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Former Member
As expected Joseph Hamilton's revelation that the PNC supplied guns to House of Israel has ruffled a few feathers. It has now resulted in attacks against his person - being called a snitch - and now Basil Williams who represents the interests of the PNC at the Commission decides to attack his wife and children as well. The Commission however, will have none of it and Williams' line of questioning was overruled. What is of note though is the prominence being given to Williams' often outlandish remarks by the Stabroek and Kaieteur News which are aligned to the political opposition. Clearly this ploy which is a age old tactic of the PNC is aimed at scaring away other persons who may possess vital information that can be of use to the Commission from coming forward. It is being facilitated by the slant coverage of the Kaieteur News which is being run by Adam Harris who played no small part in running of the various PNC propaganda outfits.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP approved and supplied communications intercept equipment and returned high powered telescopic automatic rifles to a drug lord! What the hell are you yammering about in these 30 revelations of past malice?  You did it in t he past decade. Recently you shot dead thee protesters and left a dozen others wounded. The PNC in all of their 30 year rule never shot into a crowd of protesters in the daytime and orchestrate a massive cover up of the same! Yes what the PNC did was evil. But how in the world do you miserable cretins hope to earn political currency given you did worse!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Hamilton should continue to expose the P.N.C dark days, the P.N.C is desperately doing damage control by attempting to assassinate  Hamilton's character, same old P.N.C.

All he is doing is highlighting for us what a horrible man he was. If he can be forgiven and now embraced as an important ally to the PPP what makes the other side still culpable for the blame?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Look at how the PPP has pojayed Joseph Hamilton and welcome him into their fold. Did someone say something of Birds of a feather?


Conscience, why do you adore and worship Joesph Hamilton with such deep rapturous love?

Conscience won't answer you, bhaiya.

See how he sidestepped Stormborn's  points about PPP atrocities?

Conscience playing a game of walking sideline dam and throwing remarks at convenient intervals.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Look at how the PPP has pojayed Joseph Hamilton and welcome him into their fold. Did someone say something of Birds of a feather?


Conscience, why do you adore and worship Joesph Hamilton with such deep rapturous love?

Conscience won't answer you, bhaiya.

See how he sidestepped Stormborn's  points about PPP atrocities?

Conscience playing a game of walking sideline dam and throwing remarks at convenient intervals.

If Joe Hamilton knew this all these years, why did he wait until 2014 to expose the PNC?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Corbin and the PNC Cabal need to come clean, and also apologize to the nation.

Tell you what.  There are loads of Guyanese who don't know who Walter Rodney is, given that he was murdered 30 years ago.


They do know about the Sat Sawh assassination, and about Roger Khan and other drug lords who the PPP hangs out with.


I can understand your need to focus on events of 30 years ago.  What is relevant is, despite the fact that it is commonly agreed that the PNC killed Rodney, then the head of the WPA, today's WPA prefer to be in alliance with the PNC instead of the PPP.


Why is that?  You can avoid this issue as much as you wish, but this is what most Guyanese care about.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Hamilton should continue to expose the P.N.C dark days, the P.N.C is desperately doing damage control by attempting to assassinate  Hamilton's character, same old P.N.C.

All he is doing is highlighting for us what a horrible man he was. If he can be forgiven and now embraced as an important ally to the PPP what makes the other side still culpable for the blame?

And what a horrible party the PNC is under Burnham/Hoyte/Corbin/Green/Granja.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

First class a-hole your are Storm.


I agree with you, the PPP is a criminal party but your love for the PNC can let you see them commit no wrong.


Continue to live in your alice in wonderland world.


Your brain is nothing but a PEA.


You do not have the intelligence to recognise that I am sayin the PPP = PNC =  horrible for Guyana.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Stormie thanks for posting the truth ...Bacchus exposing the horrible PPP extrajudicial schemes...... No one can dispute the TRUTH...As you pointed out Jagdeo & Ramotar destroyed any decent image the PPP had in the past.
We also have to thank Eusi Kuyana for exposing the PNC for their Election Rigging & Political Killings...... No one can dispute the TRUTH...As Eusi pointed out Burnham, Hoyte, Reid, Hamilton Green & Rabbi Washington destroyed any decent image the PNC ever had.
Knowing this Stormie.....Would you Support, Promote or Join either the PPP or PNC????? Please Explain so we can understand your logic.
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

First class a-hole your are Storm.


I agree with you, the PPP is a criminal party but your love for the PNC can let you see them commit no wrong.


Continue to live in your alice in wonderland world.


Your brain is nothing but a PEA.


You do not have the intelligence to recognise that I am sayin the PPP = PNC =  horrible for Guyana.

Cool down Kishan.....Stormie unlike TK .....never admit to loving or joining the PNC....and even ifhe did maybe he has a reason which he can explain ........UNLIKE TK.....WHO STILL DREAMING OF SITTING AT THE HEAD TABLE.
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

First class a-hole your are Storm.


I agree with you, the PPP is a criminal party but your love for the PNC can let you see them commit no wrong.


Continue to live in your alice in wonderland world.


Your brain is nothing but a PEA.


You do not have the intelligence to recognise that I am sayin the PPP = PNC =  horrible for Guyana.

I know I am a Peabrain but that is still bigger than yours which is the size of a gnat. If I live in wonderland the option of the rabbit's hole is always there for me to come back to reality. You are stuck in some macabre in between place where hell would look good.


Suddenly I am a PNCite because I am opposed to your obscenely stupid assault on TK's presumed character when his words is before you. Demonstrate that brilliance you assume you have so we can see it  is not all that bull crap you have been littering the board with of late.


Note also, posting massive volumes of it will not make it more palatable or you a reasoned fellow just as it would not make me a PNCite or whatever you chose to assign to me. Now reflect on the scriptures since you consider youself a godly man. Even if you are not it still is a cogent reprimand.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

First class a-hole your are Storm.


I agree with you, the PPP is a criminal party but your love for the PNC can let you see them commit no wrong.


Continue to live in your alice in wonderland world.


Your brain is nothing but a PEA.


You do not have the intelligence to recognise that I am sayin the PPP = PNC =  horrible for Guyana.

Cool down Kishan.....Stormie unlike TK .....never admit to loving or joining the PNC....and even ifhe did maybe he has a reason which he can explain ........UNLIKE TK.....WHO STILL DREAMING OF SITTING AT THE HEAD TABLE.

The point is where TK chose to sit is his business. If you do not think he made the right choice you still are not the decision makers for his life. Instead of assuming the PNC is not good for us, demonstrate they are not. The retrospection to eons past is not evidence of their present disposition.


The PPP were avowed communists, now they claim to be capitalist. Why is it the PNC produce the visceral revulsion in you and not those crooks in office whose perfidy has exceeded the PNC in factors of tens? I do not see you going after anyone in their ranks as you do with TK and there are many on whom you can liberally practice your pissing to one your aim. Presently you are simply wetting your pants fumbling as you mindlessly fume.


I can point you in the direction of the penguin, Brazzington or that piggy-eyed cretinous bubble head in the ministry of finance so why the complete and utter preoccupation at hurling insults at TK? The truth be told the man produces more reasoned works with any one of his essays than all the crapolo posted here by you two in a year.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
I do not think Stormie would Deck out in a Green Shirt LIKE TK or One of those Thugs to meet Granger.

I would deck out in any kind of clown suit if it means severing the PPP from using the nations assets as their feeding trough. I however will never be a PNCite unless the party support complete abandonment of the constitution for a republican constituency based one ( plus other modification to the electoral system)  The same goes for any other Party. The first one committing to trashing the constitution would have me doing a jig in complete ( whatever color) monkey suit.


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