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Massive transfers of state lands, controlled by the National Industrial & Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), continue. And Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, charged that the APNU+ AFC Coalition’s Winston Jordan, who has been signing off on the transfers, will have much to answer for. “Many of these things are to families and friends,” he said, during his Thursday (November 21, 2019) news conference. He pointed out that almost on a weekly basis, Orders authorizing the transfer of state lands are signed off by Jordan.

For the week ending November 16, 2019, there were five more. The week before, there was one. In the last month or so there have been about three dozen transfers. Jagdeo said, “Jordan will have a lot to answer for.” NICIL-controlled land are not the only plots being given away. Plots controlled agencies like the Mahaica/ Mahaicony/Abary-Agricultural Development Authority (MMA/ADA) have also changed hands, with the latest transfer being to an APNU Parliamentarian, Jennifer Wade.

Additionally, in June 2019, the following land giveaways were exposed:

Marlon Bristol, Head of the Project Management Office within the Ministry of the Presidency received:
• 1 acre in Mocha, Region 4 – February 2019
• 12 acres in Linden (at Dallawalla, the proposed site for Deep Water Harbour), Region 10 – June 2019
• 80 acres in Bohemia, Region 6 (the proposed site for Deep Water Harbour) – February 2019 2.

Charles Ceres, whose wife, Ndibi Schwiers, is with the Department of Environment within the Ministry of the Presidency, received:
• 4.5 acres at Liliendaal, Region 4
• 112 acres in Bohemia, Region 6 – File number 621112/4 (Map Available) 3.

Great Wall Inc. – of which Saratu Phillips is a Director, received:
• 20 acres at Schoonard Foreshore, Region 3 (in the Demerara River – proposed site for shore-based facility) – File Number 332242/3
• 20 acres at Good Fortuin, Region 3 (in the Demerara River – proposed site for shore-based facility) – File number 3322421/3
• 50 acres at Best Foreshore, Region 3 – File Number 332231/38 4.

Aubrey Heath-Retemeyer, Deputy Head of SARA, which falls under the Ministry of the Presidency received:
• 10 acres on the Linden/ Soesdyke Highway, Region 4, in 2019 – File number 411412/522b
• 1 acre Mocha, Region 4, in 2019 5.

Eric Phillips, SARA Special Assistant, within the Ministry of the Presidency – received:
• 1000 acres in the Essequibo River – April 2019 – File Number 321132/1604
• 1000 acres in the Demerara River in 2019 – File Number 331231/7.

Another official who recently received land is Chief Elections Officer (CEO) at the Guyana Elections Commission, Keith Lowenfield. Lowenfield received: 216 acres at Millie’s Hideout, Region 10 – June 2019; and 2 acres at Mocha, Region 4.

The Parliamentary Opposition contends that key questions remain unanswered since the revelations were made. The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) in a statement said, “The issue is, has been, and remains that: Ordinary Guyanese continue to suffer the hardships imposed by the policies of the Coalition Government, including their inability to access house lots, since NOT ONE house lot has been developed in the past four plus years, while there is “wanton” and “obscene” land grabbing that benefits a select few; Persons in agencies that report to President Granger have been implicated, while President Granger remains silent – as he has on the plethora of corruption scandals that have plagued the last four-plus years of his Government’s term in office, several of which have been documented and pronounced on by the Public Procurement Commission (PPC); and that the land grab in taking place in strategic locations – locations for possible shorebased facilities, deep water harbours and other major infrastructural developments.”

The APNU+AFC Coalition has not addressed this issue in the last four months.



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Sean posted:

Dis Banna and Patterson will be arrested when PPP wins. 

Sean by the Lake, when yuh guh kech sense and kech wuh going on!

The PPP and PNC are like unfaithful spouses. Their spouses being the people of Guyana.  

They pretend to fight in public, but jump in bed together when no one looking!

They will not go after each other when power switches!


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