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May 24, 2016  Source

The apparent massive Afro-Guyanese support for and participation in and the apparent Indo-Guyanese absence from activities associated with the golden jubilee celebrations have led some to claim that the event will be more of an African fest than a national celebration than those who gathered to hoist the Golden Arrowhead on 26 May 1966 would have expected. I have had to point out on one such occasion that like most Guyanese, most Afro-Guyanese know that comparatively not much progress has been made over the last 50 years, but they are celebrating not so much the anniversary but their release from what they perceive to have been nearly a quarter of a century of PPP dictatorial rule.

Indo-Guyanese also know that not much has been achieved since independence, but had the PPP/C still been in office today, Afro-Guyanese participation would have been muted and critical. However, our Indian compatriots would have been flocking to Guyana to celebrate our 50th independence anniversary, which would have been demarcated to expose the years of the Burnham dictatorship and the ‘vast developments’ that have taken place since ‘the return to democracy’ in spite of the continued machinations of the PNC.

future notes

Fifty years after independence, the fact that at this stage of preparation the above is a widespread perception, is an extremely sad reflection of the state of the nation. Therefore, I again present the following commonplace ideas as but one suggestion around which we can pressure our leaders to immediately design a viable solution.

Sad as it is, the above scenario is mitigated somewhat by the fact that the difficulty does not lie with us, be we Indians, African, Amerindians, Portuguese, etc. – we are not more foolish or wicked than anyone else nor are our religions and cultures more corrosive. The dynamics of our seminal dilemma is better captured in the following 1861 comment, on nationality and representative government, by John Stuart Mill.

‘Free institutions are next to impossible in a country made up of different nationalities.  Among a people without fellow feeling … the united public opinion necessary to the working of a representative government cannot exist.  The influences which form opinions and decide political acts are different in the different sections of the country.  An altogether different set of leaders have the confidence of one part of the country and of another. … One section does not know what opinions or what instigations are circulating in another.  The strength of none is sufficient to resist alone, and each may reasonably think that it consults its own advantage most by bidding for the favour of the government against the rest…’ ( /m/mill/ john_stuart/ m645r /chapter16.html).

I believe that both Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham and even Desmond Hoyte could be excused for not properly understanding the true political nature of the country they were ruling. A solution to the hopelessness suggested by Mill was only partly provided by Sir Arthur Lewis and developed by others in the late 1950s and 1960s. In those days it took considerable time for new social ideas to filter down and be properly inculcated.

The general thrust of their position was that for one to successfully manage divided societies such as ours there must be established some form of national executive power sharing governmental arrangement that brings all the major ethnic groups to the decision-making table.

One would have thought that after some five decades, most of our political leaders and those who seriously comment on our political condition would have grasped the essential difficulty, but such is not the case.

Only last Monday, regular commentator Emile Mervin presented a good account in the KN of the present state of the nation. And as a good commentator is expected to do after such an evaluation, s/he must attempt to answer that troublesome question: what is to be done? Alas, his answer is indicative of why this country might well comparatively remain essentially where it is when it looks back from its centenary celebrations!

‘Editor, there has been and will always be no shortage of opinions on Guyana’s political independence, but if the current and potential leaders really believe they can make a genuine difference in helping Guyana finally live up to its national motto, there has to be a three-pronged push to end ethnic voting, create jobs primarily for youths while stemming the related crime crisis, and eliminate systemic corruption in government.’

Since we are not going to end ethnic voting (the most important element of what is proposed), particularly in the conditions not too far from those outlined by Mill, the next best solution if there is to be timely development is to try to create arrangements to manage it sensibly. That is what Arthur Lewis sought to do and that is what we need to attempt.

On the face of it, the APNU+AFC came to office promising quick action to change the constitution and to establish a government of national unity, and the president has been speaking regularly about the need for national cohesion and national unity government. Indeed, his recent statement to the National Assembly is easily his most specific on the issue thus far.

He argued that the nation’s future depends on our rejecting winner-takes-all politics, which only lead to ethnic political rivalry and division. We need to proceed to build the requisite kind of national unity that has been evading us since independence (Wider political inclusivity needed. SN 13/05/2016).

But then he immediately proceeded to point us in a direction that suggests that he may not be serious and/or views national unity in too limited a fashion ‘The National Assembly,’ he claimed, ‘must take the first step on the long road to social cohesion, to political inclusion and to economic resilience.’

If the kind of national unity the president has in mind is that suggested by Sir Arthur Lewis, establishing it is not the work of parliament or the government but the work of the political elite, i.e. political parties, one of which President Granger leads.

As a matter of fact, in our context, you could establish a dozen ministries of social cohesion but national unity will not be built without the PPP/C at the political executive table. The result of the last national elections further clarifies this point: the coalition has no capacity and will not in the foreseeable future be able to develop an ability to go over the head of the PPP and win sufficient amount of their traditional supporters to be able to claim the existence of the level of national unity the country requires for its timely development.

The president as head of the APNU needs to state immediately in general but no uncertain terms whether or not his party is still in favour of sharing the executive with the present opposition as it was when in the opposition. If not, he will need to provide reasons. If yes, he should communicate this general position to the PPP and let them reject it and answer for their rejection. However, he will not be blamed when our centenary celebrations turns out to be an ethnic fest.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jubilee is wasteful spending of on the backs of the taxpayers, at a time when the economy is in peril. It's an excuse to distract attention on poor performance of the coalition after one year in office. The absent of Indos is due to Granger hatred for Indians and his aim to eliminate them to advance his power grip beyond 2020. What Blackman do is none of coolie business. We're staying out of the forced prostitution. 


It is nothing more than the celebration of Afro conquest of the Indian masses!  Indians know there is a concerted effort to ensure they become political insignificant as a block force in Guyana.  It's a plan which started 50 years ago and still ongoing!!


Does Granger really care about Guyana? Or, is it the pomp and ceremony that goes with his military career?

As the President, he should waste no time with the PPP. Granger can design and implement a progressive Guyana. He needs to free the mindset of the Indians. The PPP will not likely agree with Granger, suh Granger needs show the Indians they can be an integral part of Guyana.

Jagdeo is not that powerful to captivate all of the East Indians

Cobra posted:

Jubilee is wasteful spending of on the backs of the taxpayers, at a time when the economy is in peril. It's an excuse to distract attention on poor performance of the coalition after one year in office. The absent of Indos is due to Granger hatred for Indians and his aim to eliminate them to advance his power grip beyond 2020. What Blackman do is none of coolie business. We're staying out of the forced prostitution. 

Y'all community leader representing Indians from Richmond Hill sold y'all out. I see the man stepping off a plane at CBJ Intl. The man looking for a lil Coalition soup.

Mars posted:
Cobra posted:

Jubilee is wasteful spending of on the backs of the taxpayers, at a time when the economy is in peril. It's an excuse to distract attention on poor performance of the coalition after one year in office. The absent of Indos is due to Granger hatred for Indians and his aim to eliminate them to advance his power grip beyond 2020. What Blackman do is none of coolie business. We're staying out of the forced prostitution. 

Y'all community leader representing Indians from Richmond Hill sold y'all out. I see the man stepping off a plane at CBJ Intl. The man looking for a lil Coalition soup.

Anyone is free to go to Guyana anytime. That has no bearing on standing in solidarity with the poor and working class people.

Cobra posted:
Mars posted:
Cobra posted:

Jubilee is wasteful spending of on the backs of the taxpayers, at a time when the economy is in peril. It's an excuse to distract attention on poor performance of the coalition after one year in office. The absent of Indos is due to Granger hatred for Indians and his aim to eliminate them to advance his power grip beyond 2020. What Blackman do is none of coolie business. We're staying out of the forced prostitution. 

Y'all community leader representing Indians from Richmond Hill sold y'all out. I see the man stepping off a plane at CBJ Intl. The man looking for a lil Coalition soup.

Anyone is free to go to Guyana anytime. That has no bearing on standing in solidarity with the poor and working class people.

The man sell y'all out for a lil soup and nobody ain't even paying him any attention. All this call for boycott and y'all leader touch down with his new soup bowl extended.

Mars posted:
Cobra posted:

Jubilee is wasteful spending of on the backs of the taxpayers, at a time when the economy is in peril. It's an excuse to distract attention on poor performance of the coalition after one year in office. The absent of Indos is due to Granger hatred for Indians and his aim to eliminate them to advance his power grip beyond 2020. What Blackman do is none of coolie business. We're staying out of the forced prostitution. 

Y'all community leader representing Indians from Richmond Hill sold y'all out. I see the man stepping off a plane at CBJ Intl. The man looking for a lil Coalition soup.

How about the Indians in Guyana?  They are who really matter!

Prashad posted:

Indians should stay at home and learn about their South Asian culture.

Prostitution is on the rise amongst the young Indian Larkies. I doubt  they will stay at home and not capitalize on the occasion.

Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

Indians should stay at home and learn about their South Asian culture.

Prostitution is on the rise amongst the young Indian Larkies. I doubt  they will stay at home and not capitalize on the occasion.

no need for this

Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

Indians should stay at home and learn about their South Asian culture.

Prostitution is on the rise amongst the young Indian Larkies. I doubt  they will stay at home and not capitalize on the occasion.

There is no celebration for Indians if that is the case. The young women have resigned themselves to future-less Guyana. And during the first 28 years of PNC rule, that pretty well was the faith of some Indian women-prostitution.

Now, you being an Indian, do u not feel a sense of remorse for the women of your race?

If someone sleep with dogs, they will catch fleas. Your association of anti-PPP sentiments are making u into a different person.

Examine yourself and ur associations, they are influencing ur mind. 

Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

Indians should stay at home and learn about their South Asian culture.

Prostitution is on the rise amongst the young Indian Larkies. I doubt  they will stay at home and not capitalize on the occasion.

Now, does that not make for a proud katahar post. I guess as long as they are not your relatives.

seignet posted:
Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

Indians should stay at home and learn about their South Asian culture.

Prostitution is on the rise amongst the young Indian Larkies. I doubt  they will stay at home and not capitalize on the occasion.

There is no celebration for Indians if that is the case. The young women have resigned themselves to future-less Guyana. And during the first 28 years of PNC rule, that pretty well was the faith of some Indian women-prostitution.

Now, you being an Indian, do u not feel a sense of remorse for the women of your race?

If someone sleep with dogs, they will catch fleas. Your association of anti-PPP sentiments are making u into a different person.

Examine yourself and ur associations, they are influencing ur mind. 

These types dont feel remorse, they are shameless, it's about what's in it for them and they take pride in their relative new found "supremacy" over their own.  This is an elitist karma mentality engrained in many Indians.

ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
Cobra posted:

Jubilee is wasteful spending of on the backs of the taxpayers, at a time when the economy is in peril. It's an excuse to distract attention on poor performance of the coalition after one year in office. The absent of Indos is due to Granger hatred for Indians and his aim to eliminate them to advance his power grip beyond 2020. What Blackman do is none of coolie business. We're staying out of the forced prostitution. 

Y'all community leader representing Indians from Richmond Hill sold y'all out. I see the man stepping off a plane at CBJ Intl. The man looking for a lil Coalition soup.

How about the Indians in Guyana?  They are who really matter!


Cobra posted:

Jubilee is wasteful spending of on the backs of the taxpayers,

If course if the PPP was in power and there were ample chutney concerts and duck curry competitions, you would be loudly screaming at any one who said that it was a waste.

The PPP was known to have huge concerts using taxpayer dollars.  In fact one was even to celebrate Jagdeo's birthday!

So cease with your foolishness, and accept the fact that PPP racism is responsible for their electoral loss.  Indians are no longer the majority, so if the PPP continues to campaign as "the coolie people party, consolidating the East Indian vote", then they will LOSE.

ba$eman posted:

It is nothing more than the celebration of Afro conquest of the Indian masses!  Indians know there is a concerted effort to ensure they become political insignificant as a block force in Guyana.  It's a plan which started 50 years ago and still ongoing!!

The PPP started a plan to send blacks into servitude.  It started BEFORE independence.  In 1957 with the apaan jhat screams!  In 1961 PPP motorcades drove down the East Coast threatening to do exactly that.

Prashad posted:

Indians should stay at home and learn about their South Asian culture.

Again this ranting from the man who is the only Indian in his household. 

Your hypocrisy is just astounding!

Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

Indians should stay at home and learn about their South Asian culture.

Prostitution is on the rise amongst the young Indian Larkies. I doubt  they will stay at home and not capitalize on the occasion.

I guess you have lots of families back home, including Rumjaat.


This thread goes racist once Caribj post on it.

Suh, please Moderator, will yuh shut it down.

This fella and his Indo compatriots thinks we Indians doan have pride. If wasn't for Jagans and Jagdeo they(Indoes) would have been way ahead in commerce and wealth. 

It is a natural for them. And this has nothing to do with claiming superiority over Negroes or business smarts.

As people of old use to say,"tieing yuh belly and eating salt and rice, mar and rice will get yuh the dollars." 



caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

It is nothing more than the celebration of Afro conquest of the Indian masses!  Indians know there is a concerted effort to ensure they become political insignificant as a block force in Guyana.  It's a plan which started 50 years ago and still ongoing!!

The PPP started a plan to send blacks into servitude.  It started BEFORE independence.  In 1957 with the apaan jhat screams!  In 1961 PPP motorcades drove down the East Coast threatening to do exactly that.

yuh are delusional. 

Bai, yuh in some misery. i hope some guardian angel rescue you soon. 

Yuh keep up your racism, before long, we will all see your face.


As Nehru seys. pitcah like a pitcah. Show us what the man of cooolie hate looks like. 

If your thwart version of cooolie history is true, then show your face.

seignet posted:

This thread goes racist once Caribj post on it.

Suh, please Moderator, will yuh shut it down.

This fella and his Indo compatriots thinks we Indians doan have pride. If wasn't for Jagans and Jagdeo they(Indoes) would have been way ahead in commerce and wealth. 

It is a natural for them. And this has nothing to do with claiming superiority over Negroes or business smarts.

As people of old use to say,"tieing yuh belly and eating salt and rice, mar and rice will get yuh the dollars." 



The man who was screaming that blacks should remain in poverty, and even consulting his God about putting a curse, is talking about racism.

Funny guy.

Racism is not when some one condemns the racism that people like you peddle.  I make no inferences about one race being better than another, or one race contributing more to the success of Guyana than another.

In fact, given that Guyana remained at the bottom of the CARICOM pile after 23 years of PPP rule, I can only ponder on the notion that Indos have this superior abilities.  Majority black Barbados and Antigua have done a much better job.

And look how he is blaming black people when even he concedes that Jagan is to blame.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

It is nothing more than the celebration of Afro conquest of the Indian masses!  Indians know there is a concerted effort to ensure they become political insignificant as a block force in Guyana.  It's a plan which started 50 years ago and still ongoing!!

The PPP started a plan to send blacks into servitude.  It started BEFORE independence.  In 1957 with the apaan jhat screams!  In 1961 PPP motorcades drove down the East Coast threatening to do exactly that.

yuh are delusional. 

Bai, yuh in some misery. i hope some guardian angel rescue you soon. 

Yuh keep up your racism, before long, we will all see your face.



If your thwart version of cooolie history is true, then show your face.

In 1961 bands of PYO savages in motorcades drove through black villages, screaming obscenities at the people there. Among the threats was to reintroduce slavery. 

They harassed a black woman, who loved Cheddi, and had come up to celebrate his victory.  After being indoctrinated with apaan jhat they assumed that every PPP supporter was Indian.

After that episode they certainly convinced those blacks, who still remembered the Cheddi of 1953, that there was no longer a place for them in the PPP.

It was so bad that even Jagan had to apologize, as he was still trying to deny the obvious, and that is by 1961 the PPP had become an Indo supremacist party.

Deny this as you will, but this is a FACT.

So cease with your implications that the only racists in Guyana are black.

seignet posted:

Mr. Moderator, yuh buddy going on his favorite rhetoric. Shut the thread down.

Does he shut down threads when you and your group are screaming about blacks? 

Your cohort Ian, even calling us jungle animals, and the other prashad screaming that a "nation" of Indian purity be established.  Yet others who blame all crime on blacks, despite the increasing involvement of others. 

The racism on GNI comes 100% from the brown KKK.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Indians should stay at home and learn about their South Asian culture.

Again this ranting from the man who is the only Indian in his household. 

Your hypocrisy is just astounding!

I would like the East Indian and dougla children to learn about their South Asian heritage at home that day.

Prashad posted:

I would like the East Indian and dougla children to learn about their South Asian heritage at home that day.

Of course a racist like you wishes to deprive douglas of learning and identifying with their non Indian ancestries and cultures.

You do know that this is racist, as it implies that these other heritages are worthless.

I know you will get hysterical if you met a dougla who refused to acknowledge his part Indian heritage, which many do, as they have been rejected by their Indian relatives.

seignet posted:

There is only one way to address you. YOU ARE ****ING LYING."

Caribj has long held the position, tell a lie long and loud enough, it may very well become the truth!

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

There is only one way to address you. YOU ARE ****ING LYING."

Sun Chapman you blame on blacks.  Now that is a lie.

Nothing to do with Indians, and you know it.  That was a CIA plot to add fuel to the fire in Guyana!

ba$eman posted:
seignet posted:

There is only one way to address you. YOU ARE ****ING LYING."

Caribj has long held the position, tell a lie long and loud enough, it may very well become the truth!

Hmm the brown KKK and their screams that any one who says that Indians and Africans have been both racist, and have also suffered racism, is a racist.

Better to say that 100% of the racist in Guyana are black, and only Indians  have suffered.  That is what they prefer.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:

There is only one way to address you. YOU ARE ****ING LYING."

Sun Chapman you blame on blacks.  Now that is a lie.

Nothing to do with Indians, and you know it.  That was a CIA plot to add fuel to the fire in Guyana!

OK Wismar was also a CIA plot.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:

There is only one way to address you. YOU ARE ****ING LYING."

Sun Chapman you blame on blacks.  Now that is a lie.

Nothing to do with Indians, and you know it.  That was a CIA plot to add fuel to the fire in Guyana!

OK Wismar was also a CIA plot.

Nah, Wismar was exactly what the CIA wanted by the Sun Chapman bombing.  This was the PNC reaction the CIA had hoped for!

ba$eman posted:

Nah, Wismar was exactly what the CIA wanted by the Sun Chapman bombing.  This was the PNC reaction the CIA had hoped for!

How about this.   Cheddi told his PYO goons to bomb the Sun Chapman, knowing exactly how blacks in McKenzie would react. 

He did this to create an environment of violence, as he knew full that collectively the PNC and the UF would get more votes than the PPP, so he wanted an atmosphere of violence to force the cancelation of the election.

Once elections were announced, the CIA had already achieved its goal, as it knew that the PPP would be dumped by a post election PNC UF coalition.

That is more like it.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Nah, Wismar was exactly what the CIA wanted by the Sun Chapman bombing.  This was the PNC reaction the CIA had hoped for!

How about this.   Cheddi told his PYO goons to bomb the Sun Chapman, knowing exactly how blacks in McKenzie would react.

That is more like it.

The colonial investigation did not bear that out.  Why will they do that knowing very well the Indians in McKenzie will be in the line of fire without any means to defend themselves!!

Clearly something was done but it fits the mold of a plan to incite a reaction.  And it worked.  This is CIA text book style even today!

ba$eman posted:

The colonial investigation did not bear that out.  Why will they do that knowing very well the Indians in McKenzie will be in the line of fire without any means to defend themselves!!

Clearly something was done but it fits the mold of a plan to incite a reaction.  And it worked.  This is CIA text book style even today!

The investigation couldn't "find" evidence.

Had the investigation blamed the PPP that would have led to further revenge attacks by the YSM, who were every bit as thuggish as the PYO.

Use your brain.

Also the notion that the PPP didn't engage in violence is laughable. There were attacks and revenge attacks and BOTH sides were guilty of this.  Evenh your own Odeen Ishmael admits this, so cease with your nonsense. 

Both Cheddi and Burnham had their hooligans well brainwashed.  In fact there was an ageing PYO man, who used to ocassionally post on GNI, who was very descriptive in what he used to do.

Jump up and down like a chimp and scream that I am a racist because I implicate both the PYO and the YSM. YOU will look like a fool.


First, there was a black fella in Wismar who displayed an newspaper article of a couple killed in Buxton. He incited the Black mob, that Indians did the killings. That day, 3000 Indians had to flee Wismar.

After things quiet down, 300 Indians returned to Wismar to live after a few weeks.

The Sun Chapman was blown up. 

The new reaching Wismar." Indians blew up the Sun Chapman." Seems like the most logical explanation for the incident.

That day, Blacks lined up on both sides of the road. The Demerara River to their backs. They beaten, raped and molested every Indian in their community. It wasn't difficult to find the 300 that had returned putting aside the hatred they previously endured on May 26.

One of these days, perhaps, I will write a dramatic detail of the incident. Full depiction of the rapes. The pleading for mercy. The screams. The fires. The good Samaritans who permitted rapes on the women they offered shelter to.

On June 12, 2016. There will be a huge contingent of APNU+AFC politicians being feted on US$1000.00 plate dinner. Atleast, suh the invitation seys.

I propose on that day, maybe closeby, another event should be staged.

Let Caribj and I sit on a stage, he telling his stories of racism and I will tell mine. I want the visiting politicians to sit in the audience and listen. 

The hope. That between him and I, they will get to hear the dialogue that they wish to ignore.

We could tell the stories of the ordeals of both races.

We are going to bed tonight. Digest the thought. For tomorrow, is the dawn, of the day, 50 years ago, we inherited a troubled nation.

At midnight on May 26, 2016, we could give our country a new start.

In my 49 years of living in North America, I had been to New York once. Never cared for the place during my first visit.

If that is where you are.


Let me hear from you. GNIers can sub pay for the venue. They should attend, also. 




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