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The guns, ammo and other items found by the Police [Guyana Police Force photo]

November 12 2019

A businessman, a serving member of the Joint Services and another person have been arrested in connection with the brazen armed robbery of three men of a large quantity of raw gold at the Matthew’s Ridge Airstrip in Region One on Monday afternoon.

Police Headquarters revealed that the robbery occurred at about 13:30hrs when four masked gunmen pounced on the trio.

Ranks in the region acted on intelligence and intercepted a vehicle with the businessman who is said to be the mastermind behind the robbery and the other person on Tuesday at about 09:20hrs at Arakaka, North West District.

Upon searching the vehicle, ranks discovered several containers of fuel and a quantity of raw gold suspected to be part of Monday’s heist.

Police said the suspects took investigators to a location and handed over the following items:

-two 9mm handguns with magazines

-an AK47 Assault Rifle with a magazine

-a quantity of ammunition

-a Global Positioning System (GPS) device

– a camouflage jacket

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