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Joint Services welcome security reformsPDFPrintE-mail
Written by GINA   
Monday, 14 January 2013 23:51

JOINT Services Heads recently reaffirmed their support for the Security Sector Reform Strategy, noting that it is ‘common sense’ to overhaul the sector so that it could efficiently meet the needs of modern society.
Today, urban Guyana is moving to greater heights, literally, in the sense t
hat more



From left, Director of Prisons Dale Erskine, Police Commissioner (ag) Leroy Brumell and Chief Fire Officer, Marlon Gentle

and more structures, several storeys tall, are going up; while the rural communities are also transforming at an equally unprecedented pace.

Guyana Police Force

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) is 173 years old and it can no longer operate solely on the principles it was built on. It has to be modernised and the Capita Symonds Report has outlined the areas in which these changes must be made. These include: operations and procedure, development and partnerships, performance, and infrastructure.
Over the last five years, this modernisation process began with implementation through the Citizen’s Security Programme (CSP), which was funded by the Government of Guyana in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
Several police stations were refurbished and outfitted with highly computerised systems to aid in effective crime fighting.
Acting Police Commissioner, Leroy Brumell said that this year, a lot of focus will be place on the training of police ranks, both overseas and locally, to complement the reforms that are underway.
Another major aspect of the reform will see the police working assiduously to bridge the gap that currently exist with the public. He said that if this can be accomplished, then criminal activities will be decreased significantly. The strategic plan for the Police Force is expected to cost $35M.

Guyana Fire Service

The Guyana Fire Service, renamed the Guyana Fire and Rescue Service (GFRS), is now 55 years old and like the Police Force, its management recognised early, the need for changes. As such, in 2007, this institution embarked on a strategic plan to ensure that it does not provide fire protection service that is inferior to what is required.
This plan concluded in 2012, addressing issues such as: increasing the number of stations, modernisng tools and equipment, and enhancing the communication network and human resource base. Today, this organisation moved from seven stations to 15 and the 16th is set to come on stream at Diamond.
Chief Fire Officer, Marlon Gentle said that, “we have invested a lot in acquiring modernised equipment, fire tenders, protective gear and hoses…development have a direct impact on the Fire Service and we have to think ahead and anticipate future development trends so that we can keep up. We have to constantly overhaul our methods of operations.”
He noted that the Service is now in the process of embracing new technologies to boost their capability as an organisation and this increases the need for a more highly skilled human resource base.
Gentle added that, “our functions and responsibilities are more pronounced now with the name change of the Service.”

Guyana Prison Service
As an integral part of the criminal justice system, the Guyana Prison Service (GPS) needs to be transformed as well. Director of Prisons, Dale Erskine recalled that over the years, there have been calls for prison reform and in 2001; the first strategic plan for the prisons came into being with the aim of making them safer and more humane.
The needs of the prisons were also looked at under the Justice Sector Reform strategy. However, in 2009, a more comprehensive plan was rolled out which saw significant restructuring and overall modernisation of many aspects of the prisons’ operations. These include: modernisation of the prison system, legislation, development of the human source capacity, introduction of prison enterprises, devising of rehabilitative programmes to aid in the process of reformation and re-integration of prisoners, improved healthcare system, and greater collaboration with civil society.
Today, prisons have greater civilian oversight with the establishment of the Sentence Management, Agriculture, Recruit, and Training boards, as well as the Prison Visiting Committees (PVC). These bodies are all led by prominent persons in society, who are better equipped to bring a balance and a more comprehensive perspective on how to move the prison service forward.
Last year, a new facility was established at the New Amsterdam Prison to house prisoners who are segregated by offence, and a similar facility is being built at the Georgetown Prison to help monitor and control prisoners.
Next year, a total modernisation is planned for the Lusignan Prison, the infrastructural aspect of which has already started.
Erskine agreed that the Prison Service has to be far more professional and corrective in nature. For the GPS, the reform process will cost some $831M.
On December 31, 2012, Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee hosted a special forum where he outlined in great detail, the reforms that will be embarked on so as to improve the overall functioning of the security sector.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I guess the PPP is on time delay. I believe Ramaharak, Ravi Dev and his brother, Haripaul et al of ROAR must be having a good laugh. It has been over a decade since they were insisting on reforms but to the deaf ears of the PPP. Suddenly, they apparently arrived at an epiphany! Reform is the way to go! What hypocrites! These vultures never cease to amaze me.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I guess the PPP is on time delay. I believe Ramaharak, Ravi Dev and his brother, Haripaul et al of ROAR must be having a good laugh. It has been over a decade since they were insisting on reforms but to the deaf ears of the PPP. Suddenly, they apparently arrived at an epiphany! Reform is the way to go! What hypocrites! These vultures never cease to amaze me.

The "reforms" are really mechanisms to spy on opposition activists and set up an authoritarian regime that will soon resort to electoral riggings to get back its majority. Mark this day I said that.  

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I guess the PPP is on time delay. I believe Ramaharak, Ravi Dev and his brother, Haripaul et al of ROAR must be having a good laugh. It has been over a decade since they were insisting on reforms but to the deaf ears of the PPP. Suddenly, they apparently arrived at an epiphany! Reform is the way to go! What hypocrites! These vultures never cease to amaze me.

The "reforms" are really mechanisms to spy on opposition activists and set up an authoritarian regime that will soon resort to electoral riggings to get back its majority. Mark this day I said that.  

 They will have to rig to win. I would watch region, nine and three for example. Small changes can mean big advantages in these areas. I think you said so previously as well.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I guess the PPP is on time delay. I believe Ramaharak, Ravi Dev and his brother, Haripaul et al of ROAR must be having a good laugh. It has been over a decade since they were insisting on reforms but to the deaf ears of the PPP. Suddenly, they apparently arrived at an epiphany! Reform is the way to go! What hypocrites! These vultures never cease to amaze me.

The "reforms" are really mechanisms to spy on opposition activists and set up an authoritarian regime that will soon resort to electoral riggings to get back its majority. Mark this day I said that.  

 They will have to rig to win. I would watch region, nine and three for example. Small changes can mean big advantages in these areas. I think you said so previously as well.

Look Stormy - you seem like a rational fella.


where you come from this thesis from?






The PNC.


When Gocol tried to cook the figures in the 2011 elections the PNC boys pull his pants down.


Never again will he try that nonsense.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I guess the PPP is on time delay. I believe Ramaharak, Ravi Dev and his brother, Haripaul et al of ROAR must be having a good laugh. It has been over a decade since they were insisting on reforms but to the deaf ears of the PPP. Suddenly, they apparently arrived at an epiphany! Reform is the way to go! What hypocrites! These vultures never cease to amaze me.

The "reforms" are really mechanisms to spy on opposition activists and set up an authoritarian regime that will soon resort to electoral riggings to get back its majority. Mark this day I said that.  

So yuh betta be careful when yuh Visit.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I guess the PPP is on time delay. I believe Ramaharak, Ravi Dev and his brother, Haripaul et al of ROAR must be having a good laugh. It has been over a decade since they were insisting on reforms but to the deaf ears of the PPP. Suddenly, they apparently arrived at an epiphany! Reform is the way to go! What hypocrites! These vultures never cease to amaze me.

The "reforms" are really mechanisms to spy on opposition activists and set up an authoritarian regime that will soon resort to electoral riggings to get back its majority. Mark this day I said that.  

So yuh betta be careful when yuh Visit.

Well we want to spy on the GECOM crook Gokul budhu, who tried to cook the books for the PPP.  We want a permanent camera on him.  He is the man that does mek 1 to 6.


He is a professional forger.


Over the last five years, this modernisation process began with implementation through the Citizen’s Security Programme (CSP), which was funded by the Government of Guyana in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
Several police stations were refurbished and outfitted with highly computerised systems to aid in effective crime fighting.
Acting Police Commissioner, Leroy Brumell said that this year, a lot of focus will be place on the training of police ranks, both overseas and locally, to complement the reforms that are underway.
Another major aspect of the reform will see the police working assiduously to bridge the gap that currently exist with the public. He said that if this can be accomplished, then criminal activities will be decreased significantly.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I guess the PPP is on time delay. I believe Ramaharak, Ravi Dev and his brother, Haripaul et al of ROAR must be having a good laugh. It has been over a decade since they were insisting on reforms but to the deaf ears of the PPP. Suddenly, they apparently arrived at an epiphany! Reform is the way to go! What hypocrites! These vultures never cease to amaze me.

The "reforms" are really mechanisms to spy on opposition activists and set up an authoritarian regime that will soon resort to electoral riggings to get back its majority. Mark this day I said that.  

 They will have to rig to win. .

Big Chief loud mouth speaketh, everyone bow to Geranamo.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I guess the PPP is on time delay. I believe Ramaharak, Ravi Dev and his brother, Haripaul et al of ROAR must be having a good laugh. It has been over a decade since they were insisting on reforms but to the deaf ears of the PPP. Suddenly, they apparently arrived at an epiphany! Reform is the way to go! What hypocrites! These vultures never cease to amaze me.

The "reforms" are really mechanisms to spy on opposition activists and set up an authoritarian regime that will soon resort to electoral riggings to get back its majority. Mark this day I said that.  

 They will have to rig to win. .

Big Chief loud mouth speaketh, everyone bow to Geranamo.

dalits like you are conditioned to bend the knees, we do not. And the word is "Geronimo"

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I guess the PPP is on time delay. I believe Ramaharak, Ravi Dev and his brother, Haripaul et al of ROAR must be having a good laugh. It has been over a decade since they were insisting on reforms but to the deaf ears of the PPP. Suddenly, they apparently arrived at an epiphany! Reform is the way to go! What hypocrites! These vultures never cease to amaze me.

The "reforms" are really mechanisms to spy on opposition activists and set up an authoritarian regime that will soon resort to electoral riggings to get back its majority. Mark this day I said that.  

 They will have to rig to win. .

Big Chief loud mouth speaketh, everyone bow to Geranamo.

dalits like you are conditioned to bend the knees, we do not. And the word is "Geronimo"

Sorry I miss-spelled your name.....Geronimo

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I guess the PPP is on time delay. I believe Ramaharak, Ravi Dev and his brother, Haripaul et al of ROAR must be having a good laugh. It has been over a decade since they were insisting on reforms but to the deaf ears of the PPP. Suddenly, they apparently arrived at an epiphany! Reform is the way to go! What hypocrites! These vultures never cease to amaze me.

The "reforms" are really mechanisms to spy on opposition activists and set up an authoritarian regime that will soon resort to electoral riggings to get back its majority. Mark this day I said that.  

 They will have to rig to win. .

Big Chief loud mouth speaketh, everyone bow to Geranamo.

dalits like you are conditioned to bend the knees, we do not. And the word is "Geronimo"

Sorry I miss-spelled your name.....Geronimo

It would be a great honor to be so named. You do yourself a bad turn with the misspelling, not me.

What kind of reform is this? Shouldn't all the branches of government including the Executive and armed forces be reflective of the composition of the society? Boy some people just want to pull the wool over our eyes.

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