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March 4, 2017 Source

Finance Minister Winston Jordan believes the local manufacturing sector is not doing enough and has to take stock of itself and that its contribution to national earnings today is a mere five percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)—a far cry from four decades ago when it stood at 15 per cent.

The Minister of Finance on Thursday (March 2, 2017) met with members of the media for a press engagement in the Ministry of Finance Boardroom, where he criticized the sector for not taking advantage of the current incentive regime and flat out bad business practices such as opting for Banks—which could be expensive—as against utilizing the Guyana Stock Exchange.

 The manufacturing sector, according to Minister Jordan, would first claim “the environment is not right, the incentive framework is not right…When you check our incentive framework I believe it is far more healthy than it was in 1970s”

 He contends that some of the issues affecting the local sector surround expensive bank loans and said “too many businesses don’t make use of Stock Exchange, they tend to go to banks for financing and that could be expensive.”

He pointed to complaints from the local manufacturing sector that relate to infrastructural problems such as poor facilities, expensive electricity which leads to self generation along with an un-skilled labour labour force—many of whom are unemployed—and said many of the problems can be overcome.

Minister Jordan was adamant however as it relates to the incentive regime. He said “the incentive framework is there…that is not much of a major issue.”

 He said manufacturers “have to see things in a more modern light, a newer light so to speak.”

The Minister drew reference to Sante Fe Mega Farm in Rupununi, Region Nine, owned by a Barbadian Investor, Kyffin Simpson.

Minister Jordan said, “Look where he is and look what he is doing, he didn’t hang around in Georgetown and so on, you didn’t hear him complaining everyday about what government is not giving him.”

 The Finance Minister said the Barbadian investor currently controls 99 per cent “of our trade with Brazil…just out in the savannahs there, people don’t like hear you say that.”

 The Minister said the reality is “our manufacturing sector has to take stock and understand precisely; we are here to help, we are certainly here to help but we have to be as innovative as the next person.”

 He lamented imports appearing on supermarket shelves and being sold out, such as plantain chips for Costa Rica saying “we have to take stock of ourselves.

 Jordan posited introspection to determine whether there are underlying issues that hinder the growth of the industry locally.

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March 4, 2017 Source

Finance Minister Winston Jordan believes the local manufacturing sector is not doing enough and has to take stock of itself and that its contribution to national earnings today is a mere five percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)—a far cry from four decades ago when it stood at 15 per cent.

Perhaps the minister need to take stock of himself. The nerve of this man!!!


These jackasses and their slop can carriers claimed they had the solution while in opposition. Now they are blaming the people while rescuing themselves from responsibility. 


This attack by Jordan and Moses and Granger on the private sector is brutally.

You all better had invest in Trinidad or Barbados like what Gafoor did under Burnham.

You will lose hundreds of thousands every day if you invest in Guyana.  Time for preserving your business's future.


From day one these AFC/PNC scumbags created a very rotten atmosphere for the business environment. In fact, they appear to have a very anti business agenda or no agenda at all.

Businesses will invest when there is confidence in a government and the economy.

Right now there is none. They will not invest unless their is a democratic government and the correct business atmosphere.

These clowns sat up an very anti business department in SARU and SOCU, it will only drive businesses away. Why should someone invest in Guyana when these AFC/PNC scumbags have supreme authority to seize their investments at will ?



Seems like more than the current gov't oppressive policies,there is a decline in manufacturing for over a decade,maybe it's cheaper to import [which i doubt] rather than manufacture some of the food products locally,damn the raw materials are there make use of it also the small farmers will benefit for that matter the whole nation benefits.

It appears Guyanese appreciates more foreign products over the locally manufactured.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:


Seems like more than the current gov't oppressive policies,there is a decline in manufacturing for over a decade,maybe it's cheaper to import [which i doubt] rather than manufacture some of the food products locally,damn the raw materials are there make use of it also the small farmers will benefit for that matter the whole nation benefits.

It appears Guyanese appreciates more foreign products over the locally manufactured.

Django bai, stop burying your head in the sand. A black head master(now dead and gone) Vincent Felix, once asked me this question "whenever you hear a black man can run a country"? He went to give me examples of Africa. He was a rice farmer too. His statement that day still is true. Words coming from the mouth of a black educator. He also taught me in school.


Jagdeo/Ramotar Govt had avg 4% growth for over 15 years NOW FILTH HEADS tek over, Bla Bla Bla!!!


Thw Namakaram Crabdaag author of Cadillac spending with donkey cart Economy got his stink mouth in he kakahole!!!!!

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


Seems like more than the current gov't oppressive policies,there is a decline in manufacturing for over a decade,maybe it's cheaper to import [which i doubt] rather than manufacture some of the food products locally,damn the raw materials are there make use of it also the small farmers will benefit for that matter the whole nation benefits.

It appears Guyanese appreciates more foreign products over the locally manufactured.

Django bai, stop burying your head in the sand. A black head master(now dead and gone) Vincent Felix, once asked me this question "whenever you hear a black man can run a country"? He went to give me examples of Africa. He was a rice farmer too. His statement that day still is true. Words coming from the mouth of a black educator. He also taught me in school.

Suh how the countries in the Caribbean are progressing,that Headmaster wanted the wild cane.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


Seems like more than the current gov't oppressive policies,there is a decline in manufacturing for over a decade,maybe it's cheaper to import [which i doubt] rather than manufacture some of the food products locally,damn the raw materials are there make use of it also the small farmers will benefit for that matter the whole nation benefits.

It appears Guyanese appreciates more foreign products over the locally manufactured.

Django bai, stop burying your head in the sand. A black head master(now dead and gone) Vincent Felix, once asked me this question "whenever you hear a black man can run a country"? He went to give me examples of Africa. He was a rice farmer too. His statement that day still is true. Words coming from the mouth of a black educator. He also taught me in school.

Suh how the countries in the Caribbean are progressing,that Headmaster wanted the wild cane.

He was among one of the best teachers in the school. He took a personal interest in my schooling there.



My headmaster C.R.Bancroft guided me to complete schooling after skulking for a few weeks,was depressed and afraid to go back,my mother took me back to school to meet him,he said "young man go back to your class and no one will punish you" on to this day i remember that meeting,fortunately i excelled with higher marks than i usually get [was always in the top 10 in class] when the school year finished.

Motivation can do wonders.

Last edited by Django
cain posted:

Dah wild cane was a good motivator.

Nah bai. Don't believe in whipping kids to learn. Sometimes I wonder if this whipping caused so many kids to be afraid to go to school. You don't whip a kid daily and expect the jid to learn because of fear of being unable to comprehend.


I don't know if anyone of you tried to ask to lease land for doing agriculture in Guyana, I know of two people, there is a long red tape, kick backs and meetings after meetings and the end result is no land after spending thousands of US dollars. These were overseas investors, their plans were to plant coffee, peanuts and pineapples to start. They were willing to purchase the land but were told there is a freeze. It boils down to ,who you know and who knows you and did you contribute to the PNC fund.I personally had my share of bad experience so ,I cut and run.

Django posted:


My headmaster C.R.Bancroft guided me to complete schooling after skulking for a few weeks,was depressed and afraid to go back,my mother took me back to school to meet him,he said "young man go back to your class and no one will punish you" on to this day i remember that meeting,fortunately i excelled with higher marks than i usually get [was always in the top 10 in class] when the school year finished.

Motivation can do wonders.

Apparently you did not excel as much as you imagined, else you should have gone on to university instead of trade school. As a result you became susceptible to Granger's empty promises. Maybe slop can duties would not have been in the cards had a proper education been ensued. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:


My headmaster C.R.Bancroft guided me to complete schooling after skulking for a few weeks,was depressed and afraid to go back,my mother took me back to school to meet him,he said "young man go back to your class and no one will punish you" on to this day i remember that meeting,fortunately i excelled with higher marks than i usually get [was always in the top 10 in class] when the school year finished.

Motivation can do wonders.

Apparently you did not excel as much as you imagined, else you should have gone on to university instead of trade school. As a result you became susceptible to Granger's empty promises. Maybe slop can duties would not have been in the cards had a proper education been ensued. 

You are a foolish man,I wasn't born with a golden spoon and choose a field that was interesting,have been in it from since 1976 and was rewarded well,if per chance you think it's low level  well good for you,I am my own boss,for most of that period,have contracts with corporations and Insurance companies.You think that script you are writing is top achievement,i does dabble in that as a hobby.

Last edited by Django

Neither was I, but I persevered. Nothing wrong with taking up a trade, however the intellectual level required for such professions leaves on vulnerable to drink pnc/afc koolaid.

Drugb posted:

Neither was I, but I persevered. Nothing wrong with taking up a trade, however the intellectual level required for such professions leaves on vulnerable to drink pnc/afc koolaid.

Banna give it a rest,The study of Electronics and Computers requires a great level of ability,I done some courses here in Computers and Digital Electronics, in the State i reside Technical License is required for jobs in the Electronics field,you have to pass written and practical exams to obtain a License.

You need to change your mentality,every job or study required some form of skill set,show some respect for what some one chooses for a career or does for a living,being judgemental is not healthy traits.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Neither was I, but I persevered. Nothing wrong with taking up a trade, however the intellectual level required for such professions leaves on vulnerable to drink pnc/afc koolaid.

Banna give it a rest,The study of Electronics and Computers requires a great level of ability,I done some courses here in Computers and Digital Electronics, in the State i reside in Technical License is required for jobs in the Electronics field,you have to pass written and practical exams to obtain a License.

You need to change your mentality,every job required some form of skill set,show some respect for what some one does for a living,being judgemental is not good.

OK you all bright who cares. You still have to work for a dollar.I am tired of little boys discussing their academic  prowness  and who got more than the other. Listen grow up and write something   intellectual  stick to the subject. OK.

kp posted:

OK you all bright who cares. You still have to work for a dollar.I am tired of little boys discussing their academic  prowness  and who got more than the other. Listen grow up and write something   intellectual  stick to the subject. OK.

Drugb should take note,all he does is attacking people,he does that to every poster who doesn't conform with his views.

That fella is nuisance,i am thinking to ignore his nonsense.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Neither was I, but I persevered. Nothing wrong with taking up a trade, however the intellectual level required for such professions leaves on vulnerable to drink pnc/afc koolaid.

Banna give it a rest,The study of Electronics and Computers requires a great level of ability,I done some courses here in Computers and Digital Electronics, in the State i reside Technical License is required for jobs in the Electronics field,you have to pass written and practical exams to obtain a License.

You need to change your mentality,every job or study required some form of skill set,show some respect for what some one chooses for a career or does for a living,being judgemental is not healthy traits.

Unfortunately the stench of your ignorance regarding a university education is nauseating. 4 years is spent not only to hone your skills in your area of study, but you are given a well rounded education in the various disciplines of life.  That is why you come out a different person from when you enter an accredited learning institution. Your ignorance is revealed in concentration on skill specific studies rather than a broader based curriculum.  Again leaving one impressionable to charlatans like Granger and Ramjattan. 

Django posted:
kp posted:

OK you all bright who cares. You still have to work for a dollar.I am tired of little boys discussing their academic  prowness  and who got more than the other. Listen grow up and write something   intellectual  stick to the subject. OK.

Drugb should take note,all he does is attacking people,he does that to every poster who doesn't conform with his views.

That fella is nuisance,i am thinking to ignore his nonsense.

We are undertaking a psycho analysis of why a son of the soil turn to slop can carrier and still continue to support the incompetent fellows in office. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Neither was I, but I persevered. Nothing wrong with taking up a trade, however the intellectual level required for such professions leaves on vulnerable to drink pnc/afc koolaid.

Banna give it a rest,The study of Electronics and Computers requires a great level of ability,I done some courses here in Computers and Digital Electronics, in the State i reside Technical License is required for jobs in the Electronics field,you have to pass written and practical exams to obtain a License.

You need to change your mentality,every job or study required some form of skill set,show some respect for what some one chooses for a career or does for a living,being judgemental is not healthy traits.

Unfortunately the stench of your ignorance regarding a university education is nauseating. 4 years is spent not only to hone your skills in your area of study, but you are given a well rounded education in the various disciplines of life.  That is why you come out a different person from when you enter an accredited learning institution. Your ignorance is revealed in concentration on skill specific studies rather than a broader based curriculum.  Again leaving one impressionable to charlatans like Granger and Ramjattan. 

I am sorry to say you wasted 4 years of your life. You lack humility.  There are many poster on GNI achieved a lot more than you. Empty vessel makes more noise. 

kp posted:

I am sorry to say you wasted 4 years of your life. You lack humility.  There are many poster on GNI achieved a lot more than you. Empty vessel makes more noise. 

Apparently you lack reading comprehension. Where did I mention myself or my accomplishments in any of these posts?  Stop being a jackass and learn to read properly before making stupid comments. 

Django posted:

Drugb,this will be my last response to you,I have five pickney,2 have BSc  3 will finish theirs soon.

From now on you are on ignore,have a great evening.

You have done well. Drug dealer is seeking attention as Trump would say he is a loser. When drugd criticizeS others it means he is jealous. 

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Dah wild cane was a good motivator.

Nah bai. Don't believe in whipping kids to learn. Sometimes I wonder if this whipping caused so many kids to be afraid to go to school. You don't whip a kid daily and expect the jid to learn because of fear of being unable to comprehend.

True dat. I always thought wild cane came about because of me...heheee

Drugb posted:

We are undertaking a psycho analysis of why a son of the soil turn to slop can carrier and still continue to support the incompetent fellows in office. 

See how you stay Goadie man..mankind try to help you because they know your goads could burst anytime and you does call dem names. People help fetch the slopcan for you so you doan bust dat goadie just so you can drink your daily dose of excrement juice.

This will also be my last to fkin loser, right after burning a few feathers

Last edited by cain

Cain and Behave is akin to Salvation and Army..dem words doan have good synergy.

Banna just because I am a helpful guy I have to climb into the cesspit to connect with some folk, that is the only way to connect with them for  that is where they dwell. Thanks for the concern though.

Last edited by cain

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