  Clearly Linden needs major industry(s) to replace bauxite which can no longer generate the employment that it once did.  With that you can then generate all the cottage enterprises you wish.  A prosperous town will create more opportunities for people to accumulate capital and to provide goods and services FOR THOSE WHO ARE ABLE TO DO THIS.


It is looking more and more that Linden, which  benefits from  BOSAi  supplying surplus power, on a marginal cost basis, might have at least one advantage over the rest of Guyana.  It has been pointed out that a major constraint impacting Guyana's industrial development are its high energy costs.  So why not promote Linden for these purposes with temporary tax incentives for companies...local and foreign..establishing themselves within a special zone.


The problem has been all this chatter of cottage industries as a rescue.  NONSENSE!!!!!!  But then this is what we can expect when a country is governed by a bunch of idiots who cant think 21st century.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Why didn't the Lindeners use the cheap power to start their own cottage industries providing useful output,

Maybe they have no money. I keep on wandering why, you who I bet does NOT work in a cottage industry, think  these business can rescue a town.  

"Maybe" they never have money, but they have AC and ample electricity consuming amenities to consume over 3 X the national average.


And yes, my father started a little cottage business in Guyana and was successful at it.  He did it with his bare hands, his head and a few dollars he borrowed from fam to buy starting supplies.  Yea yea yea, we know, it was much easier back then...


Lies Lies and more Lies from the PPP

By Editor

August 11, 2012


By Imran Khan:

In another in a series of bizarre statements from the Office of the President, this time with regard to the latest β€˜operation’ in Linden, the powers that be asserted thus:

β€œThere were two media events that the Government found sinister and responsible for fomenting the upsurge on the night of the August 9. At 5.00 pm on Thursday, August 9, Mark Benschop radio was warning Lindeners that the soldiers were coming. Later that night, Demerara Waves falsely informed Lindeners that the soldiers had seized control of the bridges, cleared the roads in Linden thereby disrupting and threatening the talks.”


I have contacted Mark Benschop and he has confirmed that was off air at 5pm on August 9th. Benschop’s internet radio station remained off air for another 4 hours until 9pm when he usually goes on air for a nightly programme.

The assertion by the Office of the President that β€œat 5.00 pm on Thursday, August 9, Mark Benschop was warning Lindeners that the soldiers were coming” is an outright, dirty and vile lie.

It is as much a lie as the one propagated by the PPP activists on social media that Benschop was in Linden on July 18th β€˜instigating’ Lindeners to protests. Benschop subsequently exposed this fabrication by proving that he was out of Guyana for over a week prior to July 18th.

The second assertion by the Office of the President that β€œDemerara Waves falsely informed Lindeners that soldiers had seized control of the bridges, cleared the roads in Linden thereby disrupting and threatening the talks” has also been robustly rejected by Demerara Waves.

In fact both the Joint Services and the Guyana Police Force own statements contradict the Office of the President statement and support the Demerara Waves and factual timeline of events.

Here are the facts.

The Joint Services statement reads: β€œat approx 0220 hours on Friday 2012-08-10, protestors raised an alarm that the Joint Services were on their way to clear barriers.”

The Police statement reads: β€œAt about 0210h today Friday August 10, 2012, ranks of the Joint Services observed that a fire with the use of tyres, wood and other combustible materials was set on the wooden portion at the Wismar end of the Wismar-Mackenzie Bridge.”

Now for the coup de grace which shows barefaced lying on the part of the Office of the President.

The Demerara Waves report on the early morning operation in Linden was posted at 4:26am at least two hours AFTER the incident at the bridge. Demerara Waves had no report on the issue BEFORE the 2am incident at the bridge.

That the Office of the President is seeking, even through the manufacture of untruths and blatant lies, to blame Mark Benschop’s internet radio station and Demerara Waves for β€œformenting the upsurge” is as ludicrous as it is dangerous.
One can only surmise that the Office of the President, subjected to much condemnation, derision and scorn, by being disgraced for blaming APNU and AFC for instigating action in Linden that it now seeks to shift blame around, however irrationally. Benschop Radio and Demerara Waves are now the targets, it matters not how idiotic the Office of the President is seen in so doing.

The truth and the facts though stand unchallenged and the public will decide the faith and the destiny of those who currently clutch on to power at the Office of the President.


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