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Jagdeo meets with City vendors

May 20, 2016 2:03 pm Category: Business, latest news, Politics A+ /A-

Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, and other top leaders of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic, this morning met with disgruntled market vendors and other businesses in downtown Georgetown during a β€˜walk-about’. Jagdeo and his team listened to the various concerns of the vendors and other citizens and promised to work diligently on their behalf to address them.

INews will provide more details in a subsequent report. (Photos by Carl Croker)

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caribny posted:

Aside from photo ops, and a pathetic attempt to disguise the fact that he doesn't give two hoots for poor blacks (he doesn't like poor people of any race, and he despises most blacks), what has this achieved?

What really has Jagdeo done?

You ought to visit Golden Grove.  But then again, you rass scared shitless to visit Guyana whether under the PPP or the PNC!!

You are a pathetic excuse passing yourself as some Black Guyanese advocate while refusing to go for 30+ years.  You have no conviction on anything, you dance to any tune, you even cuss Burnham for not doing enough for Black although he bankrupt the entire nation propping his Afro supremacy agenda!

ba$eman posted:

You ought to visit Golden Grove. 

You are a pathetic excuse passing yourself as some Black Guyanese advocate while refusing to go for 30+ years. 

I have been back to Guyana way more recently than 30 years ago.  And what is so special about Golden Grove?

And do you have a spy equipment embedded in me, which makes you so sure that I am not involved in assisting Guyanese OF ALL RACES?

kp posted:

Caribj, with all the hard work you are putting on GNI, I am really disappointed that you are not one of the Coalition Advisors, they even have Lilmohan{Mitwah} as unpaid advisor and he really SUCKS.

The PPP offered me the job and I declined.  I don't work for politicians.

Sorry.  They only like stooges, and tokens, and I am not either.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

KP - are you sure Mitwah is unpaid????????????????????  But you made a good point.  How come Carib is not an advisor?  Don't tell me Mitwah upstage Carib for the spot.  

They only appoint Blackman.

The PPP only appointed Indians, with a few stooges to disguise this fact.

I really don't know why you are upset.  If the PPP excluded based on ethnicity, then why be shocked when APNU does the same.

kp posted:

Caribj, with all the hard work you are putting on GNI, I am really disappointed that you are not one of the Coalition Advisors, they even have Lilmohan{Mitwah} as unpaid advisor and he really SUCKS.

Maybe the PNC/AFC suffers ADHD syndrome and Mitwah's posts are the right length and intellectual depth.  Caribj loses and confuses them.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

?  Don't tell me Mitwah upstage Carib for the spot.  

I told them to hire you, as those guys are too serious, so need some one to laugh at, to lighten their mood.

You mistake a lost-look frown from seriousness!!

What ever.  They still need Bibi to get into her hormonal driven rages to entertain them.  Especially when she begins to show her lust for Jagdeo, even though she can never satiate his needs.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

?  Don't tell me Mitwah upstage Carib for the spot.  

I told them to hire you, as those guys are too serious, so need some one to laugh at, to lighten their mood.

But dem cyan't afford to pay me.  How will that work out??

I thought you were screaming about how corrupt they are.  They can find the $$.

Listen you will be doing your patriotic duty to help these men laugh. You know what they will do to you PPPites if their mood remains so dour.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

?  Don't tell me Mitwah upstage Carib for the spot.  

I told them to hire you, as those guys are too serious, so need some one to laugh at, to lighten their mood.

You mistake a lost-look frown from seriousness!!

What ever.  They still need Bibi to get into her hormonal driven rages to entertain them.  Especially when she begins to show her lust for Jagdeo, even though she can never satiate his needs.

Oww bhai guh light pun that gaal.

kp posted:

Caribj, with all the hard work you are putting on GNI, I am really disappointed that you are not one of the Coalition Advisors, they even have Lilmohan{Mitwah} as unpaid advisor and he really SUCKS.

I actually think Caribj would have made a good advisor.  I don't think he as racist as he comes across and could bring value to the Granger Govt!

ba$eman posted:
kp posted:

Caribj, with all the hard work you are putting on GNI, I am really disappointed that you are not one of the Coalition Advisors, they even have Lilmohan{Mitwah} as unpaid advisor and he really SUCKS.

I actually think Caribj would have made a good advisor.  I don't think he as racist as he comes across and could bring value to the Granger Govt!

I am not 70, nor am I a "soulja bai".  Many who worked much harder than I did to assist the coalition into power, are now being ignored. 

I expect little from politicians, and stay as far as I can from them. My focus is on working on programs which require minimal input from them.

I bet that all of those old time Burnhamites are in Guyana, hypocritically forgetting that most of them fled during his reign.  Folks need to learn that the enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend.  I can despise the PPP, and yet still despise the Burnhamite element within the PNC.

BTW still waiting for evidence from you that I am racist. I have already told you why I think that you are, although you become ashamed when I point this out.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
kp posted:

Caribj, with all the hard work you are putting on GNI, I am really disappointed that you are not one of the Coalition Advisors, they even have Lilmohan{Mitwah} as unpaid advisor and he really SUCKS.

I actually think Caribj would have made a good advisor.  I don't think he as racist as he comes across and could bring value to the Granger Govt!

I am not 70, nor am I a "soulja bai".  Many who worked much harder than I did to assist the coalition into power, are now being ignored. 

I expect little from politicians, and stay as far as I can from them. My focus is on working on programs which require minimal input from them.

I bet that all of those old time Burnhamites are in Guyana, hypocritically forgetting that most of them fled during his reign.  Folks need to learn that the enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend.  I can despise the PPP, and yet still despise the Burnhamite element within the PNC.

Fair enough, but what you have to do is seek common ground with both the "adversary" and the "friend".  And sometimes the delineation between the two is not always clear-cut!!

ba$eman posted:

Fair enough, but what you have to do is seek common ground with both the "adversary" and the "friend".  And sometimes the delineation between the two is not always clear-cut!!

And the onus is on BOTH sides to seek common ground. I don't beg people to like me.  If they don't then that is their loss.  If they outreach then I will respond. 

I respond to Gilbakka, and that group. Do you ever see us arguing?

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Fair enough, but what you have to do is seek common ground with both the "adversary" and the "friend".  And sometimes the delineation between the two is not always clear-cut!!

And the onus is on BOTH sides to seek common ground. I don't beg people to like me.  If they don't then that is their loss.  If they outreach then I will respond. 

I respond to Gilbakka, and that group. Do you ever see us arguing?

Gilbakka is your group.


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